Survivor Tier List based off if they How they survive "The Walking Dead"(RE Edition)

Bite The Bullet=Chris
Blood Pact:Lisa
Repressed Alliance:Cybil
NOTE:To explain the walking dead isn't only about surviving zombies its also about surviving other survivors/gangs/enemies so how you can need to know how to talk to other(deescalate,Persuade,& ect) & make tough decisions,useful skills,& resources/time management.
Survivalist:The Best & would Easily Survive with or Without Group & can Adapt to any Situation,because of Past Experiences
Leader/Solo:Can Lead a group of People or go Solo,& can Adapt to most Situations
Solo:Can Survive by themselves & will because of their Personality
Group Hero:Best when in Group & has Very Useful Skills
Group:The Average
Ineffective:Below Average,they can be 50/50 as teammates & or rely on other to much
Has No Skills:In the Tittle,Avoid
Props to you for your Ace placement, I feel like others severely underestimate his skills in survival.
Overall, this is a great tier list. I feel like Feng should be in "Useless and will die," but that could just be my bias against her. I was also thinking against Felix being that high, not saying he'd be bad at survival, but top 6? And if it's ordered and not general, top 4?
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This is super accurate. I'd put David in self sufficient but thats just me.
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You nailed it.
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Honestly, I think Cheryl can be in EZ survival, because of how much she was able to survive in the silent hill games.
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David is 100% a useful ally but he i see him starting conflict with other groups putting him down.
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Even though she survived the silent hill,she aint trained with a gun so if she had gun fight with someone she might die or win injured.
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Ace was from the bottom & got to the top,i see him as a negotiator or the guy who scam others for their resources.
Felix is high because he is an architecture,hes very useful because hes able to make very good designs for bases & or traps.also hes a businessman as well so can do what ace does.
For Feng either she gets basic survival skills from gaming or learn useless skills that could do worse for her.
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I think yui should be in self sufficient but that's just my opinion.
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Yui to me doesn't seem like the person who would go solo.In her lore she seems like a leader the reason why shes at the top of group survival.
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I think she would survive very well on her own. But I understand where you're coming from.
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Edit:Took out 50/50 & changed it into probably will die & moved some people around.
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I feel "Self-Sufficient" and "Useful Specific Set of Skills" should be reversed in tier. We all know that the person that somehow solves or cracks whatever primordial entity's puzzle has a larger chance of dying by the end.
I wholly agree with the list in general though. You really nailed it.
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I feel like Claudette would be one of the first to die to show the "every man for himself" atmosphere the world is in now.
She'd pretty much be the too-pure-for-this-world character so she has to die.
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Yeah, he lived a rather long life for a scoundrel gambler who probably owes a lot if money to a lot of questionable people, he is either extremely good with words or extremely good at being able to slip away when trouble approaches or both.
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I understand but her survival skills are better then most.
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Updated:Added Elodi
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I think there should be a ‚Dies because they protect someone else/their group‘ which contains David, Yui and Steve
Nea would be more in Solo survival. And Feng would have more purpose. She has technician, alert and lithe as her perks, plus the reflexes as a pro gamer would come in handy I suppose
Claudette needs a group, she is empathetic and helps other with medical knowledge, and knowledge of plants/biology for survival in general.
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I think group survival tier should be above solo survival tier. Their is strength in numbers.
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Most times in Survival its better to rely on yourself then others.
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Hail to the king baby, also happy to see best girl, Cheryl :D
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Added Newest Survivor
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Added RE