Iridescent Seal..... busted???

A translucent cylindrical seal moulded from The Fog itself with the effigy of The Plague. Its surface is warm and pulsates with The Entity's power.

  • Vile Purge becomes Corrupt Purge every time a Generator 
  •  is completed.
  • Tremendously reduces Corrupt Purge duration.
  • Moderately decreases Movement speed while holding Corrupt Purge.

For those unaware ^

An extremely underrated add on that drives people away due to it's harsh penalties for what appears to be a "mediocre buff" to the plague, but what if I told you that these penalties aren't harsh or give you a mediocre buff?

This add on is insanely fun to play with, the only thing that is stopping me from using it is that I don't have any after using all 11 of them lmao.

so why do I think this add on is so good? well first off it let's you instantly get corrupt purge, no need to walk from Antarctica to Denmark, AND survivors don't get notified when you have it, when plague picks up corrupt purge from a fountain a loud *flashbacks to my global audio cues post* global sound cue notifies survivors that she now has CP, but when a gen pops with this add on survivors don't get notified whatsoever, they only get notified when it's too late (she sill has red particles from her crown though).

Now let's talk penalties:

  • Tremendously reduces Corrupt Purge duration.

Base CP duration: 60 seconds, this add on reduces it by 20 SECONDS, so you get 40 seconds of CP, and there are 5 gens so 5 * 40 = 200 seconds of CP with this add on, oh and with your default fountain it's 240 seconds.

  • Moderately decreases Movement speed while holding Corrupt Purge

0.3m/s reduction, unless you're holding it in a loop that penalty does nothing since CP is a ranged attack.

plus there is a very rare add on that removes that penalty, similar to when running iri head + infantry belt to reduce it's penalty.


great add on that instantly gives u cp without having to pick it up and without notifying survivors unless it's too late


  • ToxicMyers
    ToxicMyers Member Posts: 1,295

    So basically its 1 fountain that you get once per match, spread out by gens, that also reduces the time of the fountains you normally get for what? Its pretty useless for a ultra rare but isn't the worst add on. It should be purple IMO

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,786

    its 200 seconds of corrupt purge, the 3rd or 4th best power in the game at the cost of making the things survivors at red ranks never use useless, oh no what a sacrifice that has to be made

  • ToxicMyers
    ToxicMyers Member Posts: 1,295

    Like i said it's useless for an ultra rare, would be better as a purple but isn't as bad as some killer add ons

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,786

    Ah yes its useless as an ultra rare because it gives 200 seconds of one of the strongest powers in the game?

    I literally don't understand your train of thought on how this addon is useless

  • ToxicMyers
    ToxicMyers Member Posts: 1,295

    Its 200 seconds of the best projectile in the game, that's also the most buggy besides nurse and is easily avoided by hiding behind objects that will block the blast, not to mention missed shots drain it faster. Now if they fixed the bugs then I would say its strong, but right now lag plus bugs make it weak.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,786

    missed shots drain it faster? just stand behind an object?


    200 seconds of the best projective lin the game

    its a bit buggy

    2/10 addon

  • ToxicMyers
    ToxicMyers Member Posts: 1,295

    Not to mention the fact if they do gens quickly all it does is waste your corrupt purge that you had from the last gen. Add on the non existent map mobility and i say its pretty meh for an ultra rare.


  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    As a Plague main, I can tell you from my experience that it's a pretty bad addon, especially for an ultra rare.

    Plague is already at the whim of survivors, this just doubles up on it. A lot of the time you're out of position when it activates. Worse is the early game, when gens are popping quickly. It's the early game that she needs her VP, to spread the love, not CP. When you have the gens being finished in the first two or three minutes, CP isn't worth it. Then you only have two or three more uses from it, and they aren't cleansing at that point.

    Is it fun to use as a surprise? Sure, I've tried to meme with it before. But I don't rank it anywhere near good. Black Incense is infinitely more agreeable for an ultra rare.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Any Plague running this should win. That's just how it is. Iri seal, Tinkerer, Infectious Fright... Every gen they finish is a snowball for you.

    Of course, terrible map RNG and robbed hits can easily stop that, but let's not dwell on things so vastly out of ones control that you may as well call them and "acts of the Entity."

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,786

    The fault of the killer isn't the fault of the addon plauge doesn't have map pressure

    also if they do gens quickly downing people with the strongest ranged attack in the game would get the game slowdown snowball moving, so basically the addon can save you in certain situations where otherwise you would have just been regular plauge with no damaging ranged power

  • ToxicMyers
    ToxicMyers Member Posts: 1,295

    For an add on to be busted it has to work well with the killer in every situation with a good player. For example a good iri head huntress can shred survivors. So yeah if the killer is garbage then the add can only do so much. If they are doing gens quick enough where multiple gens pop at once you lose 40 seconds of CP.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    I disagree heavily. I tried it and I thought it was really bad. According to the wiki the movement speed is -7.5%. Putting Plague down to 107.5%, that’s slow as hell and makes it easy to avoid Corrupt which already has a bit of a delay on it itself. I guess it depends on the map but if you’re anywhere you can run around a structure here you should be safe.

    Secondly the shorter duration makes it harder to snowball. I had Sanctum of wrath which is an awful map and they were constantly spreading out, combined with the lower movement speed it was hard to keep it going.

    If I wanted a good corrupt purge build I’d take the 2 purple add ons instead.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    It's pretty good to beat survivots that don't cleanse indeed.

    You're time calculation isn't completly correct though. Gens rarely pop one at a time. The first 2-3 gens are very likely to pop around the same time

    So on an avarage match i'd say you get about 120ish seconds of it. Still good ofcourse but not quite the 200 you said

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278
    edited October 2020

    It reduces CP duration to 40 seconds.

    That means a guaranteed CP of 200 seconds throughout the match, even if no one cleanses, and even if Plague doesn’t use the one free fountain.

    I think it only reduces her m/s to 110 too (while CP is active).

    The drawbacks are small compared to what Plague gets in return. It’s one of the few insanely powerful iridescents in the game, considering a gen usually pops when somebody else is drawing you away in a chase anyway. Oops, they’re in trouble now.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Not a guaranteed duration of 200 seconds. Gens don't pop one at a time. If 3 gens pop at the same time you only get 40 seconds not 120.

    Still pretty good, mostly because of the no warning sound and not having to waste time to get to a fountain but let's not oversell it here.

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    Reading this thread makes me realize that people here cant' tell that this is a "Loss Less" addon in the same vain NOED is a "Loss Less" perk.

    Also having a addon cripple your normal CP is devastating which survivors will quickly figure out if your using it and just delay gen pops to make you lose a lot of your CP time from this addon which is a "Lose More" mechanic.

    So it lets you "Loss Less" by gimping your normal game winning ability making you "Lose More" if multiple gens pop at the same time while making the plague who already has too much counter-play have more counter-play.

    Its badly made either way you look at it but its far from powerful trust me...

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,786

    Thats not how that works, and I never said it was busted I just said it was worth its rarity for its up to 200 seconds of corrupt purge, iridescent doesn't always mean busted.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,256

    It isn't exactly good tbh I rather use incense. Anyone know why they remove the down survivor aura from black incense? Apparently it was a bugged that was not supposed to be there.

  • SupaSlay3r20
    SupaSlay3r20 Member Posts: 139

    I'd say that plauge's oyher ultra rare is stronger as it gives you a ton of info throughout the match.