Please stop justifying yourself.

Yeah. I know. Look at me, I'm an idiot. That's crazy talk. Stop having reasons to play Spirit, to play Nurse, to run DS/UB or OoO with my friends? What's this guy on about.
But please: It's okay to run strong things.
That's it. There doesn't need to be a reason, an excuse. You might well have one, but you don't need to. At all. In any way. Your reason is totally fine being "I want to win." There's nothing wrong with that in the slightest. All the rest, all the victimisation and the blaming of the other side, it's just causing this community to divide and rot. It's not the survivors fault you're playing Pyramid Head. It's not the killers fault you're running DS/UB. It's yours. You wanted to. You wanted to be powerful, to bring in the good stuff, and that's okay.
But this insane, constant need to justify ourselves, it's just alienating everyone. Not every killer tunnels. Not every survivor runs UB with their DS. And trying to claim that they do? Trying to tell them that it's their fault? That they are the ones ruining your day, despite you having never played them in your lives? That's hurting everyone.
It's okay to run strong stuff. You don't need any other reason than that. You don't need to justify yourself. Just do it because you want to.
And side note, please stop making me constantly remember to mention a problem from each side of equal magnitude. I'm very tired and it hurts my brain. Sometimes I talk about survivor, sometimes I talk about killer, and not remembering to do both all the time every day doesn't mean I've completely forgotten the other.
Agreed. You don't need a reason to run strong things or play in group. Just don't be a [BAD WORD] because you won without putting more effort than usual.
16 -
Weaker perks are more fun these days, because a lot of killers expect the strong stuff. Lightweight + corn + pebble = lul
7 -
Idc what perks you run or who you play as. It's your playstyle that makes you toxic.
25 -
I am gonna go one step further and say its also okay to camp/tunnel to win games. It is not okay to do things just to annoy the other side (like teabagging/taunting), that would be just plain toxicity, but otherwise you can play however you like. The only people who are supposed to consider other sides fun are devs, you are free to do and use whatever you want and if it's a problem it should be fixed, not shamed.
Additionally, it's okay to do none of these and enjoy the game while taking into account other sides fun too. This is how I always play but I don't think this is in anyway the only "correct" way. Play however you want.
Repeating myself but want to emphasize that I'm not talking about people who do and use these with the sole purpose of annoying other people, that's just being a bad person. As long as your intention is winning and enjoying the game itself then it's all good.
6 -
Empathy, breakout and MoM are hilarious when they work.
7 -
What a Chad build lol
2 -
It's just not gonna happen. I want it to, but it's not.
You'd think majority of people that are toxic and want to ruin people's fun are the killers - plenty are but after playing killer for so long and fairly at that - it's sadly survivors that are much more toxic.
A killer can just Mori and camp places, a survivor can endlessly loop - tbag - point and wave - they know what they can do and they will do it and not care for your feelings at all because you're "a killer" and apparently killers have no feelings.
I can admit there are PLENTY of actually good teams that can beat me and not be toxic - but most people that know they can beat you in ANY way will take advantage and be rude to you.
Until this game is fun, I'm only going to randomly play when new cosmetics come out. No matter what I'll love my boy Ghostface.
6 -
Applause 👏🏻
3 -
This post reeks of entitlement. It IS fine to run DS/UB. It is NOT ok to run noed or play spirit. I would get into why, but I'd rather not.
2 -
Get into why.
7 -
Refresh your page.
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Im sorry what? How does this post reek of entitledment? Why is it okay to run ds/ub but not noed spirit?
1 -
Is my post not updating? I added an /s...
1 -
Literally just did.
0 -
No, I updated it when it came out. I was making a joke statement. Anyone with that mentality is wrong, and shouldn't play multiplayer games.
2 -
Fair enough. And yea.
0 -
My statement was a joke. I added an /s for clarification.
1 -
Theres really no need to justify anything to use.
The only problem are the people who use the strong things but then complain when the other side also uses strong things.
Otherwise there is no reason to justify bringing a key or a mori or whatever else. As long as its in the game and not again the rules, its okey.
(And no, selfmade rules doesnt count!)
6 -
You know, I kind of agree. Such tactics are simple, they are easy, and they often work (which is still shocking to me.) So long as the killer in question has no illusions about what they are doing, and so long as they are aware that they are making their opposition miserable... It's more the Devs fault for encouraging it than a players for playing that way.
6 -
I'm guessing you use empathy to have an earlier warning of where you need to be? Might throw on a healing perk as well and give it a go
0 -
If I see someone on empathy, I go for them and bodyblock to get a MoM stack.
0 -
But I play both sides and XX, YY, and ZZ is uNFaIR.
0 -
Yeah, don't worry about what other people think. Run your toxic build and chase half the population out of this sinking ship even faster.
0 -
Why is it notifying me when someone comments on your post?
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Did you see my /s on my comment? I don't want you to think I'm a jerk.
1 -
Yeah, I saw it and laughed, and I have no idea why you are getting notifications. That's just... Well, the forum has been having issues lately. Maybe this is one of them.
2 -
And that mentality is exactly what I'm talking about. How is it toxic to run strong things? How is it someone's fault for wanting to win? If something is broken, it's not the players fault for running it, it's the Devs fault for allowing it to exist in the first place.
4 -
I can honestly say I never use to run ds/ub but then I started being tunneled and slugged left on ground for the whole bleed out duration and it never crossed my mind to run UB till that ######### happened I didnt choose to run those perks killers playing like that (tunnel/slug/camp) forced me to run it I'd personally like to run other things but until killers stop playing like trash I'm forced to run the meta specially when randos arent doing gens and im in a chase 10 mins
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In my opinion, I agree with you on some things. I'm personally ok with tunneling because killers usually tunnel to win. I HATE camping though. I feel like camping doesn't help the killer as it makes it easier for survivors to win and it doesn't help the killer at all. It also makes the survivor being camped not have any fun because they are stuck on a hook for the whole game. I understand if a killer camps at the endgame but that's about it. I honestly think killers camp at the the beginning of the game or at the middle of the game just to piss some people off. I'm honestly the kind of player who doesn't care what perks a killer or survivor runs, as long as I have fun. But I just don't like camping and don't understand why people would do it. Sorry for the rant :/
Post edited by JiNgAmEs on2 -
These titles are getting ridiculous
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Did you bookmark the thread?
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Looping isn't toxic, nor Is emoting. Tbagging is part of any game. Dbd community has misused that word so much that it has no real meaning now.
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Just because tbagging is in many games doesn't make it less toxic.
8 -
...I refuse to comment on my own stupidity.
7 -
Yes it does. It's a way to taught your opponent. Its hoe you get their attention or even force them to make mistakes. It's a psychological thing. Tbagging isnmore than just "toxic." I can tbag someone in gears of war to force them to push me when I have teammates ready to cross. This community misuses the word toxic. I do agree its BM tho.
0 -
To be fair, the whole concept of "taunting" is to be nasty to someone to get their attention. Kind of understandable that it gets under peoples skin in whatever form it takes, it's literally supposed to
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Tbagging isnt nasty its nust butt dancing. Well atleast in dbd and it makes people big mad.
0 -
Then How do you justify t bagging at the exit gates? You want the killer to see you leave the game?
6 -
The Virgin DS, unbreakable, dead hard and the Chad empathy, MoM and breakout.
0 -
There is no need to be rude in a discussion to each other. It's fine to disagree with each other, but things can be discussed civilized. Please be respectful to each other or this thread has to be closed.
6 -
No the community in a whole is toxic. Everyone has their own reason. That doesnt make it right. Tunneling and camping is NOT a viable way of winning it shows ypu are small minded and have a losing problem, and survivors that purposefully loop killers thats just as toxic. You can play this game with any perk set up and not pally like a jerk. The community is crap because you all want to point fingers but no one wants to change. Just stop being toxic and the community will fix itself
0 -
So it’s ok to face camp but not teabag? Ok. I’m sorry but if a killer is face camping that’s on the same level as a survivor teabagging imo. I do not usually bm the other side but if I see a face camper I will teabag and play as toxic as I possibly can in hopes to piss them off.
2 -
(Killer Main) It just feels like I can't run what I want to run. Want to try out a new non-meta build? Get ######### talked for 'not being good enough' get tbagged after pallet drops, point spamming, etc.
Want to grind out bloodpoints and/or rank up and use meta defining perks? Get hate mail for using crutch perks for killers who can't kill properly.
It feels like I can't go a day with out being [REDACTED] stirred for playing how I wanna play, and I can't just ignore the hate mail or the toxic behavior because once I know someone wants to stick it to me, I'd just rather do anything but play DBD.
Thank you kind soul for posting this and doing your part, I wish sooooo much that there were more people like you, but I genuinely think that it's all for naught and the community won't change any time soon. Thank you for trying <3
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It's not what you use. It's how you use it. Perks, items, add ons, abilities, ect.
1 -
I agree with the OP; there is no reason to try and justify your actions. As long as you aren't cheating with hacks or lag spikes, disconnecting and leaving games unfinished, there is nothing you have to apologize for or explain. As a Killer I will camp, tunnel, slug, or Mori if it is appropriate at that time. I will use whatever Perk I see fit. As a Survivor I will engage in whatever build I want too, and make no excuse for team tactics to get people out alive. Don't hate the playa... hate the game.
3 -
I don't usually care too much what a killer runs, but when they play the most broken killers (whatever you consider broken) and an Ebony Mori and/or broken add ons, THEN claim that they are good. Yean.. no.
You only need a couple of brain cells to get kills that way, calm down. I've played with some of these add ons and yeah they make things much easier. Even an Ivory Mori, being about to take out a survivor so quickly sets the game off balance so quickly.
Sure take your W but don't act like you bent over backwards to get it.
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I mean, not to be that person, but "I want to have fun" and "You wanted to be powerful" and "Do it because you want to," are all reasons and justifications.
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And yet that little nitpick is completely different from "it's all your fault I'm ruining your day you toxic individual that I have never met or played before." Or worse, "I get camped/tunnelled/gen rushed/deathsquads every game so that's the only reason I run strong perks/killers."
0 -
Bravo. Well said.
You know, it's sort of weird because I always get upset at people literally just playing their game in their own way, but at the same time, I use the same tactics to win sometimes. I'm also toxic as survivor, and sometimes as killer too.