Help with my Legion build?


After hitting red rank as survivor I decided to try and play killer since I'd largely avoided it because I found it too stressful. I decided to play legion, for no reason besides the fact that I simp over Frank, and I'm liking Legion a lot overall.

Right now I'm running Monitor, Sloppy, BBQ, and Stridor. I think this is pretty solid, but I'm worried I don't have enough gen pressure. Are there any perks you guys would recommend swapping in/out?

Also, what are the "best" legion add-ons? Ive been pretty neutral towards all of them.

Any and all advice is appreciated!!


  • GrimReaperJr1232
    GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,658

    Sloppy is not a good perk on Legion. It used to be great, but as Frenzy is no longer considered a basic attack, its use is pretty little.

    You need a form of gen suppression. Undying-Ruin, Pop, or Surge. Something along those lines. You can compliment/strengthen those perks slightly by running Thanatophobia as Legion is indisputably the best user of that perk.

    assuming you don't like running running slowdown, you can run a chase perk or two. Brutal-Enduring is nice on Legion as he has pretty much 0 chase potential outside of getting 1 hit in.

    His add-ons are... they're pretty bad.

    Detection? Worthless as you cannot capitalize on this info.

    Iri Pin is an exception to the above statement. While you can't capitalize on the information, you get a moment of getting a general idea on where everyone on the map is, which is great.

    Duration? All of them are great. All of them! Even the brown adds 1 sec which often means the difference between a hit or losing Frenzy prematurely.

    Cooldown? Cold Dirt is the only decent one. You can combine it with Joey's mixtape which does have a noticeable decrease but it's rarely worth 2 add-ons slots.

    Franks/Stab Wounds? NEVER under ANY circumstance should you run these. They're add-ons that were meant for Old Legion, and he was a mistake—let's not speak of him again.

    Knives? They're okay. Not great, but okay. Their effect is pretty weak, but considering the amount of mending survivors need to do against Legion, it'll add up.

    Pins? The Smiley Pins are worthless. Legion Pin that applies the broken status is pretty good though.

    Fuming Mixtape? A little underrated in my opinion. It can replace an info perk if you want which is great. It's not amazing, but it's a decent add-on.