Relatively New Player's Perspective

Hello. This post is going to be long and rambling, but hopefully coherent.

Dbd is my multiplayer game of choice lately. It's a lot more complex and fun than I have it credit for initially. I've really kind of fallen in love with it. I see a couple of issues with it though.

My thoughts on killer- typically I play a great deal of killer because the queue times are much much lower at night. I prefer survivor though because for some reason, it feels much less stressful than killer. I am rank 4 killer and I guarantee you I do not belong there. I play clown, trapper and legion. I am utterly trivial to loop, if you just run in a straight line and drop pallets you will lose me. It's insane that I'm against high ranks, I simply do not have map knowledge or mind game ability. Nearly everyone I play against is much better than me or that's how it feels. It's so easy to gain pips and so so hard to lose them. I've gotten two kills in a game and watched in horror as I got three pips at the ending screen. The only advantage to playing killer is that you get many more bloodpoints. I don't have any of the really good perks, I'm sitting here with agitation, Pop, brutal strength and whatever else most games. Against people with like 2000hrs in the game, four decisives, dead hards and Objects. Utterly miserable.

On survivor- fifty times less stressful and more fun than killer. Really not sure why. It feels like most of the game is chases and survivors just have a lot of agency in that regard.

Changes to the game? I'd give clown like +.5s on intoxication and 1+s on direct hits. It really lasts no time at all. Legion seems fine to me, maybe a slight increase in movespeed while frenzying. Trapper needs two traps as a default. Survivors need like +20% bloodpoints blanket. Killers +10%. The grind is really very terrible. Survivors should get an escalating multiplicative bonus for every second they're on hook within a killers terror radius, as consolation for getting camped and not getting to play the game.

Finally, people are very very rude in this game. I played dota for years and that game is famous for it's awful players and the people here are much worse. I've played vs. killers that put you on the ground and just let you sit there until you bleed out. One game I was a trapper with no add-ons(ran out) and the survivors dogpiled me in chat for...... using traps? One time three remaining survivors lined up at the gate and walked out at the same time and I got a good chuckle out of it. Thought it was really cool and told them so and they just lost their minds. Terrible insults. I try to adhere to the etiquette of the game, every other 4k I give hatch, if there's a player that's respectful and plays really well I'll let them go no problem. I don't camp, I literally turn my back and leave hook even when I know somebody is nearby because I want everybody to have fun. Then they inevitably teabag incessantly. It's just weird.

Well, thanks for reading if you've gotten this far. I guess it mostly ended up being complaining about rude folks. Oh well.
