Does anyone play Billy anymore ?
Not really thank god lol
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I haven't seen billy in a long time. No one played him as much to begin with. And after the nerf and the annoying screaming he does after every attack people play him less.
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I try sometimes not as often I was a billy main and I hate the new animations and the roar so I play him as little as possible.
If I were to compare it to someone I would compare it to the doc, too loud for me, both of them are extremely loud when playing them.
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No, because they nerfed his fun.
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I was thinking about this the other day! Since his nerf I have only seen maybe 7 or 8 Billy's and as a killer main it depresses me because this could mean a lot of bad news for killers in the future!
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Even before the nerf, I haven´t see him very often, I play him a lot and it is difficult to use that is why people do not use him, because they want easy killers like Freddys with Noed, or Face Camp Bubbas etc.