People are sleeping on Hex: Blood Favor
I finally got around to some extensive testing of this perk and yikes, I am surprised to never see it while playing survivor. I know everyone has been focused on ruin + undying since it is the new meta, but I don't see anyone talking about Blood Favor at all.
Would I use this general use? No. But I think it is incredibly oppressive on some killers and builds. The standouts of the killers / builds I tried so far were:
Stealth killer with an indoor map offering and save the best for last. This combo is brutal! You sneak up, get the first hit for free, and then everything nearby is blocked and you get them with the faster attacks. It's practically a free hook whenever it's off cooldown. I think the only counter is sprint burst while it's up, but we will have the new mindbreaker for that soon.
Hag with save the best for last. Another super brutal killer with blood favor. It plays out the same as the stealth killers but you ambush them from a trap instead.
Has anyone else had success with this perk?
I mean the main thing this perk does is negate pallet saves and buffs survivors by not having them waste pallets after they get hit
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Its only good with STBFL. Otherwise, the underwhelming effect with a cooldown on top just makes it not worth running.
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And even then, when you make a build that needs 8 stacks of STBFL to feel decent, it's still a hex for god only knows what reason so you don't get to use the combination anyway.
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- It has a cooldown
- It's a hex
- Survivors can completely avoid its effect by just holding W with their post-hit speed boost to get to a non-blocked pallet
- It doesn't even last very long
No, it's not a good perk. Maybe you could argue for it on Huntress, or with STBFL (assuming you even get to 8 stacks before you lose the perk...)
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The issue is when someone gets hit they tend to take off and get outside it's area of affect. The moment people find out your running it they won't stick around a pallet when they get hit. Yet another perk that is useless when the survivors know what they are doing.
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Most people don't play with map offerings. Your totem might get cleansed before you get 8 stacks. If you run Undying, that is committing 3 perks to this strategy, leaving you only 1 perk for something else.
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It would see more use if the cooldown was removed.
Bamboozle removes the previous blocked window from being blocked if you vault again so Blood Favor so do the same thing and unblock previous pallets before blocking new ones.
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- For a good reason
- The two builds I described negate many of the downsides of hex perks. Indoor maps generally have well-hidden totems, and hag can defend her totems relatively well.
- That depends where you find them. At many generators, there will be no place they can get to in time. This is especially the case on Midwhich, which I think might be the best Blood Favor map.
- It doesn't need to.
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Like I mentioned, on the indoor maps that's not possible in many cases. There's a much higher chance they will be boxed in by it. And Midwhich takes the cake for free Blood Favor downs. There's tons of gens stuck in a room with 1 pallet, and once you get your ambush hit and block that pallet the only nearby safety is out the hallway into the next room.
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- Not really, since the Hex thing and the requirement for you to damage a survivor already limits how many times you can use it.
- If you're running a build to protect Hexes, there's no reason to use that build to protect such a weak hex.
- You're missing the point. When you M1 somebody, they will open a gap that is large enough that they can cover roughly 74 meters before you get a second attack (barring powers, running into walls/corners, or stbfl). Seeing as pallets spawn at 14-20 meter intervals, and Blood Favor only has a 16 meter range, it's not gonna stop them.
- The current duration is so low that on some tiles, they can just play windows for the paltry 15 seconds and use the pallet anyways.
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I’ve been saying this from the beginning. It’s a great perk, and additionally causes stall when the survivors start trying to find and cleanse it.
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If you get hit as survivor and you see this perk, just laugh and keep holding W.
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I will agree that on some maps it's not worth running. I'd say it is a map dependent perk, but I want to test out which ones it is god tier on. it is 100% god tier on Midwhich (which i've been spamming since I have like 15 of them on wraith).
I am going to go through and test it on many maps and I would probably not run it without an offering. However, I can tell you how my last game with it just went.
Spawn in, discordance procs. Run to the gen, uncloak, smack the survivor. He runs through me out into the hallway where there is a god pallet at the staircase. It's blocked. He goes down in the first ~20 seconds of the game and I snowball off that down into a 4k at 4 gens left.
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This perk literally lets you 2 piece people at so many loops. Especially at the start before people know you are running it. This room is a great example. Someone ran upstairs, took a hit, and boom. Free down. "Just hold W" is a really bad argument. I am already identifying a ton of areas where Blood Favor is a 100% free down. The 4k at 5 gens at rank 1 (because of blood favor) is just an added flex for this picture.
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On The Game it’s an amazing perk
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Are you serious? There's nowhere in that room you can get hit and not get out to a pallet if you aren't a potato.
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It's quite fun with STBFL, but a meme obviously.
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Can I have some of your drugs? You get hit anywhere in the upstairs area and you are going down, no questions asked.
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I like the perk. It's not superstrong or anything. But if you build around it you can make it work.
It's not a perk you can just slap on every killer though so it won't be used that often
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Considering how easy it is to get an M1 I am not surprised it has a cool down.
I think they should at least extend the range or something, it is definitely a niche perk but I wouldn’t say it’s useless.
Good for you for making it work in your favor though. Always love to see when non-meta builds work out.
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I'd say this perk has provided me some of the most easy downs on M1 killers I have gotten while playing DBD against competent players. It is very hit or miss.
Maybe it is on cooldown, maybe where you hit the survivors isn't a favorable location, etc. But when it works, it really works. Absolutely effortless downs and it doesn't' matter if the survivor is terrible or amazing. And when you consider that the game can be ended off one hook and one slug done early in the match......
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Exactly. Too many killers have made gen slow down the meta, without considering that gen slow down isn’t necessary if chases can be dramatically shortened.
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I haven't tried the synergy with STBFL, but I tested that perk on both sides enough on PTB. And I only noticed to get value out of it when survivors mess up. 16m range is a distance where on many maps you get problems to find a second pallet that will be affected. I'm not sure what you mean with "boxed" on indoor maps, I would like to see videos that prove survivors "tried" but couldn't make it to another pallet. And don't forget that windows are still an option (regarding your Midwhich example).
Because the thing is, if you run in a straight line after a hit and have the space to run in a straight line, you need about 20 seconds to catch up again (there was a video comparing the Clown changes pre/post buff, with/without gas and extra Hindered addon). That makes 80m for the survivor. If that perk stops a survivor from using a pallet he needed to survive, then he either lost orientation or didn't make distance for whatever reason (like the common 2 extra circles trying to bamboozle the killer, or simply crushing into a wall and lose half of his speed boost).
At least that is my impression
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A smart player will simply use the speed boost from being hit to run to a different pallet.
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I like the idea of it. But I don't understand why it is a hex perk. It's like making Bamboozle a hex perk. So I say don't make it a hex perk and reduce the cool down.
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The speed boost alone will get them out of range to safety, you're just training the bots to be good survivors and leave unsafe areas for safer tiles while preserving the pallets near generators a place where you arguably need them gone quick
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Okay? But will you play on a indoor map everytime? You can’t just say its good because it shines in a certain scenario.. all you proved was that it is a situational perk, it definitely does not need to be a hex and cooldown perk
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The areas that blood favour are getting you "free downs" are usually free downs even without the perk. It's probably good on Midwich but why in the hell would you ever willingly want to go to Midwich? Not just as killer but as either role? It's a horrendous map.
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The Hex has a cooldown.
That's why.
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They're definitely not competent if you're getting them while using that perk, no offense but even in that upstairs room you argued earlier:
A) in no world does a good player run to a dead zone upstairs that the killer can mind game so easily like that one
B) any good player will take the hit out in the open just to get the boost to have that distance and make it somewhere else I can hold w after a hit and make it almost clean to the other side of the map before the killer catches up because you also lose bloodlust when you land a hit
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I tried it on The Game map after reading a thread on here.
- Hit a survivor
- - They run past pallet, pallet is blocked
- Feels good man
- They keep running, dead hard for distance to a window
- Feels bad man
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Reason being people are using hex undying and noed
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Plus calm spirit counter acts so many screaming perks and screaming abilities
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The perk goes against what a smart survivor is supposed to do. When you get hit, you use your sprint burst to make distance and waste more time. This perk blocks the pallets that are near, which the survivors run away from normally. It's only good against boosted noobs basically.
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If I'm blight I just use the add on for it. If I'm anyone else I don't use it because it's a hex with a cool down. Lame AF if you ask me. Though I did have a nightmare I was being chased by someone IRL and after they hit me all the windows in my house were boarded up and I was hella confused.