Did Blight get changed?

I am sliding off things that were fine before the last update and having trouble getting past other obstacles (mostly in jungle gyms) that have suddenly become extremely grabby.
The camera is also going crazy when you hit some items and when turning into a wall to get a bounce. this did not happen previously.
Please revert your changes to the original settings.
Is it just me or is anyone else noticing something off with blight?
Haven't noticed any difference out side the new ability to Lethal Rush to break pallets... a slight negative when I somehow get vacuumed into it when swinging at a survivor who hasn't started the vault animation yet (though it doesn't happen every time).
Sliding mechanics have always been annoyingly finicky at times, same with some invisible collisions that don't match the visuals during Rush - probably just ran into some bad setups rather than anything being changed since I played about 10~12 blight matches since the latest patch and haven't had any more issues than before
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Experienced pretty much the same things like you did.
He feels kinda wonky right now
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Yeah somethings definitely happened to him. I haven't noticed getting stuck in jungle gyms but I'm sliding off things I should've hit a good 2-3 times a game now. First week he was out it never happened once.
I doubt it's intentional but I'm pretty sure it wont get fixed if even acknowledged.
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Hmm. i played him a bit on release and didn't have these issues.
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Whelp I'm in the 1/4 minority at the moment but I'm no Blight main with hundreds of games yet either so wouldn't mind some more people weighing in on it being an actual bug/change introduced in the hotfix or just more perceptions of getting cucked by the same old release Blight collisions and remembering the bad moments more clearly