Official Survey - Select a killer you feel is not effective or too oppressive
I'm betting my left bollock slinger is going to be the "most oppressive". Calling it rn as spirit hate has died down a bit recently.
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Learning Spirit without stridor vs Iron Will is where it’s at. Stridor is great on spirit, but it’s kinda like training wheels
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I said the doctor was too oppressive. His shock blast can hit you between floors, the madness messes with skill checks far too much not to mention can randomly point out where you are thanks to insanity. I know the reworked him a few times OG Doctor didn't have static blast and you had to choose between shocking and hitting you couldn't do both.
I'm not saying revert back to that, that might be a bit too far but he does need some stuff done. and no Just hide in a locker doesn't work if they have iron maiden
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Old doctor also had the "fun" playstyle of staying in shocking mode so you just passively went into madness when combined with things distressing to keep people within their TR. Some no win 3 gens on maps like Gideon were happening quite a bit so they tried to give him a more interactive way to play... still very middle of the bunch.
Nothing wrong with your opinion, he can definitely be pretty annoying especially with both Iris addons. Stealth survivors and new survivors both have far more trouble with him until they realize he's still mostly loopable on anything but the weakest of loops and not zipping around the map either.
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I have also choosen Trapper to get a rework. He is a fun killer but way to weak in his current state.
And for the most oppressive one I have choosen the Doctor because I just hate playing him and playing against him. It's just spamming his shock till you get someone. Hiding is also almost impossible. Just feels very boring to play him, not very rewarding and skillfull at all.
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I picked Demo as not effective and None as too opressive.
Perhaps I'm playing wrong. Looks like it's my own fault but I can't play Demo at all. Everytime I play him I can't land a hit. It is so weird, he is regular 115 killer with good abilities but I still can't do anything to stop survivors. Missing m2 attack constantly. Teleports never stay for long. Once I use teleport survivors seal it instantly. And he has global audio clue for every single action.
When I play survivor, the only killer i'm affraid is a good Trapper because he gives me fear of running and walking. He makes me nervous but he doesn't need a nerf so I picked none.
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I dont think spirit is oppressive, shes just insanely strong in the 1v1 but otherwise she isnt too opressive, I’d say freddy is way more oppresive
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Exactly my vote too! Demo needs something a little more unique to stand him out.
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Demo and freddy. For weak i put demo because i love play it and need some love. But pig trapper clown wraith myers need some buff too.
Freddy is the very opressive for a not skill requiere. Hag and spirit need some buff. Spirit add on nerf and some info when she phase. Hag a way to unhook safe a survivor in this web traps nightmare.
Freddy have best telport and can fake it. Pasive slow down. Ez chase ability with snakes. And is 4.6
Ph and Slinger are good in 1vs 1 but low map presure ez to gen rush. Not super fun but u can do something
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I was joking, dude. I'm a killer main and I play trapper a lot. I know how weak he is. I used to play spirit a lot. I know how strong she is. I also know that spirit doesn't need a nerf, but a rework, and trapper just needs two add-ons to be base kit.
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Well I know for sure at least five hundred people put spirit, because all of my five hundred psn friends put her. I think that deathslinger is fine, because he can get genrushed as counter play. He doesn't have mobility, but he has an overpowered chase ability, so id say he's fair ATM.
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How anyone can choose spirit or deathslinger or freddy as too oppressive is mind boggling when the fact remains there is only one killer that you literally can't do anything against and that's nurse. A good nurse is still the most oppressive killer in the game and it's not even close.
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My pick is strictly based off of PS4 play. I chose nurse as too weak. Now her kit is just fine. It’s the optimization that makes her so weak on PS4.
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Trapper, Wraith, Pig are too weak. None of the killers are too strong.