Scrim of Korea DBD team competition for DFC (Just for fun)
I'm here to just show some DBD competition in asian. DFC is competition hold in JP and there's a scrim for Korea team participation in DFC. hope you enjoy!
I also have trans of 2 game, what i have thought interesting. You could check out other games if you are interested about this.
Rule: This game rule follows DFC rule.
Just 1 DS user per trial. and nurse should play with no addon and 3 perk. and couldnt play in Indoor map(such as Hawkins)
Newest perk like HEX:Undying couldnt be used.
each team could ban 1 killer; in Korea team's case, it was spirit.
If you want Details, go and DFC didnt allow copy of this rule.
Scrim of the Korean team for the game DFC playing all survivor and many skilled killer also helped in the Scrim.
In other word, All survivor members are Korean team members, participants of DFC and the killer was Invitational.
The game below was with one of the biggest DBD streamer killer.
M = Maze, Korea DBD streamer. And play killer for this DFC team.
O = OH5, Korea DBD streamer.
D = Dean, Korea DBD streamer.
DD = Dedung2 or Dedunglee, Korea DBD streamer.
Killer, was invitational, one of the biggest korea DBD streamer.
Each player's DBD playtime is more than 5~6000 hours.
You may say that, "Oh, what? The killer was noob, I could do better than that." Well, Watch the video, stay tuned to end.
He's pretty good, he's done 4Kill a few times, and he's done all kill in the same build.
He've done relatively very well with the Invitational Killer so far.
(* cat = spine chill)
I'm in the lab room.
I'm in lab room too.
Me too.
There are four people in the lab.
O/ Who'll stay in the lab? I'll stay.
M/ DS stay, DS.
O/ There's no Ruin.
M/ The cat is on. The cat is on. I can hear heartbeats.
M/ I'm with DeDung. It's like 11 o'clock here, Oh I'll correct It's 1 o'clock here.
O/ Oh, it's Nus. I got a bug. What the heck?
M/ What?
DD/ What bug?
O/ Seriously?
DD/ What bug?
O/ So I jumped up once as I fell.
M/ I'm working on the generator with Dean.
D/ Uh, the cat is on.
M/ Uh, The Discordanance is on, let's take out once.
D/ I'll be right in on you, OH5.
DD/ Looks like Dean have the chase.
D/ killer's back.
O/ The cat isn't turn on
DD/ No, it's Dean on chase.
Dean is on chase
O/ The cat isn't on
O/ Dean, just try unhook him now.
D/ I'm on the chase.
M/ Is this a discordance and a tinkerer? Seems pops and tinkerer.
M/ I'll just unhook this right away, Dean?
M/ Let's just hold all Gen self since there's no Ruin. Okay? We're not going to die if you just brief tinkerer.
It's really hard if killer lose the tempo once because He's Nurse in Hawkins.
O/ The cat is on me
O/ I got caught, I didnt make full heal, but, I'm exposed..
M/ Yeah, I'm gonna go unhook him.
M/ Unhook him, unhook, unhook, Dedung.
DD/ I think He has a Searching Perk.
O/ The cat is on me
M/ Rather, there could be BBQ. Since he doesn't have a Ruin.
O/ I have the chase.
O/ I'm in room 5.
M/ OK, Go ahead, drag anywhere.
O/ Going to room 4 from room 5.
O/ Seems he'll coming to tunnel me.
M/ Yeah, He's walking on you.
My cat turn off.
O/ I'm in room 6 now.
D/ Isn't he has Nursecalling?
O/ I think Killer is in room 7, the long one.
O/ The cat's on, on room 6.
DD/ I got the generator. It's 10%.
M/ Oh, I'm 80% now. Sorry I didn't brief you tinkerer. Do He have a tinkerer?
D/ I don't know. It's not on.
D/ I have DS.
DD/ I don't think he has tinkerer.
M/ This must be discordance and pops.
O/ I'm on my way to room 8.
O/ I'll turn the discordance in room 8.
M/ Dean, Don't hesitate on chase. I said there's no Ruin.
M/ It doesn't matter if your chase have been tossed cuz there's no Ruin.
O/ A gen in the lab room, one in room 6, one in room 4, one on floor 3rd, one in hallway 1-2... I told you all.
M/ He went to Dean.
DD/ My Gen is 70
D/ Oh, this (lunge) got reach. He did good.
M/ I'm holding 1 o'clock.
D/ I'm getting hooked the stairs on the third floor.
O/ I'll see if I can unhook.
M/ He can see your sacrifce(camp). It seems he would'nt Patroll.
M/ He did tunnel after DS.
O/ I'll unhook right away.
DD/ The cat is on me.
D/ Maybe it's not good to unhook me. He'll be right back on me.
O/ The cat's not on, Try stealth(hide).
O/ Cat on, cat on, cat on.
M/ Why dont you activate Camaraderie on.
D/ I don't have a Camaraderie.
O/ It's Dedung who have Camaraderie.
D/ Cat is on me again.
O/ I got room 3 generator. Room 3.
M/ I'm on 1 o'clock.
O/ That's room 1.
D/ I have the chase now, but I have nowhere to go.
M/ Drag it(to me). I have a sprint, too.
M/ He's on you.
M/ We needs generator 3 on at least.
M/ I just turned one on.
M/ De-Dung plz hold lab room(Gen).
O/ Generator is in room 1, room 4, and one in room 5.
M/ Let's get a lab. Come on Lab room.
O/ Room 3 generator's 50 %.
D/ Wow
M/ Then let's just get one lab, you get it alone.
DD/ I got this.
M/ Yes, cuz it's discordance.
M/ What's the percentage of Gen, OH5?
O/ I'm on 60 percent.
M/ He's in the lab room.
O/ I think I could finish room 3, then?
M/ After Room 3, Make your way to Stair, the Stair Generator.
O/ Okay
M/ Since He's No-Addon, so He couldnt make rightaway once to repress. He need to take steps to take the stairs to repress.
DD/ I'm going room 1, on my chase.
O/ You can come straight to room 3, DeDung, I turned this on.
M/ I'm going to hold on what Dedung was holding in the lab?
M/ But this is about 10%.
D/ Nice
DD/ I'm going back to the lab.
DD/ He's not following me! Is he coming? He's coming. Coming.
O/ 20% generator on 3rd floor
D/ Will he repress? I don't think so.
M/ I'll just be safe play.
D/ He missed me.
M/ I'll go on safe style. I'll just fall when the cat's on.
M/ I'll tell you when the lab cat's on. I can't hear heartbeat.
O/ The cat on the third floor
O/ I have the chase.
M/ I think he have NOED. It's too empty(perks).
O/ I'm going to down.
DD/ I think It will be hard because I dont have self heal.
M/ OH5, Can you see if you could unhook? After hiding in the cabinet?
DD/ I'll try to stay as far away as I can.
M/ I think it's BBQ. I'll just got catch up on BBQ.
M/ I got caught, Lab room is on 80%.
O/ He's good, the blink.
M/ Labroom cat on
DD/ I'll unhook it right away.
DD/ Let's heal eachother, bro.
M/ Labroom Heartbeat
O/ DeDung, Start with me, you have Camaraderie.
M/ The lab generator's here. It's gonna be loaded.
M/ Finish heal, He's looking for me.
M/ He's still looking, I don't think he's even kicked up pops yet.
DD/ I'll heal you 99.
O/ I don't need 99 heel.
DD/ Maybe he could come if he finds out healing.
M/ He's still looking for me. Just try hurry heal.
O/ Okay We are on it
DD/ And Shall we activate discordance?
DD/ Iet me be exposed, bro.
M/ He's still looking for me.
O/ Let's go then.
M/ He's still looking.
O/ Where room are you?
M/ Room 1
O/ There's a generator in room 4, one in the lab, one in the third floor.
M/ Room 1, Cat keeps on.
M/ He's gone, He's gone, He's gone, He's gone
O/ Room 4
O/ DeDung was exposed, I got, too.
O/ Killer is in room 4, now.
DD/ I think He will go after you.
DD/ He came to me.
I'm sure its pops.
DD/ Can you turn the lab room on?
M/ No, it's pops.
M/ Lab generator is on 40%.
O/ Keep chase in Room 4.
O/ Maybe he missed me?
DD/ I have the chase, I have the chase, I have it.
DD/ I'm just gonna as far as. Just toward opposite of the lab.
M/ You need to hold Gen, the. I've got 50% gen in labs, but I'll think about getting out of it.
O/ I'll hold the generator in room 4.
DD/ He's following me.
M/ Lab room, Lab room, Lab room, Lab room.
D/ This is chase on Maze.
M/ Lab room, Lab room, Chase on room 1.
M/ I need one of you to hold a generator on the third floor. We are so dragged around by killer.
O/ Then I'll go.
DD/ I'll hold the middle one.
DD/ Is heal possible?
O/ It's possible.
M/ I'm on chase, I'm in room 2, the long one.
O/ DeDung, come here. come here.
M/ I'm on the stairs side, Killer, but not coming.
DD/ He's following after OH5.
O/ Wow
O/ I think I'll down? There's the thing here in room 67.
DD/ Hatch, hatch.
M/ We didn't turn on the third floor generator, did we? Why anyone of us don't hold it? Third floor is the safest.
O/ Killer in room 6.
M/ Hold on the third floor, please.
O/ Killer in room 6.
DD/ I my chase gonna took over, soon.
He's going to the labs.
DD/ Came to me.
M/ Listen to this for now.
M/ There was a gen in labs, one middle, and one third floor.
M/ It's good to drag on the outside when you're on chase.
M/ I was spinning it in the lab and it kept tossing and turning.
M/ When I was holding Gen in the lab, the chase coninued to toss.
M/ Now it's good to drag it outside.
D/ I think you need to hold here.
M/ I'll just hold this.
DD/ I'm just on (my way to) the third floor.
D/ No, There is one on third floor. There is.
M/ The cat on the third floor. Maybe coming.
DD/ Oh, I think He's coming to me.
DD/ I'm going to drag this to the center.
DD/ Can't Go Outside
I'll just hold this.
O/ I'll make my way to third floor.
M/ No, Just go to the lab, plz. The gen in third floor is for single.
O/ Are you on the third floor now?
M/ yes.
M/ Is this a monitor?
M/ DeDung, did your chase over?
DD/ Yeah.
M/ Came, He came 3rd floor.
M/ I think he's on the third floor. Hearts are loud.
DD/ I think i keep telling the location.
M/ Third floor, third floor. Killer is.
DD/ Still Looking
M/ He's still looking. Maybe going back now.
O/ Lab Room Generator 50
M/ I think he went to the lab.
M/ I think he went to the lab. I took a long blink to the labs.
DD/ I'm sure He've seen me. He've seen me.
DD/ I'll go chase in to Central.
M/ Maybe it is going to turn it on? I'm 80%. Oh, but I popped it.
O/ Let's burst into co-workers and get the door open.
M/ How far has the gen go? I popped it. Sorry.
O/ I'm 70 percent.
M/ I'm about 70 too. Then I'll activate Camaraderie.
DD/ Going to the third floor.
M/ Then I'll pop it. Camaraderie.
M/ Oh, I should have taken it out, in progress.
DD/ I'm the first hook.
M/ Are you going to blow up a fraternity? Oh, the first one?
M/ plz turn it on of the labs. I'll do my best to stealth.
DD/ Uh, it's on.
O/ I'm gonna turn on the generator, the lab, but the cat's not turning on.
DD/ But isn't the perk is empty a bit?
M/ yes, I think he have NOED. Let's just, you know, just get the door open with not unhook both.
O/ Totem one on the 3rd floor, one in room 4, one in room 6...
M/ He headed towards the door. Wait a minute.
DD/ Once, cat is on sometimes, and hear hertbeats.
O/ Opening the door between rooms 12 now, 1 o'clock.
M/ Hey, I got discovered, I got discovered walking around.
M/ It's me.
O/ I've opened a 1 o'clock gate.
M/ Can you go to save him?
O/ I opened the door.
M/ Ah, okay
M/ I'm gonna go save this, I think he will go to the door.
O/ Yeah, go ahead.
M/ No, He's coming after me.
O/ Shall I go save him?
M/ No, no, no, wait a minute. I can be out. heartbeat is low.
M/ I think He missed me. Because it's Hawkins.
M/ Coldy, Lets just go out. Just a moment, please.
DD/ I think we'd better get out, the cat's on a bit.
M/ Please wait until I leave, There's a variable if there is NOED.
O/ 2, 4, 7 3rd floor. I said,
DD/ Uh, kiss, kiss. Just get out.
M/ He's kissing. Get out. (kiss camping)
O/ Im here, In the med. With Dwight
M/ I'm on the second floor. Let me take a look.
DD/ Me too. Three of us in med.
M/ I'm in the Med, too. I'm on the second floor.
DD/ Doctor.
M/ Okay.
DD/ We all caught(in static blaster).
M/ It's okay. It's okay. Uh, just one goes to chase.
M/ I'll check about Ruin.
DD/ The cat's on(spine chill).
M/ No Ruin.
O/ We're at the Med.
M/ Bro, Lets Take distance in advance.
O/ I took it out. I took it out with using the sprint.
M/ Maybe come to me? come to me? I think I will be the first chase?
M/ I get the first chase.
M/ Can I take to the Med?
DD/ It's okay. You are good to go.
D/ I'm running a generator in room 2.
M/ Med (Room) chase.
M/ I'm in room 1 under the med. leave room 2.
O/ I'll get the generator in room 5. One generator in the hallway of room 5.
M/ This is room 2 trash and I will drag to Med and 1256.
DD/ There is a window in room 34.
M/ I'm going down to the garden. Killer's driving.
M/ I'll just drag the garden and 1256.
O/ Is there someone will come room 5? No?
DD/ I'm in 4, Gen
O/ Maze, Tell me as soon as chase stop.
M/ I'm on chase, on chase, on chase. Room 1.
D/ Holding generator in front of room 3
DD/ and there is an absolute pallet in front of number 34.
M/ I'm hit.
M/ I will go up with hit. May I go to room 56?
O/ Come Come. It's okay.
DD/ Number 4 70%
M/ Room 6 on chase.
O/ Hold gen in front of the bedroom together
M/ Room 5 on chase. I'm in room 5 now.
M/ I'm in room 1, room 1.
O/ One totem in the yard, one in room 4, one in room 2.
M/ Room 1 on chase.
M/ Killer kicked up Door in Room 1.
M/ I am room 1 on chase
O/ Right now we have generator in hallway 78.
M/ I use one pallet in room 5.
DD/ We have 70% gen in front of 5. I'll take out in advance.
M/ Uh, Run from that... , DeDung, throw the generator away and get the new generator.
O/ The cat is on, Where is killer?
D/ I don't see him. But he's on the second floor.
DD/ I'm going to the science lab. I'm going down.
O/ I have the chase.
M/ No, We didnt make proper brief right now.
M/ One has to come.
M/ And this is the chess queen. Can one of you come?
O/ I'm going to down. I'm sorry.
On my way
M/ Dean, don't come. Here comes the Dedung. Dean, don't come. Dean, don't come.
D/ I'm on my way to the generator. I'm going to finish it.
M/ Used one pallet of room 5. No Discipline, no electrodes. Its Chess King, Chess Queen.
D/ Copy, I'll hold this.
O/ Dean is exposed.
M/ I think this is a discordanance, so he didnt make your way, DeDung.
DD/ Maze, This is generator 80.
M/ I'm not going, It's Coulrophobia.
O/ There's a generator in the room 1 and one in the piano, one in science room.
M/ Dean, where the chase on? You need to brief.
D/ I'm not on chase.
D/ I'm gonna try to go save him.
M/ I could be exposed.
D/ I'll save.
DD/ I have the chase on Room 5, Room 5 on chase.
D/ I'm here to save you, get this.
M/ It's Coulrophobia.
M/ Okay, then I'll heal in room 12, DeDung.
M/ He has Coulrophobia, I told you~
D/ OK, Copy
O/ Dean, There's a generator in the science room, and there's one in the piano room.
O/ There's a Gen in the science room, too.
DD/ I'm dead.
DD/ We made a lot in gen 5, but I can't keep finish it.
DD/ I think he doesnt have pops. There's no reason to kick up it.
M/ No, I think thats just discordance and he tried kick up and go on camp.
D/ He's coming to me. I'm take my way in advance.
D/ This needs to be taken out in advance.
D/ Oh5 bro, we needs to be left out in advance.
He didnt kickup gen.
M/ I'll heal first and go on.
O/ This is camping.
M/ Okay. Then I'm go to the generator in room 2.
O/ There's no pops.
M/ Why dont you hold this together?
D/ Im snapping out.
D/ Will you try to save bro? a piano room
M/ I'm holding room 2.
O/ Uh, He came to me.
D/ And then I'll see if I can save him.
M/ I'll fix it up.
O/ I'm on chase, on chase.
D/ I'll save you right away.
M/ Yeah.
O/ Oh, I'm down. Oh...
D/ Maybe this gen would make it?
O/ Oh, and It's Best for Last. He has Best for Last.
M/ But its not good to cover(*protection hit) because its Coulrophobia.
M/ You just get hook naturally.
M/ Are you on the first floor or the second floor?
O/ I'm in the yard. I get hooked in the yard.
M/ 80% Gen next to the yard.
M/ Dean, I need you to unhook. you should see the unhook.
M/ I have Gen 80 in room 2. 80.
O/ There is leftover generator science room and piano.
M/ We're in room 2.
D/ I'll unhook.
M/ He's not kicking up room 2. He's comming after me.
D/ Where are you going drag?
M/ I'm in room 1. I dragged to room 1.
M/ I will drag out, I'm heading to med.
D/ I'll go to room 2 through library.
DD/ Dean, Room 2 generator is 80.
D/ I'm going to snap out.
DD/ I'm trying to hold science lab.
M/ I'm on room 1 chase, keep chasing.
O/ I'm last hook. I'll heal up.
DD/ I'm in the science room~
D/ Where should I hold on?
M/ I took my chase to garden.
M/ Can you finish the generator in room 2?
M/ What? He went into room 2.
M/ Oh nice, Went into room 2.
M/ I will take it to the clock tower.
M/ Maybe chase drop? Maybe drop? dropped dropped.
M/ And Best for Last is sure.
O/ He's Going to the science room. Going to science room or piano room.
M/ Let's just hold this in room 2 together.
M/ Can you do this Oh5? Please hold this.
O/ Okay, but I'm on last hook.
M/ It's okay. He didn't even kicked room 2. Its 90%.
M/ If we hold it, It's on.
M/ Are you on chase, De Dung? Briefing, please.
DD/ No, No, No.
O/ Maybe this one is on?
DD/ Im on chase.
M/ Okay, where the chase is going?
DD/ 1st floor of library.
M/ I'm unlock the gate after i heal up.
D/ I'll unlock gate of med.
M/ Dean is unlocking the gate of med, and I'll avoid Blast once in the cabinet. I think i could unhook him if Im lucky.
DD/ I have Camaraderie.
O/ Then I'll just get hit on purpose.
O/ Dean, did you get that?
D/ unlocked.
O/ He is coming to me.
M/ I've been avoiding (Blast) once.
O/ Camping, Camping
DD/ My Camaraderie have worked. its on.
M/ Uh, I was in the cabinet.
DD/ I don't think it's possible because he has Best for Last. Its just donating him more points, so let's just go out.
M/ Let's go out. Let's out.
O/ Even if we get hit and unhook him out....
It's a gearhead.
He had a gearhead?
What is that?
There's no generator slow down perk.
It's cool that they numbered the rooms and made those callouts the way they did. They did well.
I actually watched this while sal gu was streaming it and I was really curious how that gearhead match was going to play out. I think it was smart of him to switch it back to Pop with the next Doctor game. :D
Thanks for posting. I knew of Maze, but not the others.