New Killer idea - The Pestilence

Cyclonic_Lizard Member Posts: 1
edited October 2020 in Creations

The Pestilence 

Speed: 4.6m/s (115%)

Terror radius: 36m

Height: Tall

Killer Power

The Pall

The Pestilence has a large idea on medical methods of the period around the bubonic plague. Hold the active ability button to charge up the pall; after which the Pestilence’s mask will begin to fog up and a long inhale will be audible. After charging The pall for a short time, releasing the power button will have the Pestilence release a cloud of fog/smog around and in front of him. When a survivor enters, or is hit by the pall they will cough for a few seconds, and their vision will be covered by a thick cloud of fog. This effect will cause the survivor afflicted to become oblivious, and the fog will block all sight more than 8 meters from the afflicted survivor. This effect will last for 15 seconds (by default), or whenever the survivor loses a health state. The pall will cover a range around the Pestilence by 5 meters (by default), and 10 meters (by default) in front of him. While charging The pall, The Pestilence moves at 3.8m/s (95%), and when fully charged but held, the Pestilence will move at 4.4m/s (110%).

Doctor’s touch

Whenever a survivor under the influence of pall is injured a health state the survivor will suffer the Doctor’s touch status effect. Whenever a survivor is afflicted with Doctor’s touch their aura will be revealed when within 8 meters (by default) of the Pestilence.

“I am the only one who can save them; so why do they run? I’m a miracle worker!” - John Svebach


Cracked Lens

Rarity: Common

A small round piece of cracked glass. Moderately decreases the vision penalty on survivors. Increases bloodpoint gains in the deviousness category by 100%.

Cane Head

Rarity: Common

The top part of a walking cane, it’s unbelievably worn and sanded. Slightly increases the range of Doctor’s touch.

Black Leather

Rarity: Common

A large piece of tanned, black leather. Slightly decreases the vision penalty when charging The pall.

  • “Though he sits behind a mask, I can feel it. Eyes analyzing and a small grin underneath.” - Unknown

Mixed Herbs

Rarity: Common

A mortar and pestle filled with various herbs and spices; smashed into one substance. Slightly increases the range of The pall.

  • “I can assure you that my medicines are of the highest quality you will see.” - John Svebach

Unusual tonic

Rarity: Common

A glass of some liquid, it’s hard to tell what. Slightly reduces the cooldown when using The pall.

  • On the label reads “Cat-tail #52”

Throat Lozenge

Rarity: Common

A small little tablet, said to clear the throat for easier breathing. slightly increases charge speed of The pall.

Damp rag

Rarity: Uncommon

A small damp rag used for cleaning the face and hands. Slightly increases movement speed while charging The pall.

Makeshift Scalpel

Rarity: Uncommon

A small and rugged representation of a scalpel. Moderately decreases the cooldown of The Pall

  • “He makes these like he’s never seen a pair in his life, but he uses them like an expert.” - Unknown

Polished wood

Rarity: Uncommon

A polished wooden shaft, meant for a cane. Moderately increases the range of Doctor’s Touch.

Herb pouch

Rarity: Uncommon

A small deerskin pouch. Inside there is a plethora of petals and stems. Slightly increases the range of The pall.

  • “My methods are not yours to question.” - John Svebach

Ripped Cloth

Rarity: Uncommon

A large piece of black cloth, ripped by the seems. Moderately decreases the vision penalty when charging The pall.

Chewing Gum

Rarity: Uncommon

A small container for a brand of chewing gum, its label is unidentifiable. Shows the trajectory of The pall.

Rubbing oil

Rarity: Rare

An oil that, when applied to the skin, causes severe irritation and rashing. Survivors affected by Doctor’s Touch suffer the hemorrhage status effect for 30 seconds.

  • “The last thing that this ######### is doing is helping!” - Unknown

Chipped wood

Rarity: Rare

A chipped length of wood, looks to be used as a handle. Survivors affected by Doctor’s Touch suffer the mangled status effect for 30 seconds.

Letter of thanks

Rarity: Rare

A small neatly compact letter containing the happy regards of a family who purchased John’s goods. Considerably increases the range of Doctor’s Touch.

Tobacco gum

Rarity: Rare

A small tin containing a chewing gum with tobacco mixed in. Survivors who are affected by The pall suffer the exhausted status effect for 15 seconds.

Brittle Bark

Rarity: Rare

Some tree bark. Breaks almost at the lightest touch. Considerably increases the range of The pall. Moderately increases the vision penalty when charging The pall.

  • “You’d be surprised what two things could come together to create something entirely different!” - John Svebach

Handheld Journal

Rarity: Very Rare

A small handheld journal, bookmarks spew from the pages. Inside the words are unintelligible. Increases the visual penalty of survivors affected by The pall. 

  • “Death is only the beginning” - Entry #753

Coated tissue

Rarity: Very Rare

A small tissue covered in a potent type of oil. Tremendously increases the range of The pall. Considerably increases the visual penalty of charging The pall.

Gold-lined Cane head

Rarity: Very Rare

A small cane head in near pristine condition, it has a small gold strip around the choke. Survivors affected by Doctor’s Touch suffer the mangled status effect until healed.

Vile tobacco

Rarity: Very Rare

A piece of chewing gum with an absurdly high amount of tobacco. Survivors affected by The pall will cough intermediately for 60 seconds.

  • “There are some side effects of course.” - John Svebach

Large Bag

Rarity: Very Rare

A large bag filled with a culmination of medical mysteries. Considerably increases the charge speed of The Pall.

  • “The Doctor is in.” - John Svebach

Iridescent perfume

Rarity: Ultra Rare

An ornate glass bottle of perfume, it’s fumes calm the muscles. Survivors affected by The pall suffer the Hindered status effect for 15 seconds. The pall will stay on survivors moderately longer.

  • “How long have I been wanting to smell that again, it was so heavenly” - Unknown

Black Gloves

Rarity: Ultra Rare

A pair of thick leather gloves, they are covered in dried blood. Survivors affected by Doctor’s Touch suffer the exposed status effect.

  • “You do not know what is best for you! I know what is best for you!” - John Svebach

Killer Perks

Fueled insanity

Countless hours of research has driven you mad… but it was worth it.

Whenever a generator is complete for each healthy survivor all generators receive a regression penalty of 5% / 7% / 10%, and for each injured survivor all generators receive a regression penalty of 3% / 5% / 8.5%.

“Finally… “ - John Svebach

Contagious Suffrage

You know your methods work, even if it causes extreme discomfort and excruciating pain.

Whenever a survivor is put into the dying state Contagious Suffrage activates. Contagious Suffrage will reveal all survivors auras 16 meters from the dying survivor for 4/5/6 seconds. 

All survivors who are within 6 meters of the dying survivor will suffer the exposed status effect as long as they remain within the range. After leaving the range of Contagious Suffrage, the exposed status effect will linger for 4/5/6 seconds.

Contagious Suffrage has a cooldown of 60/45/30 seconds.

“You’re all sick! All of you!” - John Svebach

Vigorous Clutch

The entity admires your dedication to the craft.

Whenever a generator is completed, Vigorous Clutch activates. When Vigorous Clutch activates, the furthest 3 generators from the completed generator will be blocked by the entity for 20/25/30 seconds. The affected generators will be highlighted in a white aura.

Vigorous Clutch has a cooldown of 40/35/30 seconds.

“Whatever that thing is, it doesn’t want to lose.” - Unknown


John Svebach was an immigrant from Germany who found an opportunity to experiment on the sick because of the bubonic plague. John Svebach was the son of a very renowned family who worked with pharmaceutical products and other needs. Due to this, quickly, John developed a sense of familiarity with medication and its effects on the human body. Around the age of 15 he had created his first dose of medication labeled “Cat-tail #52”. Medication at the time was a double edged sword; those who took it would often feel the relief of their previous problems gone, however, they would often create a new problem by intaking the medicine. For some reason the downsides were the thing that interested John; he enjoyed seeing the negative things that medication could do. He often tried scandalous acts of sneaking small tablets, or pouring mixtures into peoples food, and half the time it ended up working. He would sit there and marvel at the pain or suffering the tonic had stirred, but other times he was caught and beaten within an inch of his life, but this didn’t stop him from learning; the thirst for knowledge was too great, greater than any other goal of his.

There became a problem when there wasn’t anyone left to ask for medicine. They had either already been cured, or had been dead for some time. The bubonic plague occurring in Europe at the time seemed like an invitation to continue his passion. So without hesitation, John had gathered his belongings and left for more opportunities. It was almost like a graveyard with people dwelling on it; he marveled at the suffrage of all these people, dying people. A large variety of materials for his mixtures had made themselves visible for John, allowing him to experiment even further with his treatments.

Arriving in a dying place, no one even wanted medication from him; kept saying that “it wasn’t good enough”, or “God did not send this to us”. Eventually the aspiring sadist had caught wind of a type of medical professionals that roam the lands offering their tonics and treatments for coins. He searched for them and eventually found a salesman of the type. Tall, slender build, a mask that looked like the bird of death, and garments to match. Pretending to be a sick person in need, John grabbed the cane that the man was using and bludgeoned him to death. It almost felt satisfying to John, such a new sensation, but such a waste. Adorning the attire, the “doctor” traveled to anywhere his ambitions would take him. Creating new, sadistic ways to treat diseases, John enjoyed his work. Once after treating a man who had been experiencing severe pain in his legs, the man screamed in agony, cursing out John, to which he simply replied, “My medicine didn’t help you, it cured you.” before taking off.  

He keeps creating more ways for people to be in pain. He made a concoction that, when ingested, would slowly rot off the arm. He kept checking in on them; each day their groans grow in strength and severity. Slowly as the arm rotted, he sat there watching, observing, analyzing. The family even threatened to shoot him dead if he didn’t leave, but he stated that without him, their beloved was hopeless. After the arm rotted off, he left without a trace of hesitation; like he had gotten what he wanted.

Eventually the families of those he had killed with his sadistic methods had heard of the whereabouts of John's place of residence. Once the angry mobs had arrived at the small hand-made shack, no one was to be found. Instead, written in all the open journals was text that wasn’t of any decent quality. Strange symbols and diagrams, with large pictures of orange flowers. There was only one line that was comprehensible. Entry #723, “Finally…”


Base kit

Head: Black death

A commonly adorned piece of headgear, worn by those who claimed to be able to cure others of the black plague. A symbolic piece representing the messenger of death… perfect.

Body: Tainted Robes

A large, black overcoat, matches the rest of the attire. The color was often seen as a symbol of death, and it became very iconic to an aspiring John.

Weapon: Fancy cane

A small walking cane. John carried this around more as a defence. Although it never really belonged to him, he found himself fond of it.

Prestige kit

Head: Bloody Death

A commonly adorned piece of headgear, worn by a man who tried to sell medication to a “sick” John Svebach. The blood stains the glass, and leather.

Body: Sanguinary Robes

A large, black overcoat, with blood splattered on its surface. John never knew how messy it could be to hit someone with a cane until they stopped breathing.

Weapon: Vicious Cane

A small walking cane. John used this cane to beat an innocent man to death. While the experience wasn’t the most enjoyable; he wouldn’t hesitate to do it again.

Blighted Kit

Head: Messenger bird

A man who's ever growing thirst for others' pain drove himself to finally ingest the pustualla in the promise of power; growing twisted and melding into his attire, he became what he was originally meant to be; a symbol of death. 

Body: Bleeding Limbs 

He can no longer feel his arms or legs, but he can still move, he can still cause suffering. No matter how much agony he was feeling, the pleasure of witnessing others in pain is much… much stronger.

Weapon: Impious Rod

He could feel his bones breaking, his skin melting, his eyes liquefying. But no matter how much he screamed he felt all of it, every last bit. Screaming until he had no vocal cords left. 

Post edited by Cyclonic_Lizard on