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What killer has the best Blight outfit?

ZaPe Member Posts: 32

What killer has the best Blight outfit? 61 votes

SquillDBD 1 vote
InjiDoctor_GrizzFog_KingBoosted_DwightElikUistreelDetailedDetrimenttenoresaxWarcrafter4OrangeJackOwlzeyWongrathScaryCatHex_LlamaTheButcher6641JacobDDanielJ 17 votes
MusicNerd_TC 1 vote
SunaIIanuPior_MorteKatie_metquentinsimp 4 votes
SnakeSound222VolantConch1719SpacingLlamasTaigaCornpopers_EvanDzeikorPawcelotRepostRiposteCheeseAntonNoOneKnowsNova 10 votes
DawnMadDerZuntorxtr4meMissRememberMe 4 votes
AhoyWolfthenegativonePr0p3r9Rubyinsomniacpepeistic 5 votes
CamoRangerFoggyWeather_Unnamed_FreakWalker_of_the_fog_96Midori_21musstang62DicklayciaUndershotdoglover53647HEX_MalusGrey 10 votes
Seiko300TapeKnotmichaelmortonbjorksnasAwkward_FiendWiktoroxbubbabrotha 7 votes
notstarboardKateDensonMain3331 2 votes


  • Uistreel
    Uistreel Member Posts: 634

    I personally found it very difficult to choose between wraith or spirit

  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,058

    I love the Hag skin

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    edited October 2020

    On just a general note I want to say that I love most all the Blight cosmetics and the concept of the Blight itself and how it affects killers is really interesting. The way I think about the Blight infected killers is that it doesn't just make them more powerful, but it greatly exaggerates their unique characteristics and corrupts them well beyond their natural original state. For example the bits of metal that are stuck through the shoulders of the Trapper grow into giant spikes, The Huntress who acts like an animal and primarily by default identifies with the imagery of a rabbit (to calm the little girls she kidnaps as her "daughters") grows fur, The Hillbilly's deformities are magnified as his body is contorted and bone pushes past skin, and The Wraith's is finally enveloped in his "natural state" covered in growing Wood and sharp thorny vines.

    The Clown by far is my absolute favorite example of this. His waistcoat bursts open, completely pulled apart as his belly swells, expanding and inflating well beyond normal proportions to the point that the top layer of flesh is tearing open. The ill-fitting stolen clothes he wears are stretched to their breaking point, ripped open in multiple places. The greasepainted caricature of a smile is forced wide into the rictus of a Jack-O-Lantern, and the sparse balding hair grows back in full in a traditional style of a clown. Alongside so many other small details like the wilted flower pinned to his tailcoat is replaced with one of the pustula flowers which bloom out of the visceral cankers.

    Beyond this I think runner ups would be the Trapper and The Nurse. Those are are some fantastic blight cosmetics as well

    You know he'll probably be getting a Blight cosmetic too right?

  • KateDensonMain3331
    KateDensonMain3331 Member Posts: 45

    Plague <3 Spirit's is super cool too

  • Walker_of_the_fog_96
    Walker_of_the_fog_96 Member Posts: 1,238

    Sadly i dont have it :(

  • CheeseAnton
    CheeseAnton Member Posts: 882

    He has a funny haha head

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,703

    Honorable mention to Wraith and Doctor. I just think the drippy pustules make so much sense thematically with Plague.

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,200

    Maybe I'm partially biased as a Doctor main, but there is just something about Doctor's that I really love. Hag is a close second

    Though, if the Legion skin will be as good as the leaks seem to imply, it might overtake both of these.

  • Inji
    Inji Member Posts: 1,096

    It was a close call between Wraith and Clown. Clown having a pumpkin belly and pumpkin carved face is marvelous. However Wraith being an actual tree adds to the awesomeness and him having a hole in his torso.. *chef's kiss*

  • Fog_King
    Fog_King Member Posts: 688

    I love the Wraith outfit, but Clown is close second.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    Doctor. This isn’t even a contest.

  • Dicklaycia
    Dicklaycia Member Posts: 147

    I really do love all of the blighted outfits, but the Spirit’s is the best one to me. From her cool weapon, to the glowing orange serum oozing through her wounds and reflecting off the glass on her body, to even the glass horns emerging from her head with her face transforming into a terrifying expression... The others pale a little in comparison to me.

    Plus, it’s absolutely horrifying to be jumped by a Spirit equipped with this skin. I love it!

  • Doctor_Grizz
    Doctor_Grizz Member Posts: 85

    Wraith turned into a literal tree monster

  • Katie_met
    Katie_met Member Posts: 422

    I love the spurts of hair coming out of her body, and the furry rabbit mask, the eyes look good too