The day DS get nerf
No locker grab so there's literally no way to counter a first hook mori, sure bud
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this is the DBD community we are talking about, one will always complain over somthing on both sides no matter what.
Unbreakable, object, NOED, Bloodwarden,undying, SWF, Freddy, Spirit, Pyramid head, P3 Blendette being hard to see, lag, performance issues, breakable walls, unmindgameable loops
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Bro you are saying that its ALWAYS KILLER THAT RECIVES AND NERF
You obviusly dont know what you are talking about
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I don't use unbreakable with ds because I dont use ds like that. I just don't want to get tunneled.
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I think everyone at this point agrees the ds need a nerf,I just wonder how long will it take for the devs to make the change,they buffed,nerfed,buffed nerfed megabuffed ds in the past and now we have a crazy overpowered perk to deal with.
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Which is true some killers keep saying that like it happen to pop why pop.
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Blood warden it fine
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So it ok I grab someone in a locker who already have ds ready to eat no that why it need a nerf.
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In going to say it will take like 10 years to Nerf it lol.