Alien Concept Chapter

SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416
edited September 2020 in Creations

Been thinking of this one for a while.


I've wanted some more monsters on the roster for a while, and this fits perfectly.

Licensing Concerns

Nothing for this one, just like any other license.

Onto The Concept

Map: The Nostromo

An Interior map with one layer. Breakable walls are abundant. Very unique setting for a map compared to everything else. Some have said that it'd be a little off putting to be chased through a space ship but if I can get hunted by feudal samurai through an old west bar I think we'll be fine.

Survivor: Ellen Ripley

Perks: All based around the idea of an altruistic person who excells unwillingly while alone.

Paternal Instinct: You feel the need to protect those who are in danger. Upon unhooking a survivor they will be given haste of 5/7/10% for 20 seconds. "Get away from her you #########!"- Ellen Ripley

All Alone: You gain advantages as you become more self reliant. All survivors gain a buff of 25/50/75% to healing and sabotage speed for every dead survivor. And you gain a buff of 10/20/30% to repairing for every dead survivor. "Did IQs just drop sharply while I was away?"-Ellen Ripley

Resourceful: You take advantage of small resources. Gain the ability to blow up a generator that has progressed past 30%. Blowing it up will stun and blind the killer for 3 seconds. Blowing up the generator will lose 30/25/20% and force it to regress. "These people are dead, Burk! Don't you have any idea what you've done here?" Ellen Ripley

Legendary skins: Corporal Hicks for David. Bishop for Dwight.

Killer: The Alien

Height: Tall

TR: 24 M

Move Speed: 115%

Ability: Hunting Tactis

Moves at 90% move speed. The alien crouches on all 4s and stalks around whilst undetectable. Attacking will have them pounce, this instadowns them with the mouth inside of the mouth. Has an awful lunge so its a risk reward thing. This mode will also change the aliens eyesight from the standard to echolocation, where they can see survivors through any material but only if they make noise or get too close. A good example is SCP 939 from SCP SL (I don't want to shoehorn SCP unnecessarily but this is actually a pretty good example)

Ability 2: Facehuggers

Upon activating the ability an egg will be placed with a short radius where survivors who make noise get caught and Face hugged. They have a timer of 2:00 seconds before the chestburster kills them. The Xenomorph gets 4. Similar to Pigs RBTs these can be taken off by finding a station and performing a skill check minigame. Not as good since gens don't matter here and survivors have to activate them.

Ability 3: Adaptation

Very simple. Upon each generator being done the Xeno will gain a stack of one of 3 things. Vault speed, Stun time, Gen regression. nothing to massive, just useful. You get one depending on what the game determines your biggest problem is.

Tried not to make it too similar to pig, harder than you'd think.

Addons: Won't be showing all, just the Iris.

Iridescent Bear: A small Teddy bear owned by Newt. Hunting Tactics now reveals all auras within 16 meters.

Genetics Tablet: A tablet describing the Alien life cycle. Facehuggers are now replaced with Planet 4 Face Huggers. Range of impregnation is considerably increased.


Furtive Pressure: Your presence is invisible yet present. Once a survivor is unhooked outside of 32 meters of you, you will be undetectable for 10/20/30 seconds, and everything that affects you Terror Radius will still apply. "I can't lie to you about your chances, but... you have my sympathies"-Ash

One Of Many: You used to be part of a pack, you still manage to keep they're presence. Once a generator is completed 2 fake Terror Radius equal to your own will spawn and move slowly for 10/20/30 seconds. "Seventeen days? Hey man I hate to rain on your parade, but we're not gonna last seventeen hours!"- Private Hudson

Hex: Never Stood A Chance: For every Survivor on death hook gain a token. Once all generators are completed the tokens will be consumed and an equivalent amount of hex totems will spawn. Survivors who have been hooked at least once will be prevented from leaving until these totems are destroyed. Sacrificing a survivor will lose a token. "Its game over man, game over! What the ######### are we gonna do now?-Private Hudson


Alien is probably the most underrated licence there is imo. Theres so much stuff they could do with it I'll be pretty disappointed if they don't eventually make it in.

Other stuff I've made: I've made a few other concept chapters if you're interested.

Slender Concept Paragraph

SCP Concept Chapter

Implausible Pain: New Chapter Concept

Friday The 13th Concept Chapter

What do you guys think of this concept?

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    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416
    edited September 2020

    By the way I plan on doing another SCP concept next for my 2000th post if anyone cares.

    Post edited by SCP_FOR_DBD on
  • GoodLookinCookin
    GoodLookinCookin Member Posts: 341

    I would love alien in dbd, if they fixed the game first though. I wouldnt want to see an alien getting pallet looped rofl stomped.