The Unofficial Official Player's Rulebook for Both Sides

=====The Unofficial Official Player’s Rulebook=====
Remember to memorize and study these materials and know them by heart – there will be a licensing exam next week for each respective side to begin playing the game again. The rules were set in stone by the opposing side but remember that the stone tablets are rather large and the players who know game design 101 best can always etch a few new rules in so stay on top of any updates to these commandments. Post-game scorescreen chat is meant for pointing out violations to the offenders themselves before reporting them to BHVR through the ingame features as these are the “issues that MUST be addressed quickly” mostly through immediate banning of said violators. If the developers could get to physically making these rules hardcoded into the game mechanics - all the players will now be living in happy rainbow land and these forums would be completely devoid of complaints ever again.
P.S. This is purely for fun so put down the pitchforks. If you have any to add please comment down below and I’ll edit them in with credits to you.
Remember in the reality that most of us live in... the game's only real hard line to avoid crossing is abusing actual hacks/cheats and unintended exploits. It is also not advised to Disconnect from games for any reason including facing players who are not following these “rules” below which is clearly against the Developers’ wishes even in the current interim where they are trying to fix the system that enforces their own policy.
I. Killer’s Rulebook as revised by Survivors
1) You shall not use an Ebony or Ivory Momento Mori offerings. A Yellow Cypress Mori will be allowed but still in poor taste because a Hidden Offering makes survivors assume it’s the first two. By extension using a Shroud of Separation is also frowned upon because it is another secret offering that survivors will assume is a Pink or Purple Mori.
2) You must not use Most Iridescent or Very Rare Addons especially ones that give your killer a much stronger advantage whether it be Expose on hit or the ability to see auras through walls. These are strictly against the rules and deserves being buried alive for daring to equip them – especially if you try to use a Black Hand offering to preserve them.
3) You may not slug a target for more than 5 seconds after the initial 3.33 seconds (default time to wipe the blood off your weapon). Leaving them on the ground to chase someone else nearby especially one who is injured and carrying a flashlight is a blatant disregard for the “fair play survivor” rule. Staring at a wall while picking up is also against the rules.
4) You must never camp or be suspected of camping. Upon hooking a survivor you must go to the opposite corner of the map while mentally counting to 30 in your head. If you haven’t found another survivor to chase within this time AND the hooked survivor has been rescued and fully healed – you may now return to that area.
5) You must never tunnel or be suspected of tunneling a survivor. If you are following the anti-camping rule and all survivors are healthy but maybe look alike (4 Claudettes for example) – you may injure (not down) each one until you find one that you have not hooked yet. You MUST evenly spread hook states among a survivor team, meaning if 3 survivors have been hooked one time each then the last survivor with zero hooks MUST be the next to be placed on hook or you are guilty of tunneling the survivors.
6) You must never defend Hex Totems as they are no longer your responsibility after choosing the perk, which should already be frowned upon anyway. If the survivor found a Hex Totem then it is now claimed by the discovering party and no longer a property of the killer. Upon discovering a totem being cleansed, you (the killer) will then immediately step a minimum of 30m away until the totem is broken for Objective points before being allowed to chase the totem breaking survivor.
7) You must never equip the perk “Hex: No One Escapes Death” also known as NOED. It’s a “beginner’s” perk that punishes bad play and habits. Any killer new or old, who use the movement speed bonus and exposed status to secure a kill are automatically bad and deserve to experience Dante's 9 circles of hells. This is regardless of how the rest of the match went – whether 3 people were already dead before Noed activated when the hatch was closed or if all 4 survivors haven’t been hooked yet when all the generators finished. Choosing to use this perk is admitting that you will have a sad meaningless life alone where no one will remember you when you pass.
8) You cannot play any of the “strong” chase killers like: Nurse, Spirit, Huntress, Deathslinger, Executioner or Clown. You cannot play any of the instant down killers like: Oni, Hillbilly, Cannibal, Ghostface or the Shape. You cannot play any of the “boring” killers like Freddy, Legion, Pig, Plague, Doctor, or Hag. This leaves Blight, Demogorgon, Wraith, and Trapper as they are “fun” to play against but you cannot use Green, Purple or Pink addons especially on the latter two because it makes them too strong.
9) If any survivor disconnects whether it be intentionally or not, the rest of the survivors now deserve to be left unhindered in doing all their generators and leaving. A friendly “farming” session will be tolerated if the survivors are feeling generous. By extension of this rule, the 4th survivor deserves to be given hatch regardless of suicides or disconnects but doubly so if there was at least one of those. If you down the final survivor before he can make it to the hatch on his own – it is your responsibility as the killer to carry him or her to the hatch and drop him on top of it.
10) You are not allowed to abuse “map mechanics” like going upstairs to drop down on a survivor in Crotus Prenn Asylum’s main building. Anything like that is underhanded as you didn’t just kick the pallet or vault the window directly behind the survivor… pretending to know that survivors can duck under your FOV when you are vaulting is also illegal.
11) You may not chase anyone who does not want to be chased especially if someone else is presenting themselves to you while clicking their flashlight with mouse wheel. Just like the "No means No" and your "What is sexual harassment or unwanted attention" classes at work - Dead By Daylight is supposed to be a safe space.
12) You may not break chase to interrupt or get an easy hit on a survivor who is standing in the open or on a generator nearby. Remember you have to allow them to do generators or you are preventing them from playing the game.
13) You cannot use any perks that expose the survivors to a one shot down is against fairplay – no matter the circumstances or conditions required. This extends doubly to NOED but Make your choice, Hex: Haunted Grounds, Hex: Devour Hope, Rancor, Iron Maiden, Dragon’s Grip.
14) You may not use any perks that help you find the survivors with BBQ and Chili being the only exception since you too need bloodpoints. Just promise not to use that information effectively – go into the corner and count to 30 instead before resuming freeze tag. These perks include but are not limited to: Whispers, Stridor, Nurse’s Calling, I’m All Ears, Surveillancem Thrilling Tremors and Infectious Fright.
15) You may not use perks that encroach on any survivor’s enjoyment of the game namely: Franklin’s Demise, Lightborn, Hangman’s Trick but also any perks that facilitate the crimes listed above such as Knock Out, etc.
16) You may never fake or spam the initial use of your power whether to bait the survivor into trying to dodge OR getting zoned away from safety. This includes but is not limited to Wraith's Bell, Deathslinger's Scope, Doctor's Shock Animation, Demogorgon's Killer Instinct before a Shred. (Credits to MrPenguin)
17) At most you will use a single slowdown perk or addon as any more in combination creates a "Forever' game and seeing red bars falls into the "not fun" category. (Credits to MrPenguin)
Final) Remember at the end of the day the enjoyment of the majority (aka the four survivors) is more important than your personal enjoyment as the solo player as you are only one against numerous equally paying customers. Their enjoyment and experience with the game should outnumber yours by at least 4 times. If you disagree with any of the above it means you are obviously a whiny killer main.
II. Survivors rulebook revised by killers with input from other survivors
1) You shall not bring in a Skeleton or Dull key. A Green Broken Key will be allowed if you don’t attach a Blood Amber addon but it’s in poor taste because the Killer can’t help but think it’s a Pink or Purple key anyway.
2) You must not use any Iridescent or very rare items and addons of any kind. This includes but are not limited to any special yellow rarity items from events, Rainbow Maps, Ranger Med-Kits, Engineer’s/Alex’s Toolboxes, Anti-Haemorrhagic Syringes, Styptic Agents, Brand New Parts, Crystal Beads, Milky Glasses, Weaved Rings, etc.
3) Survivors are not allowed to play with their friends, family or significant others. This is especially true if they are using voice software, or their phones… or voice software on their phones similar in function to a group call. You should also not be within shouting distance of one another in the household as that is also an illegal form of communication.
4) You must not do your objective “too quickly”, especially while the killer is busy chasing another survivor. Working on a generator when you are not within the terror radius of the killer is blatantly “generator rushing” but keep in mind that it is also bad manners to finish a generator while the killer is within 15m and actively heading toward you to stop it from completing. Standing around and learning new skills like sign language (but not at the killer as that would be considered taunting) is a valuable use of your time while you are waiting on the “cooldown” time inbetween generators that must only be worked on one at a time.
5) Stealth is against the rules, make sure you tip your hat “but not too loudly as noise explosions can startle the killer” as a sign of respect by running at least within 10m in front of them to begin a chase and to leave some scratch marks. Hiding out of sight or in a locker until the killer leaves is “not interactive” and “unfun” for the killer regardless of whatever perceived risk you think you are taking. Perks that include but not limited to Urban Evasion, Iron Will, Quick and Quiet should now be considered for removal from the game as they are “too powerful” for hiding. By extension of this, using lockers and trying to use generator auras to hide from a killer’s BBQ and Chili is to be considered an exploit.
6) You must never loop optimally by hugging an object or wall closely, especially so if you are using the same tileset more than once. For example if you use a pallet loop – you MUST drop the pallet upon your first loop through the tileset as any additional time is bad for the killer’s mental health. Keep in mind that pre-dropping pallets is also against the rules especially if the killer doesn’t have an ability to completely circumvent it. It should also be mentioned that stunning the killer without trading a health state for it is also “abusing” the high number of pallets compared to the 4 survivors who can use them.
7) By extension of rule 5, You cannot use any “strong” loops such as but not limited to the main buildings of Crotus Prenn Asylum, Mother’s Dwelling, Ironworks of Misery and Groaning Storehouse.
8) You must not “abuse” hit box collision to stand in a doorway or choke point to prevent the killer from running through it without hitting you. This is called “bodyblocking” and preventing the killer from hitting their intended target (most likely exposed or wounded) AND taking away their bloodlust is against the rules.
9) You must never commit the crime of using the Decisive Strike perk. This will lead to you and three generations of your family being cursed with bad luck for daring to equip the most powerful of second chance, anti-momentum, anti-tunnel perks. Object of Obsession, Unbreakable, Borrowed Time, Dead Hard, Adrenaline, Deliverance and Head On perks also receive the same considerations as crimes against the playerbase.
10) As an extension from the Killer’s handbook that NOED is not allowed, this point was added by other survivors for their own rulebook. Cleansing dull totems is a waste of time and you are “actively throwing” the game by doing these. Remember only one generator can be worked on at a time so while the other survivor is being chased, 2 survivors should be working on miming skills or tying shoelaces tighter to get ready to rescue and not doing the only other objective on the map.
11) If a killer kicks a generator, you may not touch it again to stop it’s regression until the generator has full regressed back to 0. This is especially true if the killer forgot to bring his Pop Goes the Weasel perk or comparable slowdown options.
12) Burning a Map offering to any map that is believed to be unfavorable for any of the numerous killers will be sent to an internment camp for “reeducation”. Users burning Strode Realty Keys for Haddonfield or Damaged Photos for Ormond will result in being sent to a WW2 Concentration Camp.
13) Attempting to unhook yourself (Especially since Deliverance is a crime) is fine, but successfully unhooking yourself with that 4%+ Luck offerings is not. If you do manage to unhook yourself - you must crouch and wait there under hook until the killer returns to place you back onto the same hook.
14) Tapping the crouch button more than once especially after a successful pallet stun is grounds for immediate ban from the game. This is called Teabagging and can ONLY be used with other survivors when not in direct line of sight of the killer as a way to mime words or crude sign language (Learning Morse Code may be advised). Waiting at the gate or above an open hatch while spamming crouch repeatedly will have you, the survivor, drawn and quartered in the town square.
15) You may not wear any of the darker cosmetics that blend in with the environment especially on any of the "dark"er skinned survivors like Claudette Morel, Adam Francis or Detective David Tapp is abusing the killers. You must immediately equip the brightest default costumes or highlighter bright options you have bought or risk being removed from the game permanently.
16) You may not 99% any of the gates to play around the Blood Warden perk. You may not stay at or near the gates/hatch as leave as soon as possible if you are already planning to leave. Waiting for the killer to show up to get or give additional bloodpoints is highly offensive. (Credits to MrPenguin)
17) You may not stack items - an additional max of only 2 of the 4 survivors may bring in unique items meaning no double med kit or double toolboxes. The other two survivors must unequip their items if they already see two survivors with items on load in as it's first come first serve when you are playing solo queue. Being late to the lobby means you have no rights to bring in an item. (Credits to MrPenguin)
Final) Remember at the end of the day the enjoyment of the killer who is tasked with far more responsibility and “stress” during a match is more important than each individual survivor who is only ultimately worth a quarter of a complete human being each. If you disagree with any of the above, obviously you are an entitled survivor main.
I hereby agree to these rules.
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Well, you know what they say: Rules were made to be Broken.
(Especially when it comes to Mori.
Don't take away what a Killer is. Killer has got to Kill.)
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That's too many rules. I just want to play the game how, i want, and if i feel like being a little naughty so be it.
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Hm... Your name checks out. You may avoid a ban... for now.
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I love it, good on ya lad.
Survivor 3 and 13 look a wee bit similar though. Must be my imagination.
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Lol fixed - I think I copied instead of cut+pasted
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What scares me is the sheer amount of people who think these should be actual rules.
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Moris are for bad players. Instant win condition consumables like those and many Very Rare/Ultra Rare addons should be reworked or removed. The game isn't fun when you load in knowing you've won/lost because the challenge is circumvented. This includes Purple/Red keys.
I greatly, greatly avoid tunneling because of how much it sucks to be on the receiving end. It's the absolute last resort to getting a 3-4K.
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I can't believe I managed to miss the sarcasm and parody until the survivor section, what have I become?
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In the interest of fairness I added 3 more to the survivor rulebook
"13) Attempting to unhook yourself (Especially since Deliverance is a crime) is fine, but successfully unhooking yourself with that 4%+ Luck offerings is not. If you do manage to unhook yourself - you must crouch and wait there under hook until the killer returns to place you back onto the same hook.
14) Tapping the crouch button more than once especially after a successful pallet stun is grounds for immediate ban from the game. This is called Teabagging and can ONLY be used with other survivors when not in direct line of sight of the killer as a way to mime words or crude sign language (Learning Morse Code may be advised). Waiting at the gate or above an open hatch while spamming crouch repeatedly will have you, the survivor, drawn and quartered in the town square.
15) Wearing any of the darker cosmetics especially on the "dark"er skinned survivors like Claudette Morel, Adam Francis or Detective David Tapp is abusing the killers. You must immediately equip the brightest default costumes or highlighter bright options you have bought or risk being removed from the game permanently."
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Can we get clarification on 1-3, I don't understand, do we just allow the flashlight save?
Shouldn't we also add Dark clothes Claudette, Adam, and dark clothes in general to the second list? That's just hiding in plain sight.
No T-bagging, pointing at, or waving at the killer after dropping a pallet or vaulting a window. No Wraith Bell spam.
No staying at/near the gates, survivors must leave as soon as able.
No 99% the gates.
No stacking slowdown perks (if any slowdown perks at all). Forever games and red bars are not fun. In fairness to this rule no stacking speed up perks on the survivor side.
No item stacking. Additionally only a max of 2 survivors can bring in items in fairness to the no Franklin's rule. No chest perks allowed to try and circumvent this rule.
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3) They brought the flashlight and followed you while the other survivor was being chased. You aren't allowed to mechanically prevent them from doing what their sole mission for having a flashlight is... he will run out of batteries eventually or mess up the timing anyway.
Just 5 minutes before you post added the things about dark clothes and T-bagging (The emotes were considered taunting in another rule).
Killer 16) You may never fake or spam the initial use of your power whether to bait the survivor into trying to dodge OR getting zoned away from safety. This includes but is not limited to Wraith's Bell, Deathslinger's Scope, Doctor's Shock Animation, Demogorgon's Killer Instinct before a Shred. (Credits to MrPenguin)
Killer 17) At most you will use a single slowdown perk or addon as any more in combination creates a "Forever' game and seeing red bars falls into the "not fun" category. (Credits to MrPenguin)
Survivor 16) No 99%ing the gates to play around Blood Warden. You may not stay at or near the gates/hatch as leave as soon as possible if you are already planning to leave. Waiting for the killer to show up to get or give additional bloodpoints is highly offensive. (Credits to MrPenguin)
Survivor 17) No item stacking - an additional max of only 2 of the 4 survivors may bring in unique items meaning no double med kit or double toolboxes. The other two survivors must unequip their items if they already see two survivors with items on load in as it's first come first serve when you are playing solo queue. Being late to the lobby means you have no rights to bring in an item. (Credits to MrPenguin)
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understandable, have a good day.
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what is really scary is that some people missed the joke until they read the other side or just missed it completely.
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Great! I´m glad every DBD player now has agreed on a set of rules to fall back on if there´s ever any doubt about what is allowed and what is not.
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Ah, I understand now, Thanks. Must have missed the rule update, unfortunate timing I guess. Definitely saving this to show those rulebreakers.
(Nice wording by the way.)
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Just to clarify, I didn't miss this to be a joke. But I also dont give a crap about anyone's opinion about Mori Kills. I enjoy them. It's one of the reasons I got this game. And make it a point that if you dont kill by your hand. You are not a Killer. Sacrificing to the Entity makes you a Sacrificer.
But all in all, I got the Entertainment value outta reading this, and not taking it serious. Hence, Rules Are Meant to be Broken.
Killers Gotta Kill 👺🔪
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We got the signatures all there.
But... but... that's like your opinion. 😂
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Did I say to be hypocritical and care about my reason? No. You do you. But still, Killers Gotta Kill. And imma break these rules🥴
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DS too
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Screw your rules; Mikey do what he wants.
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I agree with these.