Pitiful compensation for PH

Don't get me wrong, his current playstyle is pretty lame. The first change, "Increasing the delay after cancelling Rites of Judgement before Pyramid can attack", was necessary. The lack of delay after cancelling was what made him viable, but also what made him BS.
The issue is that the only fixes he will receive from the killer's perspective is less punishment on misses. That tells me that they only looked at the survivor issues (their hotfix nerf to cages, the upcoming cancel delay) and maybe a way to kinda-sorta-but-not-really smooth it over with PH players (less punishment on misses).
There were plenty of complaints about PH from the killer's side that has been ignored. The reason PHs generally aren't launching raw ranged attacks outside of locked animations isn't only because of the punishment for misses; 1) it's very easily dodgeable on reaction by attentive survivors and 2) most importantly it feels like complete garbage to control. Extremely clunky. #2 is a QOL issue that should have been addressed a long time ago. As in, it shouldn't have even made it out of PTB in this state.
But there are also much deeper core issues with his design. He's advertised as a "a map-manipulation Killer, able to torment Survivors with the hazards he creates", yet being Tormented isn't all that threatening; Cages are extremely situational and the "mini-mori" only happens when the survivor would be dead anyways. This is why you don't see PHs using his trail on cooldown to "shape" the map. A "map-manipulation Killer" sounds like a cool as heck concept, yet in practice he's just boiled down to a poor-man's Deathslinger with cages that may or may not harm PH himself when used.
Also, probably an unpopular opinion, but Cages arbitrarily negating hook perks is frustrating for both survivors AND PH players. It usually only positively effects bad PHs who just want to tunnel, but also it limits the builds for PH. I bet if the hook perk negation were removed we could see some cool galaxy-brained Devour Hope or Make Your Choice types of builds.
It's disappointing that BHVR took all this time to evaluate Pyramid Head and these are the only 2 (seemingly low-effort) changes that they could come up with.
PS: Change the UI effect when tormented. It looks like an awful oversized jpeg and doesn't really suit the Silent Hill theme anyways.
I agree that perks should work with cages for both sides, it just feels like garbage when you are pigeonholed into perks as PH, or as Survivor, having your perks effectively deleted, being able to be tunneled with impunity.
As to those who complain about the nerf (not OP) here's a clip from literally today that shows how PH can feel oppressive and unfair- you either vault and get hit, or don't and get hit.
edit; i was talking while typing and goofed what i typed
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PH was starting to be my 2nd main after Oni, I really love his power of being too oppressive, he doesn't have mobility and torment is kinda situational. Now they want to make him a hit or miss killer?
I mean, his movement when stabing the ground and getting out is slower than survivors running and now it seems it will last longer wich means survivors can easily bait going for a pallet and when seeing PH stabbing the ground they just need to go in circles to avoid getting hit before reaching the pallet, so when PH starts to get out of ground survivors will only need to go to the pallet and drop it. I'm really wondering how you need to play PH now, in this case, you need to bodyblock the pallet or what?
And with these reduced cooldown (probably only failed hits) is kinda lucky because as a survivor running of a corner you will hear the sound clue of PH and try to not be predictable
Trails of torment sounds fun to non stealth killers
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He just needs the attack to be less easily dodgeable as well and then the change is fine.
They addressed the excessive over punishment for attempting the attack but that was only part of the reason people were only using it in locked animation. The other part being how overly easy it is to dodge still needs to be addressed.
They could make the attack faster, they could give him more control of it like a flick, or even keep it just as hard to land but make it more rewarding, like now landing the attack also applies Torment to the survivor.
I personally don't want hook perks to affect the cages. That is part of his unique features and there's no reason this needs to be changed.
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totally agree. Its hard to land his PotD as it is and when you finally gonna do it survivors are just gonna press E to outplay. He need another buff or hes gonna super painful to play against good teams
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He should have better movement when using his power. Right now that is very annoying, and you can't really mindgame with it since your camera turns so slow, and the onset of projectile is slow, and the travelling of projectile is slow.
He needs these to be fixed for his range attack to be viable outside animation lock
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This is exactly it what all the PH haters are failing to see. You can clearly tell this was done to appease survivors as only their complaints were listened to.
A decreased cooldown does very little for PH and now he's going to be much weaker for this and probably not very fun to play. They should have increased the speed and turning if they're going to compare him to huntress. They clearly couldn't care less though.
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There's a stupid easy buff for PH after these changes. A hit by punishment of the damned inflicts tormented upon the survivor. Do that, and he will be fine, of course they wont, and you'll never see anyone play him, but who cares, they've already got your money.