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Do devs really care about solo survivors?

Raz_ Member Posts: 296

well.. i have a feeling the devs dont care anymore about the solo survivors in this game, killer mains wont belive that but yes solo survivors exist in this game.

i find it kinda funny that in the last 9-12 months the devs made a lot of things for the killer side but forgot that there is still some survivors playing the game especially solo survivors.

most maps got fixed and balanced, most maps have dead ends 2 good pallets and the rest is mostly unsafe and killers will only bloodlust it, 2 years ago you could carry the game as solo that is not possible anymore but not only that now you also have potatoes what is the next thing i wanna talk about, no good matchmaking, no ranking system, you can have three rank 1s in your lobby but their skill is the same as someone who is rank 10. now imagine this szenario against a good rank 1 killer, how is that fair?

the next thing, survivors have a hitbox of my XL sized refrigator, killers have a 10 meter lunge, Bloodlust the killer can braindeadly just run in circles AND even tho he miss a attack and you juke him on the unsafe pallet he doesnt lose his bloodlust you pretty much reward a killer to chase a survivor for 5 minutes, aim assist aka hit detection or how do you call it again devs? the killer can hit to the right while you're in on the left and you will still get hit somehow what makes jukes, 360ed and all that stuff unnecesarry. dedicated servers made the game experience even worse. we asked the devs to add a "killer ping" but they said that isnt necesarry.. well the hit validition or whatever you call it also not working, and i dont even wanna mention the huntress hitboxes. getting hits from mile away takes just the fun of me.

lets move on.

with the broken matchmaking you get baby killers who are somehow rank 1 and when you manage to loop them for a while they just facecamp or tunnel you. did you ever did something about that? no, right. again rewarding a killer for bad decisions and bad play while the person who played well gets punished.. fun right? meta perks right? i wish i would use them every match.

Moris and Insta down also very fun, yeah survivors have keys but i never use them.

and stop saying "oh but these things are for SWF on comms" BUT IM NOT! stop with the mentality that you play every single match against a SWF on comms, im sure 90% of killers never went against godlike SWF groups.

and just because people say that devs react to it and make the game experience of solos worse just because they lost one match against some coms player. comms doesnt mean godlike just saying.

what did you do in the last months for the solo survivors devs tell me? well, i can tell you what you did, you buffed kindred and thats it. Killers get more and more good perks while survivors get crap. the only thing what survivors got is soul guard and this perk is so situational that its a crap perk as long you dont use it with other perks.

honestly i would be fine with everything i listed when atleast the hibtoxes werent big like my refrigator.

this game gets worse with every update. its just not fun anymore with all the issues. do something about these issues or soon everyone will become a killer main. one is for sure i will not touch survivor again as long you didnt fix atleast the ranking system so we can get again some decent survivor in our teams instead of all the meg mains crouching around while there is not even a heartbeat.


  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415

    Devs seem to have been attempting the balancing around SWF.

    SWF coordinate perks and execute a TRUE 4vs1 gang-up on Killers. 5th perk coms only intensifies the OP factor.

    Thus, devs have given killers very decent counters in add-ons, mori’s, some fairly strong perks, close proximity exit gates etc. These are a few of the ways to help killers against a 3-4person SWF team.

    Solo queue doesn’t always seem like it’s 4vs1 when perks aren’t coordinated, coms aren’t active, and everyone is playing their own style of game and not in a perfect flow like SWF.

    Killers can sometimes seem like OP bullies in Solo matches, for this reason. Realistically, many killers anticipate a OP SWF team and prepare accordingly with a build/ add-ons that may feel unfair to Solo.

    Solo queue is jus somewhat of an unfair challenge that I’ve come to enjoy. It’s all I play, and it feels good knowing (as much as killer players complain about unfair SWFs) that I’m not a 5th perk using killer bully.

    It’s harder to escape, double pipping in many consecutive matches when playing Solo queue then it is in a special ops SWF.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    No, they don't. Solo survivor here.

  • vanhoya
    vanhoya Member Posts: 57

    I play killer and survivor. As a survivor who solos about 50% of my survivor time, I believe the devs should go ahead and include a proximity based in-game voice chat and give killers some kind of general buff to offset.

  • Terro
    Terro Member Posts: 1,171

    I'll tell you this right now... Voice comms with randoms don't solve much and it never will cuz matchmaking is broken. No amount of voice comms will solve anything until DBD has a healthy player pool of varying skill levels and a match making system to support it.

  • Starr43
    Starr43 Member Posts: 873

    Bond, Empathy, Kindred, Borrowed Time, Better Together, Blood Pact, Aftercare.. DS.. I guess Buckle Up For the People combo lol.. all great solo perks...

    If in-game voice chat was available then every game would be a SWF assuming they mic’d up and decided to be social.. heck even if someone didn’t want to talk but could hear the call outs from someone sharing their voice in-game..

    As a survivor it sounds amazing.. absolutely

    for Killers that deal with SWF’s a lot already.. maybe not so much.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014
    edited October 2020

    All they really need to do is this:

    Step 1: Create A HUD Icon for when a survivor is in chase (kind of like the obsession already has)

    Step 2: Create a HUD Icon for when a killer is within say 12 meters of a hook

    Step 3: Buff Killers accordingly

    You close the gap between solo and SWF, and then you can buff the killers a bit to make up for it since the gap is closed. Could probably add a notification when all 5 totems are cleansed.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    The problem with solo que is matchmaking.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    No, only killers.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,159

    They want people to feel a need to play swf. You feel a need to play with someone you're more likely to get a friend (or 3) to pick up the game - that friend will then buy DLC, cosmetics, rift.

  • SurvJoe
    SurvJoe Member Posts: 111

    Good post man , i agree with you bloodlust and bullshit air hits should be gone seriously . What's the point of me trying to loop killer if he will get bloodlust and i will still get confirmed hit , just remove it and let skill decide who wins chase . Same with air hits , 3 meter hit after u vaulted window , hits after you thrown pallet and after u fully vaulted pallet omg so many problems.. Killer games are so ez now with these things: you basically run after survivor collect bloodlust and then hit him thru pallet or window server will connect your hit anyways lol . And this happen on green ping it's not latency

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    Nope, only money

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    Of course they care. Just look at Felix and his perks. They’re all designed around self reliance whilst also still being a useful team asset.

    Many MANY recent survivor perks have been designed with solo players in mind.

  • carpet1987
    carpet1987 Member Posts: 17

    i agree with u, after all that still devs and dirty killer main wonder why survivor dc?!!

  • FattiePoobum
    FattiePoobum Member Posts: 293
    edited October 2020

    The ranking system is garbo

    There are to many survivors at ranks they don’t belong, simply because they did a few gens and got a safe unhook because the killer wasn’t camping.

    ranking up as killer takes far more effort therefore which is why high rank killers dunk on high ranks survivors.

    Unless of course they are a sweaty seal team 6 swf

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425
    edited October 2020

    We just need better matchmaking and ranking system, a team of 4 decent survivors will do fine most of the time in my experience on both sides. The problem is all the potatoes running around in "high" rank.

    If we can get decent matchmaking and the problem still persist then we can talk a bit more. Can't really say with the current system.

  • HommeBizarre
    HommeBizarre Member Posts: 409

    I can already hear soundpad with all the meme sounds in this 'in-game voice chat"

  • CaptainRaider
    CaptainRaider Member Posts: 151

    This 100%, I would love to [BAD WORD] around as killer and run hilarious builds, but I can’t. Every other game is clicky-clicky, teabags, maps, toolboxes and keys with every survivor having some variation of borrowed, DS, DH, Head-on, unbreakable and prove thyself.

    I think teams for solo queue should be limited to 2 people. If more than 2 give the survivors a debuff, add an extra gen or two and/or make it so more than two people can’t have the same perks.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Well, I can say there is a difference between solo survivors and SWF. It becomes pretty clear which is which. But yeah, the solo experience is horrible. Especially on Xbox where the framerate is not your friend.