What is that gurgling soundfile some killers have for?
If you ever watched a compilation of the soundfiles, you know the gurgling/choking sound some killers have. But I've never heard it ingame. Did I just miss something?
Its not just them breathing? Some of them don't have a.. "normal" breathing noise.
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It's really a distinct gurgling/choking sound, not just the breathing. It's confusing the hell out of me.
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If I understand you correctly than it's just the default breathing of some killers, specifically the OG ones. It's easily audible too, just pay attention to it next time.
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its for when survivors get DS+, they will straight up kill the killer if he tunneled more then 1
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I was recently noticing it on a compilation for deathslinger, and that's not his breathing.
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It's the sound survivors make after being shot through the mouth in the Deathslinger's mori
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If you are referring to 1:44
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Listen closely and you'll hear it.
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huh. weird... guess that's what i get for using mori's so rarely...
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Speaking of unique mori sound effects, Doctor has the creepy "HEEEEE...HEEEEEEEEE....HEEEEEeeEEEEEE" breathing/giggling from his original trailer during his Mori.
Leatherface sounds like he's crying during his Mori. (Both the Doctor and LF sounds are very quiet and hard to hear.)
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maybe it originated from his idel animation in the menu?
ya know, he is spitting and moving his injured jaw an awful lot, so maybe thats where it comes from?
or could it be that it was audible in his trailer?