Ok, Weird Idea For A Killer

Alright so I was sitting and thinking about some of the killer's Backstories and some of the lore and I started specifically thinking about the fog. I don't think it's ever been stated that the fog itself is a part of the entity so I was thinking, what if the fog became a killer? It's a strange idea and I don't have a concrete idea yet but I can't stop thinking about it.
Currently the only idea I do have is obviously the name, "The Fog" what I imagined would become a perk.
The perk could be called something like "Desiring Evil" and it would be based around the idea that the fog looks for evil people for the entity. Basically if a survivor doesn't do a co-op action, heal someone, unhook someone, basically do something altruistic for a set amount of time their aura will be revealed to the killer. It'd probably be a Hex.
Right now that's what I got but I haven't brainstormed a lot, I also am not super deep into the lore but I'd like to see some feedback and hear your idea. :)
Maybe the dog could have gotten an interest in a particular person and made a deal with them. Something like immortality form a price