This backwards logic lol....
I'm not arguing. The game has one of the most sharply defined metas of any games I've played. The only way to change that is through both buffs and nerfs. We can't just keep buffing underperforming perks - that's how you get power creep. If killers are slotting 1 perk above all else, they're doing it for a reason... and a combination of buffing underperforming perks and gentle nerfing of the big perks is the way to address that.
IMHO though, it's long since past time they looked at DS, UB (at least in combo with DS), BT and DH... they're just too good. DS in particular needs to be nerfed - it offers the killer no counterplay other than to slug. Same with UB (if combined with DS). DH & BT, honestly, are great perks and good for the game... since Killer has counterplay. You can bait out DHs, you can go for the unhooker for BT... I would just like to see more perks being run - DH & BT get "fixed" by buffing other perks IMHO.
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This is a misunderstanding I never said that guy was blaming survivors all I said was what better eprksndo we have to run.
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Ok I see now. The meta is boring but the devs need to make changes to tunneling and camping and then nerf these perks.
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Exactly. IMHO: if you want to run a perk that makes my life hell second hooking you quickly after first hooking, I'm cool with that. What I hate is the fact between BT and DS, you can literally *body block* me from going after your unhooker. Sorry, this is not the spirit of an Anti-Tunnel perk. I'm doing what you want when you run Anti-Tunnel perks: I'm respecting and going after someone else, but if you start trying to body block me, this isn't fun. Your perks are overperforming and going well beyond their mandate.
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I dont think that's over preforming I think its just optimal play. Preventing the killer from injuring a healthy survivor means less time to heal and more time on gens.
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Its both, over-performing and optimal use of said over-performing perks
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I guess you could say buts over preforming. Let's say if they are 1 for 1ing the recently unhooked cant get unhooked fast enough to even take a hit unless they have a speed perk.
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IMHO: an Anti-Tunneling perk should punish me for prioritizing you. It should not encourage you to force me to go for you AND suffer for it. When your body blocking me, I'm not tunneling you - you're literally giving the killer *no choice* but to get punished - it's a lose/lose. If the perk encourages that, It's doing too much.