Huntress Lullaby shouldn't be shown before the first token?

If you ever played against Lullaby perk, you would realized that at the very first skill check the game notices you about 0 token Lullaby, which has literally no effect at all.

The only effect of 0 token Lullaby is skill check fail penalty.... though you haven't failed any skill check.

Is this non-sense only for me?


  • Godot
    Godot Member Posts: 806

    They could buff Lullaby by making the Hex itself only appear if the Killer has hooked someone.

    Kind of like NOED, which NOED only appearing when all generators are repaired.

  • Xbob42
    Xbob42 Member Posts: 1,117

    This was apparently a bug. It is being fixed in the upcoming patch to where they don't get the notification until the first token.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    It will be fixed in the next patch

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063
    edited October 2020

    How it works right now: Hex notification and Cursed status icon is revealed as soon as a survivor receives a skill check.

    Huntress lullaby is revealed much too easily, survivors typically get a notification in the first 20 seconds of working a gen and go hunt it down without ever having it affect them or their gen progress, because they don't even have to fail the skill check in early game, and no tokens means the skill check notification sound and appearance timings are normal.

    How it will work next patch: Hex notification and Cursed status icon is revealed as soon as the killer achieves 1 hook and gains a token.

    Huntress lullaby isn't revealed until the first hook is achieved giving it a little more time on the grounds before survivors go hunting for it. Technically after 1 hook the skill check notification sound and appearance timings are shorter, but nobody would notice it at 1 token, so the devs decided that having a global notification occur as soon as one of their teammates is hooked would be best.

    How it SHOULD work (IMO): Hex notification and Cursed status icon is revealed as soon as a survivor fails a skill check.

    The entire purpose of Huntress Lullaby is to add 6% more penalty on a failed skill check while making the notification sound and appearance timings shorter so that survivors are more likely to fail a skill check. Due to the RNG nature of skill checks, and how decent players hit them every time regardless of Huntress Lullaby's shorter timings effect, quite honestly it shouldn't notify anyone of its presence until they have failed a skill check and it's started doing damage. This gives Huntress Lullaby more time to build enough tokens to actually become a problem for those who aren't decent at hitting skill check and allows it to start applying its extra damage penalty. For newer players, this means it will be revealed early on, but for the more experienced players it might not even get revealed as they will either always hit their skill checks, or they will notice the timings getting shorter and know to go looking for it anyways. The devs once said that Hex perks shouldn't reveal themselves until they affect the players, which is why Devour Hope doesn't reveal until the killer earns 3 tokens and 1 shot downs someone with a basic attack (although I've been told it reveals at 3 stacks the moment someone is injured or goes down via killers power now regardless, which makes it less of a threat), and why Ruin doesn't give notification until you leave a generator before you finish repairing it.

    To me, the Effect of Huntress Lullaby is the extra damage it does to a failed skill check and not the reduced timings, which exist simply to trick a survivor into failing a skill check. At 3 tokens the reduced timings become noticeable, but unless a survivor fails a skill check, they don't suffer the extra penalty to their generator progress, so IMO, failing a skill check is the moment at which Huntress Lullaby actually affects the survivors, and should be the real point that it's revealed.