60 seconds is too long time for Pop Goes the weasel but not for DS?

The devs nerf Ruin and now Thanatophobia, concerning Pop Hoes the Weasel it seems like a reasonable change but they "forget" Decisive Strike is also too long time (60 seconds), other perks receiving buffs but are situational/niche perks, it's undeniable the last patches hurt killers.

I recommend the developers to watch the Otzdarva video where he explain the biggest problems of this game, 4 years later and we still have a very unbalanced game.


  • pandorayr
    pandorayr Member Posts: 603
    edited October 2020

    I compare only the cooldowns, good bait.

    Blood warden is a situational perk and DS is meta and strong perk.

  • pandorayr
    pandorayr Member Posts: 603

    However DS does not have a lenient timer to use, ofcourse....

  • LittilAvindar
    LittilAvindar Member Posts: 255
    edited October 2020

    After having been hook camped and tunneled to literal Hell all day, I really don't give a ######### if you think DS is broken. It's clearly necessary. You wanna retaliate by playing like a tool, I hope they buff DS instead. Literally had a match where a survivor d/c'd right off the bat, and the killer STILL had to camp every hook.

    The actual issue is the ranking system that dictates to only care until you hit rank 1. Then it's troll central. People don't care, so they'll stand and face a hook cuz they don't have to worry about a de-rank. They'll D/C because they don't have to worry about penalties. Everyone else trying to play gets dicked on because survivors and killers alike don't actually care about anything but ruining someone's match.

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415

    True, tho that’s IF 4 ppl bring DS

    1 killer always guarantees the possibilities of Pop.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Pop literally removes 20 seconds off a generator, being able to chase a fully healthy survivor and still be able to use it is too strong. Lets say the average chase time is 50 seconds, you'd still have 10 seconds left to remove 20 seconds of progress, meaning your actual chase time is 30 seconds. This doesnt affect the killers pipping, it doesnt affect the blood points much, all it does is reduce a generator massively(and yes, 25% reduction with essentially no cooldown is insane)

    For DS, its much, MUCH different. Being quickly hooked after an unhook can be the difference between life and death, being less long in the match means essentially a depip. It's why Mori's are a much bigger issue than keys are too. Because the killer doesnt get removed prematurely from a match. Keys are annoying, sure, but they should not affect your progress.

    I agree that Unbreakable and DS are a bit of an issue right now, but thats not because of DS or Unbreakable on their own, its the situation that both of them create.

    And as for the last patches hurting killers. REALLY? you got a totem that resets other totems, essentially guaranteeing at least 2 totems to be cleansed before the effect wears off while also getting free wall hacks without the survivor EVER knowing it. Pyramid Head has guaranteed hits without any skill. Deathslinger pretty much the same. Unless you run a vault speed build, its essentially impossible to not be downed instantly against a decent Bubba. Face it, since november all the patches have been killer sided. Felix had decent perks, but they pale in comparison to what The Blight has to offer. The average killrate for pretty much every killer is above 2.5, that means the average game, the killer is more likely to win. Now it's time again to balance the game, and thus survivors are getting buffed to get the average killrate back to 2.5. And yes, 2.5 is a fair balance.

    DS cant be nerfed due to how the pip-system works.

    You know what? Give survivors the ability to stun the killer for 5 seconds whenever they please, then we can start talking. Pop can be applied whenever the killer wants to apply it. DS can only be applied when picked up. There is a guarantee for the killer to use Pop, multiple times in a row on the same generator, survivors dont have that choice. Killer mains forget how much free will they have in the game, while survivors rely extremely on the killer. Killer afk? survivors get depipped even though they did great. Killer terrible at mindgames and having tunnel vision? Survivors get punished with a depip. Getting mori'd after being camped and tunneled from a hook in a deadzone? Too bad, here's only 7k bp and a depip, should've git gud instead. The game is heavily balanced towards killers in terms of bloodpoints, pips and in-game choices. The only way survivors can start bullying the killer is if they have teamplay that is better than the skill of the killer. And even then, the killer is still extremely likely to get at least 1 kill. For survivors to have a 4 man escape, the killer must really make massive mistakes during the entire game. For all survivors to die, there only need to be 1 early death by 1 tiny mistake. People claim survivors get perks that allow mistakes to be fixed, but thats not true(well, kinda I guess), you can make 0 mistakes as a survivor and still be downed within 30 seconds. You can make 15 mistakes as a killer and still get an early down because a survivor made 2 mistakes.

    All this, is reasons why Pop and DS are not even close to similar. DS is more comparable to Haunted Grounds than it is to Pop.

  • pandorayr
    pandorayr Member Posts: 603

    For decents killers (included me) play against DS is a problem sometimes, not is my problem if I found a injured survivor repairing a gen (abusing a poorly designed perk) sometimes I had time to catch a survivor away very far, go back to the gen and knock down the injured survivor because he decides repair.

    and you can't change my mind.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976
    edited October 2020

    DS isnt really too lenient, its literally a 5 second stun vs being removed early from the game. If you refuse to eat a DS and call the survivor "immune", then you're the one making the mistake. You have the choice of waiting 60 seconds to pick up a survivor, or picking him up instantly and eat a DS early on, ensuring that survivor will never be able to DS you later in the game. And you choose to give that survivor 2 whole minutes of "immunity" because you think a 5 second stun is too much of a punishment.

    While pop removes 20 seconds of survivors progress, for every single time it gets procced. Thats a total of 20 seconds of being stunned by DS, vs a total of 160 seconds of gen regression in an instant. Yet you choose to give survivors a total of 240 seconds of "immunity". Now, who is really the one at fault for that?

  • ausanimal
    ausanimal Member Posts: 542

    If you read peoples complaint about DS you will find it's not about people using DS when being tunneled but the fact for that 1 min you can do what you feel like and pretty much get away with it, Same with this post and the devs nerfing PGTW because 1 min is to long and allows the killer to do to many things and still have PGTW active ready to kick a gen. With that 1 min after you get unhooked you can finish a gen if its been started on, nearly finish it solo, heal and start working on a ge, you can say well a killer can just slug and wait a min to pick you up but you might not even be running DS but you could be running unbreakable or you could be running both.

    That's the problem people have with it if the devs think PGTW gave the killers to much time in 60sec then they need to look at DS and what survivors are able to do in that time, majority of people are not asking to nerf DS into the ground or take away it's anti tunnel aspect but to balance it to be more fair.

    You will always get killers that will camp and tunnel hard no matter what they put in place or perks you run that's just life and part off the game, same as survivors going out off there way to troll the killer or make the match a bad experience for them, If devs are adjusting perks like PGTW because killers can do to much in 60 secs then they need to look at survivors perks like DS.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Well, that still doesnt matter due to how the perks work.

    Pop goes the weasel can be activated at any time by the killer. And when activated, will remove up to 20 seconds of survivor progress. If optimally used, thats 12 uses and thus up to 240 seconds of progress being removed.

    DS cannot be activated at anytime, in fact, you need the killer to pick you up to activate it. And when activated, will stun the killer for 5 seconds flat. When optimally used and the killer pretty much tunneling, thats 4 uses of 20 seconds being added to a chase. The 60 second timer actually doesnt really matter, because you decide to wait it out rather than taking a quick one use stun. You literally are the one who turns 5 seconds of stun into 60 seconds of "immunity". Its not immunity, and in fact, its better to eat a DS earlier in the match rather than dodging it all match and have them all have it during the EGC with a gate nearby.

    So again, that is 1 perk that can be activated on demand for 60 seconds, up to 240 seconds removal on progress, versus a perk that can be activated only if the killer picks you up within 60 seconds, up to 20 seconds of stuntime. They simply are not comparable. Personally, I would have kept Pop at 60 seconds and instead nerf the % it removes from gens to 20% or even 15% while also buffing base gen regression.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430
    edited October 2020

    So let’s make DS have a 45 second timer but also let’s make sure that (just like POP) you can use it every time after every unhook. You also now are guaranteed you will use it.

    Cherry-picking parts of a perk to make a comparison is not a good idea. Even if your favorite streamer is the one who said it.

  • dastru
    dastru Member Posts: 165

    git gud maybe?

  • Jill10230
    Jill10230 Member Posts: 475

    DS is like Haunted ground, dangerous for the killer. SWF team abuse of this perk, the randoms dont have !

  • Bard
    Bard Member Posts: 657

    Four things wrong with this.

    1. The active time on Pop is not the important part of the perk, so this is a bit of a faulty comparison. Regardless, the important value on Pop it's the regression, so in actuality it's more like 20x8=160
    2. Pop also requires a time investment of kicking the gen, which takes a bit more than 2 seconds. Even rounding down to be generous, and assuming that you popping a gen isn't giving a survivor time to get away (which it will) it's more like 18x8=144 seconds on the Pop side.
    3. You're assuming the killer even gets Eight uses of Pop, which is by no means guaranteed. The killer has to earn every Pop he gets, while you get DS as a consolation prize for failing, regardless of how well you're doing.
    4. You're forgetting that we're not talking about one person using DS per trial. The perk can be run by the entire lobby, meaning the numbers on the DS side are more like 60x8=480 seconds.
  • ausanimal
    ausanimal Member Posts: 542

    Well first up your wrong for PGTW to work a killer has to hook a survivor for it to activate so they can't use it at any time they feel like it they had 60 seconds from when they hooked that person to use it. To quote you here "So again, that is 1 perk that can be activated on demand for 60 seconds" it's not activated on demand it activates when you hook someone you then have 60 secs to use it.

    Same as survivors DS activates after they get unhooked and its up to them and there team how they use it once again your words here " You literally are the one who turns 5 seconds of stun into 60 seconds of "immunity". Its not immunity, and in fact, its better to eat a DS earlier in the match rather than dodging it all match and have them all have it during the EGC with a gate nearby". So the killers are the ones that are making survivors do a gen then force them to jump into a locker making the killer grab them and get hit by DS, wait till there DS runs out or give them a free pass.

    I will have to remember that next time a survivor jumps into a locker and tell them in post game chat im glad i made you jump into that locker, You also might not get to use PGTW 12 times every match but if we want to crunch numbers to compare you said PGTW is 240 secs if every survivor has DS and you play optimally vs it which is not always eating it at the start off the match that's still 240 sec that survivors know they won't be hooked for and if they are slugged and killer leaves to wait out DS that's even more time and if someone picks them up well guess what the killer has to down them again taking up more time because off 1 perk.

    PGTW was strong but there was no need for it to be changed at all any gen slow down perks killers use end up getting nerfed while survivor perks get left alone, If the devs stand by with what they said that killers can do to much with that 60 seconds then they need to look at DS or it's just double standards its fine for survivors to have a perk that allows them to do a lot in 60 secs because off a perk but killers have a perk that does the same and it gets nerfed.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,075

    Is Lucky Break 3 times as good as DS? I mean, it has 180 seconds of usage instead of the 60 seconds of DS.

    You know, if you compare Perks because of their Cooldowns. Because this totally makes sense.

  • EntitledMyersMain
    EntitledMyersMain Member Posts: 832

    Lol imagine if the patch notes were literally:

    • Decisive Strike:

    Git gud noob lol

  • Ilovezarina5
    Ilovezarina5 Member Posts: 149

    If the active Time Is not important why are you crying? Also Ds requires you to be tunneled by the killer, you wont use Ds all the matches

  • pandorayr
    pandorayr Member Posts: 603
    edited October 2020


    I'm this huntress.

    The survivor decided to waste the DS running into a locker because he preferred to repair the gen and was not going to allow this abuse.

    and later the people complain about the campers and tunnellers but the game gives protection hits without BT.

    was denied me to catch this survivor because the game decided to give him 1 free protection hit after wasted the DS

    But the game is pretty balanced....... ofcourse...

    I play the Huntress on rank 1 without perks and addons.

  • MrPeterPFL
    MrPeterPFL Member Posts: 636

    Going to be honest, does it matter? People complain about everything and yet the Devs will still push it through. Why do you believe complaining now will change the devs’ mind? No matter what, Pop’s cool down will be nerfed and we’ll have to live with it. If they nerf DS in the future, people will complain but the devs will still push it through.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    No, im right, because I was talking about the 60 second period where it can be activated. 'To quote you here "So again, that is 1 perk that can be activated on demand for 60 seconds" it's not activated on demand it activates when you hook someone you then have 60 secs to use it." Break down that sentence: 1 perk can be activated on demand for 60 seconds. So for 60 seconds, while the perk is active, you can choose when to use it. Where is that sentence wrong? By that logic, DS never works if you never get hooked, unbreakable never works if you get picked up or never downed. The only downside of Pop is that you have to hook someone, thats literally it. And in the average game, you're pretty much ensured to do so. Pop has the ability to gain more time than it costs. You can pop 1 generator 2 times before survivors have the time to reduce the time you removed the first time, you cant stun the killer twice in a similar fashion unless the killer is trying to get rid of all the DS's asap.

    "and its up to them and there team how they use it" No, its not. They literally HAVE TO BE PICKED UP BY THE KILLER for the perk to activate. I dont run DS because 99% of the time I use it, it simply never gets used, even if I "accidentally" get downed. Survivors have little to no influence on the usage of DS, the usage of DS lies by how the killer react to it. Its really not as strong as people claim it to be, the strength literally lies in how much the killer fears it.

    "and you play optimally vs it(DS) which is not always eating it at the start of the match" What? how is that optimal? You want DS to be gone as early as possible untill its too late to get rid of it. DS is extremely strong late game, but early game is has practically no effect. Not eating DS early game is literally throwing your own game.

    "any gen slow down perks killers use end up getting nerfed" yeah, because it has to be possible for survivors to finish the game against all killers. Gen regression perks get nerfed because its practically impossible to face it when killers who are already good at gen patrols without any gen regression perk. PGTW was too strong for what it did. You could literally have 5 gens at the end of the match thanks to PGTW, which, unless you face literal potatoes, is too strong. Survivors "win" by having 3 escapees, if 1 perk prevents the method of escaping to be an impossible goal, then that perk is too strong. PGTW needed a nerf to put more pressure on forcing the choice between going for another hookstage or reducing an important generator, currently, at least 4 killers could do both, and those killers do not need a nerf.

    And again, DS is single use, when survivors get killed early on, they lose a pip even if they play practically perfectly. Killers can do terribly the entire match and still earn a pip because they run pop. Its literally not a double standard because of that alone. I mean, unless you want to give survivors to remove the killer from the game within 2 minutes time.

  • Pawcelot
    Pawcelot Member Posts: 985

    Nerfing a strong survivor meta perk would cause a huge outrage, together with review bombing and screaming. And since survivors are the majority of the playerbase of DbD.. it'd be a ######### business decision. Angry customers don't buy stuff from the store.