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needs to be a better penalty for discconnects

should have a time frame on joining a lobby. everyone DCS!


  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    We need to get ANY penalty for disconnecting.

    Fixed it for you :wink:

  • Dragonredking
    Dragonredking Member Posts: 874

    You don't need a better penalty.
    You just need a penalty.
    Their is basicly none atm.
    Hell if you pull the plug as a survivor it actually reward you since it act like everyone else but you disconnected.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    I hear rumors that every so often someone on PC gets a ban warning but here on console we have 0 bans. I get it is because BHVR cannot just ban accounts with Sony/Microsoft but it has become so bad you cannot play Doctor/Billy at all without 2-3 people instantly DCing. There are also so many people who DC the moment they go down. I would love for them to add in a simple timer that prevents people who DC from re-joining a match. This would at least be an incentive for people to think twice even if their account isn't in jeopardy.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    As much as I do love members of BHVR being vocal with the community on some issues they seem incredibly lax when it comes to addressing toxicity in any regard. There are so many simple solutions to at least "nip" toxicity in the butt that so many other games currently do, so I fail to see why we have yet to see ANY progress towards bandaging this huge gash.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    You don't need a better penalty.
    You just need a penalty.
    Their is basicly none atm.
    Hell if you pull the plug as a survivor it actually reward you since it act like everyone else but you disconnected.

    If you pull the plug or if you actually had a legitimate disconnect due to weather:

    1st: Warning Message to check your internet.
    2nd: 15 minute punishment.
    3rd: 30 minute punishment.
    4th: 1 hour punishment.
    5th: 2 hour punishment.

    If you pause the game and leave the game from there:

    1st: 5 minute punishment.
    2nd: 15 minute punishment.
    3rd: 30 minute punishment.
    4th: 1 hour punishment.
    5th: 2 hour punishment.

    If Dead by Daylight crashed:

    No action will be taken since it was the games fault for DC and crash.
  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050

    Just report them if they do...

    There will be penalties for DCers Soon™

  • rcjackson
    rcjackson Member Posts: 3

    Don't forget about killers that DC. Was running towards the exit when the killer DC'd. Not only did I not get survival points buts also lost my items when I was about 6 steps from exiting with no killer around.