What's your view on DS?
I personnaly see the perk as a whole minute of immunity and not anti-tunneling! I often grab fully healed survivor and get DS out of nowhere, it sincerly sucks that the perk is designed like so.
I like my perks to help me out throughout the whole game, and DS is a one-time shot (that you can sometimes miss.) I personally don't like it but sometimes I run it because if you don't have an obsession I get paranoid that the killer will tunnel.
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I personnaly don't mind DS, it just means I can kill you easier but the fact that it activates no matter the health (grabs) or you do objectives just proves that it's not anti-tunneling but truly immunity over the killer
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I never run into borrowed time or decisive as a killer. I like keeping everyone injured and if you're already injured you're not likely to be my priority. I may knock you down if you potato on me though.
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It’s an anti-momentum perk that needs nerfs. The fact that you can make a billion bad plays and have this perk save you is BS. The whole idea of locker DS is insanely stupid (you’re not tunneling anybody, instead a Survivor is jumping into what’s supposed to be a dangerous place to use a defensive perk offensively). If you down Survivors too quick, you can get hit with DS and it’s basically a reminder that you’re doing too good and need to give the Survivors a chance. The strike shouldn’t happen at all in that situation. However, some Survivors are obsessed with it even if it does nothing and refuse to let it go.
17 -
Ds should deactivate if you do offensive actions towards the killer, like repairing, healing others, unhooking others, etc.
If you progress the game, the killer is not tunnelling, but merely doing their job as they are supposed to.
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DS is definitely doing more than what it's supposed to do. It should deactivate when survivors are on gens, totems, healing someone or going inside a locker.
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You need to remember who you have hooked. Short term memory of one minute. That's the whole counterplay, nothing more.
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The perk exists to fix a problem, but has so much leniency it has become it's own, almost as big problem.
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A necessary evil of playing this game. If the devs allow the hardcore targeting and removal of specific players within a match, then people are going to use a perk or item to prevent that.
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After playing survivor for 2 weeks, my opinion still stands about DS, it needs to have deactivation conditions!
I would make it so that if survivors do a gen, hook rescue, heal teammates, etc., The perk deactivates, due to the fact that you have chosen to put yourself back in the game by progressing the match!
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You're missing the whole point here. DS timer starts when the survivor gets unhooked and not when he gets hooked. And you could have hooked 2 other people before that person gets unhooked. And that unhooked person will have DS and just rescue others and they all will have DS and they will force DS by going inside locker. Breaks killer's momentum. And DS is advertised as anti tunnel and not anti momentum by the devs themselves.
If you play killer you'll know that you get hit by DS even though you didn't tunnel. You can't ignore someone who just does gens in front of you with a whole minute of immunity. If you slug, he'll have UB and SG and just run away. Also survivors can force DS by sitting on gens or medium vaulting windows and you grab them at the heat of the moment. The person with DS can bodyblock the killer who is busy chasing another survivor. If you hit him, you lose distance. If you dont, you still lose distance. Lose lose situation. DS has so many flaws that extends beyond remembering who has DS.
Even the devs get hit by DS and wonder when they hooked that survivor. But since they don't play competitively they won't really mind that. But for high rank killers, eating one DS would massively hurt them.
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Probably one of the stronger survivor perks that gives benifits even if you don't equip it
That said. I don't think it's nearly as gamebreaking as many are saying.
It's strong. Very strong. Broken? Not so much
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I'm fine with the perk and think it's good. It's when it's synergised with other perks like Unbreakable or Soul Guard it becomes problematic, but that's more that it needs anti-synergy and not a full on nerf, but that's just my opinion.
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It is 100% needed in this game. Most of the DS I get are usually because I get tunneled, I would guess around 95% at least. But I am not someone who runs around with an active DS, I might do a Gen which is almost finished, but I would do that as well without DS. But overall, I try to get away, get healed and thats it because I dont like how some Survivors use DS.
However, as said, I think it is 100% needed. I had evenings where I did not use DS and I got tunneled every game. And even against some Killers, DS does nothing. A Spirit or Nurse does not care at all.
The sidenote is that some Killers who did not tunnel are hit by DS, but that happens.
I would be totally fine if they would turn it into a true Anti-Tunnel Perk e.g. staying active while slugged and running, but with a short timer or deactivated when doing an Action. But in general, a Perk like DS is needed.
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It's the only reliable anti-tunneling measure. If the devs were to nerf it, they should just make it base-kit, with a small buff to killers to compensate. Survivors will keep using DS as long as proxy camping and/or tunneling are common tactics.
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As an anti-tunneling measure it's perfectly fine, but once the tunnel is over and the survivor is working on a generator/totem etc, there's no reason for it to be active any more, they obviously have the time to do a gen so they've obviously got time to run again.
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A band-aid fix for other defective core mechanics. It might be broken in some aspects, but removing it altogether without addressing the underlying problems the perk is meant to alleviate would singlehandedly make the game unplayable.
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i have no isues with it cause i dont tunnel and i slug people that got hooked recentlyand somehow run into me
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Quoting for truth. Best description for this issue.
There's no protection after being unhooked at base. No matter how many protection hits other survivors may take, it only serves to strengthen the killer. The alternative is leaving them to die to finish gens which is piss poor way to manage a co-op game.
That said, they could always make it an anti-grab perk. Get pulled off a gen, DS activates. Get picked up from the ground, doesn't activate.
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I think it's a good perk. Even if a survivor wants to be chased (with DS activated for a few seconds), this survivor would be busy doing nothing while you're chasing other survivor.
Killer main here.
Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on5 -
Timer too long, stun too short, touching a gen should disable it, if one is used no others should activate.
Logical thoughts from the majority of the players.
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I like it as it rarely matters to me, i usually want my Make Your Choice target.
When hit though, it's my most disliked Perk, thanks to the effect being a stun.
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I’m fine with it. I run it as survivor but only use it in matches where I’m tunnelled off hook, and I rarely have to deal with it as killer.
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There are very easy solutions to fix DS. Keep the way it is, but it de-activates if you perform offensive action like repairing a gen or save a survivor from hook. At bare minimum the timer should go 2x speed if you repair, clean totems etc. I would still keep the locker play if the killer is soft camping the basement you can enter the locker without risk of getting slugged down there in the basement.
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I am fine with it. I see it as an anti-momentum perk. Pretty mediocre when in the hands of a scrub, but with anyone who can loop properly, it's very strong, but not how it should be.
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As other have said ad nauseum already, it exists to fix a problem but ends up creating a problem just as big if not bigger itself.
The perk needs deactivation conditions for progressing the game, IE gens/totems/healing etc. If you're progressing the game then you aren't being tunneled. The perk currently goes way, way past its anti-tunnel purpose and has become just a 1 minute immunity that is highly abusable.
Just saying to slug them is being either extremely disingenuous or simply not experienced enough with the game to understand what that fully entails. If you leave them they Unbreakable and if you pick them up you eat a DS. Either one of those scenarios loses you the game against good survivors. You cannot afford to waste time downing a survivor to have them just get away with zero time gained, killers simply do not have the time for that.
Every 1 second you waste as a killer on one survivor is 3 seconds gained by the survivors as the other three are on gens. So even if we assume you are an amazing killer and get them down in <20 seconds, that just gave the other survivors 60 seconds on gens..for free if you leave him and he has Unbreakable..or you eat a DS stun to lose those 20 seconds AND whatever extra time it takes you to then find and chase someone else. This is a massive amount of time lost for one survivor...now stick that whole scenario on 3 others as well...
Losing that time if the killer is trying to tunnel someone is totally fine, the issue and why people are upset is when you get forced to lose that time even if you don't want to tunnel because they jump on a gen/totem etc progressing the game and you are forced into a lose/lose scenario from them using it aggressively.
Make it an anti-tunnel perk, not a 1 minute immunity perk. This is all people are asking for.
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I am fine with it lasting 60 seconds after an unhook. But I like Otz's idea that if a survivor heals up or touches a gen in those 60 seconds, then it deactivates. Because if you have time to heal up or get back on a gen then you're not being tunneled.
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I have the same opinion as most people, it's necessary but it should deactivate when you do things like repair gens or cleanse totems, as if you're able to do that it's obvious you're not being tunneled.
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It is a little weak for what it is. Killers should be thankful it is not a pre-hook strike. To be truly decisive, the survivor should decide when it is used. It is weaker than killer perks. It is very situational and helps against tunneling killers.
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Doesnt matter its gonna get neutered. I have already switched to OoO so I dont mind. Actually though I personally thought it was balanced. You had to pay for the anti tunnel part of it but the anti momentum justified it.
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Ds allowed cockiness in matches where it used.
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1 minute... you can spend too much time doing other things and still have it available.
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This game would be unbalanced without DS.
Too many built in mechanics that are constantly abused that DS counters.
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good perk , players who complain about it are tunnelers . dont tunnel and learn to play .
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It's mostly fine. I would be OK with the timer depleting twice as fast while working on a gen but that's about it. None of this "deactivate if you do anything other than stand still" BS.
The only times I am hit by DS (which is probably once every 50 games) is when I'm not paying attention to who got unhooked when. And that's easily fixed by.. paying attention.
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I see it as a perk that shouldn't exist. When combined with other strong perks, it can really punish a killer for doing their objective and in some cases make it so a survivor who should die will escape. It's not a perk that should be in a game like this time is already against the killer.
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Well, about the ds locker strat, you're only partially right. Because moris exist. If I run ds and someones tunneling me with a mori, I have to go in a locker.
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I'm a survivor main and the first time I read the description of DS I was stoked. I couldn't imagine ever not using before I had even unlocked it. After unlocking it and using it for awhile I realized almost every single time I utilized it I got tunneled after doing so. I don't get the appeal of a perk that is pretty much guaranteed to get me tunneled.
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Good design badly created. Hopefully it can get it’s true purpose resolved at some point.
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It's fine, since it can be countered pretty easily. Either go for the other one or drop suspected DS carrier and move one for a min before coming back.
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I forgot about tunnel Moris. That’s the only situation I’ll condone locker DS.
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I feel the perk can be easily abused but at the same time certain play styles are the reason for it's existence.
If your playing as killer and your not deliberately tunneling someone to death, it's a bad perk. Reason being you can hook someone, go after someone else, the first person you hooked deliberately runs into you because they have 60 secs of immunity. Or you could run into that person again by coincidence. Either way you get punished by DS even though you weren't tunneling. If they jump into a locker your only choice is to take the hit. If you slug and they bring UB that is still a waste of your time, which killers have very little.
Then there are killers that do absolutely nothing but go after one person. They pass up opportunities to spread out the dmg, apply pressure, regress a gen. All for the sake of quickly eliminating 1 person. Those types of matches are why DS is in the game.
The perk punishes tunnelers but it also have the double standard of punishing a killer who isn't tunneling. The perk is pretty much a must pick because it is so powerful. Sadly I don't know how you can fix the perk that would be fair to both sides. At least make it so it doesn't work on grabs. Lowering the duration might help but I can still picture toxic killers downing someone and counting to 60 just to get rid of that 1 survivor.
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I thought it was fine but now that the devs are nerfing pop I think ds needs to be nerfed next.
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You literally didn't even read my post did you?
"You are asking to take away a survivors chance at surviving tunneled"
No, I am not. If you read my post I said I want the perk to counter tunneling, which is literally giving it the exact use you want it for.
"I used DS for 2 months and rarely used it"
DS is giving you value even if it doesn't activate because it forces the killer to play around assuming you have it, which is playing a way that loses him the game against good survivors. You are getting extreme value out of it regardless of activation.
"then I took it off. And holy he'll. The tunneling, bruh. Every match ive been in, I get hounded. As soon as I'm off the hook, here's the killer chasing me till I'm down again or hitting me right off the hook."
So first you don't get tunneled at all for 2 months and now you say you get tunneled every single time you get off the hook...
Common man, be honest, that doesn't make any sense. I play solo queue regularly and almost never get tunneled. You are either being misleading about what's actually happening or you are playing very badly.
"You aren't entitled to the kill, especially if you tunnel."
What are you even talking about? Not a single thing I've said leads to this statement. I literally said that I want the perk to counter tunneling...and you interpret that as "he wants to tunnel".
If you don't agree with making DS be an anti-tunnel perk then it seems like you want the perk to be abusable for non-tunneling situations which is not its intention. You aren't entitled to free escapes man.
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You’re completely ignoring the word “idea”. I’m allowed to call something stupid even if I know how to counter it.
Also swinging your weapon at a locker just hits the locker itself. Maybe you just worded it wrong but hitting the locker doesn’t hit the Survivor.
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Garbage perk and when paired with unbreakable and smth like soul guard it becomes even worse. I can see why devs would want to have it in game and it does serves it purpose from time to time but it's annoying to go against 4 surv with DS. Killers will always complain about it and surv will complain about noed and other #########
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Its a really strong perk that I think is MOSTLY fair, but there's one thing I'd change about it. If you become fully healed before the 60 seconds is up, it ends your DS. That way you can't heal and then just eat a grab on purpose.
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What? What kind of Survivors are you going up against? Smart Survivors stay in the locker where the Killer can’t hit them unless they’re trying to use Head On.
Ok... you’re either new or trolling. 60 seconds is a LOOONG time in DBD. You can complete most of a gen in that time. If you sit there at the locker, you will lose so much pressure. See how bad your “strategy” actually is?
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60 seconds passes quickly when you chase someone else.
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I think it's a necessary evil, although could do with some changes.
At the moment if I see no obsession as killer, I'm likely to 'tunnel' the weakest survivor, because I can. If I see an obsession I'm inclined not to do that in case they have DS. This is why I see DS as a necessary evil.