A rehash of the Billy update to make him actually feel good to play.
The devs first attempt at a Billy update was, at face value, mediocre.
Before the update, the community had a consensus on Billy
- Baseline Billy was fine
- Billy's add-ons were too strong
After the update, the devs had made changes to Billy that addressed those points, but not very well.
- While the update was not a large nerf to Billy, the overheat mechanic was just an unnecessary change that makes baseline Billy feel worse with no recompense.
- Some of the new add-ons were a great addition, but most of the effects tie back into the Overheat mechanic, which makes them inherently feel a lot worse, since that mechanic doesn't feel like a natural part of his kit.
The Hillbilly Changes
Overheat is now a tiered mechanic, with delineations on the overheat bar to mark out where each tier begins.
The Chainsaw can be revved faster based on how heated it was when The Hillbilly began revving his saw.
- Dull (0-25%): Normal rev speed (2.5 seconds)
- Red (26-50%): Slightly increased rev speed (2.36 seconds, 6% faster)
- Yellow (51-75%): Moderately increased rev speed (2.23 seconds, 12% faster)
- White (76-99%): Considerably increased rev speed (2.12 seconds, 18% faster)
With these changes, the Overheat mechanic changes from a finicky (and often not very effective) limit on Billy's power that feels slapped-on to a Risk-Reward form of resource management that skilled Billys will be able to take advantage of very nicely.
For comparison, the old add-ons granted 12% (Spark Plug) and 18% charge speed (Primer Bulb & Tuning Guide).
Add-on Changes
I'm gonna leave the Overheat add-ons out of this for the most part, since with added mechanics to the Overheat I think they might actually have some layer of strategy to them now.
I'll keep this to changes that are either already necessary or that are made necessary by the base kit changes.
- Mother's Helpers
- No longer decreases rev speed after being stunned.
- If your chainsaw rev is interrupted by a pallet stun, your rev progress is saved for 4 seconds, allowing you to start where you left off.
Now that he has a potential baseline 18% steroid, having charge speed add-ons sounds like a bad idea, so I'm updating the ones that are still around.
This serves the same general purpose, and is potentially even stronger in the right circumstance, but
- Black Grease
- No longer accelerates Chainsaw Cooling while a flashlight is shining on you.
- Now causes the chainsaw to always appear/sound as if it was in the Dull stage.
This add-on is just... bad.
Add-ons inspired by teachable perks can work, but forcing them like this does nobody any favors.
Now, this one may very well end up being bad, but it's doubtless going to be a better fit than what he currently has.
- Tuned Carburetor
- Decreased movement speed penalty from -0.2 m/s to -0.1 m/s.
- No longer increases your chainsaw's charge speed by 20%
- Now redefines your Chainsaw's heat tiers.
- Your chainsaw will never be Dull or Red.
- If the Chainsaw is at 0-50% charge, it is considered Yellow.
- If the Chainsaw is at 51-99% charge, it is considered White.
For similar reasons to Mother's Helpers, this one had to be adjusted.
The passive bonus has been decreased from 20% to 12%. With the slightest bit of resource management, you can bump it up to 18%. Additionally, this version of the add-on has a visible "tell".
In exchange for that, the add-ons movement speed penalty has been decreased.
Honestly, for Tuned Carb, if you decrease the speed penalty than maybe make it so that the beginning yaw speed lasts a pinch longer? I don't feel like the Tuned Carb would be an better whatsoever without some other compensation