Favorite Ghostface Outfits/Outfit Combos?

Currently I really like the viper mask, classic robes, and the curved knife from the devil ghostface outfit. Been using this combo since the viper outfit came out.
Id like to hear what others like on their Ghostie boys. Post photos if you'd like.
Chrome Mask, Classic Robes, Bloody Tactical knife. I've always been a sucker for reflection surfaces. Bonus points as you become way harder to spot on darker maps. Also, apparently Ghost Face will be getting a blighted cosmetic according to leaks by daylight, does that make him the first licensed killer to get one?
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Chrome or devil masks are the best for stealth for sure!
Classic robes are the best for me, i like the slenderness to it and well..its classic lol but I see no one use the viper mask with it so i feel unique.
Yeah I saw those leaks...sadly its a set but, the name makes it sound like it will be fiery but the description sounds like a blighted outfit so idk ahah.
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Silver mask, Sodden Shroud, and the First Blade. I think the shroud is the stealthiest. It’s dark, but not pitch black like the og robes. I kind of just assume the silver mask is stealthier than white and reflects the dark maps. The first blade is just the best looking knife imo.
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The costum movie like is the best.😀
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I use the original outfit but with the classic mask which is whiter. The classic robes are cool but not seen anyone use it at all. Most popular outfit I see is the devil one.
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Monochrome Maniac outftit with the silvery steel tactical knife.
Classic shroud + Viper mask + default or prestiged knife.
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Classic outfit. I'm a Scream fan, I can't help it.
I also like the basic outfit. I just think it's a really good design.
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Can't go wrong with Classic.
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My go-to skin is p3 clothes and Viper Mask. I love it^^
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Devil Ghost Face mask + Demonic Robes + Damascus Steel Clip Point Blade. Looks like a demon with a sacrificial knife, I really like it.
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I wonder if the red viper robes would be nice with the devil mask. I dont actually have the viper robes tho.
I know the devil mask looks good with his basic red recolor tho.