When are DC penalties are going to be re-enabled?


Its so boring, survivors DC all the time, do the dc/hatch tactic and you just lose points all the time.

The game is at the worst it's ever been for killers since also almost every killer is individually bugged in some kind of way.

The game actually is really unfun to play and I just want DC penalties back so I can enjoy the game more and not be worried about people disconnecting every game.


  • ZCerebrate
    ZCerebrate Member Posts: 641

    It was disabled since hackers were abusing it to lock people out of the game for up to 72 hours - especially big streamers and BHVR wasn't sure how to track and counteract it (At least that's the running narrative).

    It wouldn't make it any more fun to enjoy the game but it would be nice to see Disconnect husks for survivors (It's been suggested repeatedly before and devs said they would "look into it" back in 2018) just to reduce the frustrations that DCing's intended effects cause too like allowing instant hatches and denying BBQ and Chili.

    If a survivor DCs a greyed out soulless version of their avatar with crows flying around them remains than can still be hooked (for things like BBQ), mori'd, etc (The disconnect icon still shows up at bottom left for everyone). For survivor side - playing at least 3+ minute with a disconnected husk on their team automatically results in a black pip for the survivors. Survivors can also rescue this husk for bloodpoints/altrusim if they wish. Also for survivors if the killer disconnects at any point - they should have depip protection and automatically get rewarded 5000 bloodpoints for escaping (Survival Offering actually gives you even less bp if you are at a level where killers rage quit on you a lot if you're winning). No timeouts necessary, would alleviate alot of the "cuck him of his achievement/challenges" mentalities and whatever else there.

  • Eleghost
    Eleghost Member Posts: 1,058

    Not sure really. I know they're disabled because streamers getting hacked penalty timers or something but i don't know why they don't set the max dc penalty at an hour or 30 minutes even. I feel that's an ample amount of time to make someone stop doing it or at minimum restrict their ability to do it every game whilst preventing the issue with certain people getting hacked and having 72 hour penalties.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    I'm barely getting any disconnects I don't get why everyone on the forum is having so many lol.

  • Eleghost
    Eleghost Member Posts: 1,058

    You are getting them though is the things. When the penalties were enabled i would get a dc maybe once every 10 matches, now i get them probably 30-40% of the time.

  • ZCerebrate
    ZCerebrate Member Posts: 641

    Think it depends on the Rank - a buddy of mine at Rank 8 says anyone he goes against be it R3 reds or R9 Greens just disconnect on first down if he downs them too fast with 2 hatchets on Huntress. Or anything similar - no OP addons, no mori, no crazy perks but if they are "first chased" and downed within 30s he's been repeatedly having the DC issue.

    I usually only get DCs on 2nd hook if I return as they stand up with unbreakable and down them again and pick them up as DS expires... seems to tick survivors off if you play around their perks.

  • tekkersqt
    tekkersqt Member Posts: 25

    Yeah I know that DC penalties were disabled due to people switching their DC penalties to other people by hacking.

    But my main question is, can BHVR give us information on WHEN or IF DC penalties are going to be re-enabled.

    I play on rank 1 and you guys know how sweaty it is playing vs high caliber. But people just also DC on their first down. Thats just so sad when you have like double BPS and BBQ it makes you lose already a minimum of 16k BP.