3-4k no pip, perhaps rework how it works?

I have ran into this issue quite often and it is mostly a problem on a killer side where you just don't pip.

As a survivor I had my fair share of annoying games where I could do so much and don't pip. I recall once I had killer literally chasing only me the entire match where I could not even get on a gen and I got moried by rancor since I was obsession without even being hooked once. I thought ok, surely I pip for 3+ mins worth of chase, right? No, depip instead. So that happened but generally I can get pips pretty easy with survivor.

Killers on other hand, jesus christ, who scripted their badge reqs? I have had games where I 3-4k and I get nothing, I believe once I even got depiped on 3k. I know what everyone will wanna scream, the camping tunneling, right? Well no, all that happened is that people would not rescue and I ended chases in under 30 sec every single time, so I only had like 5 hooks that game. Game states that you earn more points for winning chases and make them short, which I can asure you that this was not the case for me, short part anyways.

Another thing I want to point out is how ass backwards some things feel. Win chases to get points but lose points when you lose chases. While play with your food exists... lose chases to get stacks. Like really? Speaking of which, so I finally tried mori, and as I expected, even though I moried one person out of 4 kills, that basically made it sure I don't pip. Why is that a thing? Why are killers punished for using it when survivors can bring anything they want and get rewarded. Why is swf with key, map offering, and hatch offering that brings purple boxes and perks to gen rush get rewarded for everything they do while killers get punished for using one add on that honestly in my opinion makes game fair in some situations, cause trust me, I am a bit sick of hearing 2 gens pop by the time I hook first person. Before anyone says anything about being a better killer, consider that I very consistently do that to killers as a survivor. Does that make them bad? No, it's just how the game is designed and I don't generally expect a killer who is already in giant disadvantage by default to pull a miracle every game, what I do expect however is that when we do pull a miracle, that would reflect in pips, yet 3-4k no pip exist.


  • musefan
    musefan Member Posts: 345

    I agree to some extent, it can be frustrating when you have a good game and dont pip.

    However, we must be careful not to make it too easy otherwise the ranking will become meaningless if everyone ends up red rank.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    I feel like it wants you to toy with the survivors before it allows you to pip.

    You can't outright destroy them. Which is good for my playstyle buy i can imagine how it can be annoying for someone who wants to be optimal

  • Sciffer
    Sciffer Member Posts: 41

    I do agree but correct me if I am wrong. It don't get any harder the lower your rank gets, no? Like piping takes same amount of effort on rank 20 as it does on rank 1? Which basically means it's already badly balanced since there is no increase in difficulty. If thats not the case and it does get more difficult, scratch that out.

    Regardless of that though, a 3k game should never be unrewarded. I absolutely hate that as a killer you are at survivors mercy the entire game. If they go down too fast it's bad, despite what game likes you to believe, if you chase them too long then gens pop. If they die on hook cause no one came to rescue even if you are like 20+ meters away from it then you don't get enough points. If someone decides to dc and it forces others dc or suicide then you might as well depip too.

    I get that we don't want killers face camp, it is pretty much not fun and kind of just stupid but I think it has been taken to extreme. I don't feel like the game is balanced on how much killer has to do vs how much survivor has to do. I have tried playing by survivor rule book before and it well, don't go too well. Last time I had a game like that I had 1 kill, 3 escapes with all of them being 1 hook away from death but just because I did not patrol hooks enough nor did I tunnel, that costed a game to me. You got to patrol and even tunnel at times to get something done as a killer yet game punished you for even as much as coming near hooked survivor, like #########? Why? I just got to leave them every time? Even if I see someone clearly here? Just ignore them too? Ok game, I guess.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    This is one of the biggest disconnects between the two sides.

    I often wonder if killers would accept less kills if they pipped more for making the game more interactive.

    I am admittedly a sweaty killer. But I adjust to my competitors. If I am destroying, I will take my foot off the gas.

    Maybe let a few escape.

    But if I feel i am facing a sweat squad, well then i am doing everything for the 4k. Except slugging 3rd person, it's to boring I'll race the fourth to the hatch.

    But i was conditioned to this by seeing no pip or even a depip and then getting tbags at the exit gates for playing to nice.

    So I ask, killers, can we accept less kills if the pips were more dependent on hooks, chases, gen protection?

    Or will we always need those 4ks as our win condition?

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    The amount of emblems you need to pip does increase with rank.

    At rank 20-15 you can't even lose pips

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,816

    I find the killer emblem/ranking system much less forgiving than the survivor system. It more or less demands that you play perfectly as you rank up -- "perfectly" meaning it's a total shutout where you dominate the match and the other team can't do any of their objectives. I think @Clevite is right that it encourages killers to try to stomp everyone, and I'd love to see a reworked system where the "balanced" outcome of getting two kills isn't treated as a failure.