What are your fav. NON-meta perks for survivor?

No mither. Counters insta downs.
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I started ironically running Second Wind and Botany and now I can't stop. Second Wind is still trash but I really don't care at this point.
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Pebble is love pebble is life, also plunders is what I use often.
But an unexpected one for me is poised, I like it a lot and also hope, they are really damn good
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I. Love. Blood Pact.
I adore this perk. It's the only survivor perk that involves YOU having an obsession. You are linked to another player in a way no one else is.
This perk single-handed changes how you and your blood bound recipient play.
You are never alone.
Ps I am very happy my favorite perk is getting a buff.
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Pebble because i have to pebble that #########
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I like Deja Vu as a tactical perk to help work towards a tougher endgame for the killer. Prevents 3 gens most of the time and gives survivors less stress during those final gens.
Otherwise, honourable mentions for other perks I like include:
• Premonition
• Small Game
• We'll Make It
• Bond
• Empathy
• Botany Knowledge
• Better Together
• Red Herring
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Desperate Measures, Botany Knowledge, Bond, Kindred, We'll Make It, Inner Strength, and I really do just like running healing perks, don't I?
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I will die for these. Boil Over, Flip Flop and Tenacity. I guess Unbreakable is considered somewhat meta as it has synergy with DS and Soul Guard, but if not, then also Unbreakable.
I do also like Slippery Meat, I don't see many people using it. Same for Empathy, I see more people using Bond over Empathy, but I do prefer Empathy.
Edit: Also Pebble.
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My top 5:
1) Botany Knowledge: a simple and sweet faster heal with a lovely 33% efficiency bonus for Medkits so they last for a partial extra heal. (also Claudette was my first Survivor so heavily biased)
2) Head On: Enjoyable to annoy the Killer and grab their attention, especially when you interrupt their chase with another Survivor and make them chase you.
3) Inner Strength: Break a totem for 1,000 Boldness AND get a literal pocket heal for myself as a bonus? yes please.
4) Resilience: A nice and simple small buff to most actions, pair with Spine Chill for the "Vault Build", shave a few seconds of a Generator, etc.
5) Lithe: Not the best Exhaustion Perk but vaulting and running off while the Killer has to go around (or through) the vault with the possibility to break chase and lose them.
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I'm right there with you on Empathy. While useful to find injured party members it also gives me a lot of information, especially paired with Kindred.
We'll make it, pair this sweet little perk with botany and kindred, safe hooks for everyone and very fast heals, get that survivor back in the game!
Empathy, WMI and Kindred are my staples in dbd game play, my niche ambulance build has always been useful. Leaving me to switch out the last perk for:
Botany: Super fast healing
Plunderers: For when Jane feels like playing busty santa and delivering all the toolboxes and medkits to the survivor girls and boys.
Quick and quiet: Not sure if this one is counted as meta, saved my butt countless times though
Head on: I don't use this often, mostly because when i do i never get the damn opportunity to activate it, but when i do...its satisfying
Pebble: Because its just funny when it works, and even funnier when you don't realise the killer just watched you throw it and is now shaking their head at you.
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I use Autodidact, is not super good but is the only perk that hard counters both slugging, spread damage and heavy slowdown heal builds which are not super common but not that rare, if you get any of those builds is a guarantee 5 stacks and also a guarantee you will be using it a lot.
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"Quick n' Quiet" is probably my favorite perk.
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I always like to give a shout out to "Dance With Me" on these type of threads, it is just so satisfying getting the jump on the killer seeing them wonder where you could of went, i also sometimes notice when i've been bamboozled by this perk when playing killer and the survivor is long gone by the time i realise
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- Alert
- Detective's Hunch
- For The People
- Left Behind
- Red Herring
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My new favorite perk for survivor is easily Detectives Hunch pretty much the ultimate anti-killer meta perk.
It is the pure counter to Undying/Ruin, as well as any other hex somebody might bring. The range on it is bonkers, and you can basically find every totem no matter how hidden they are. It helps immensely in stopping NOED as well, as you can pretty much guarantee you find all 5 totems easy.
It also reveals gens and chests, which is niche but helps a lot on indoor maps and finding 3 gens to prevent the killer protecting. Easy heals for Inner Strength. Did I mention that it also permanently reveals items if you have a map with the right addon?
This perk is absolutely insane right now, especially with how hexes have become meta again for killers. I love it so much.
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Fixated, Desperate Measures and We'll make it.
These are actually awesome if you know how to use them properly.
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Spine chill ( I have to pick this perk)
any other uncessary perks that have a cool reward such as pebble perk.
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- Plunders
- Inner Strength
- Head On
- Spine Chill + Resilience combo
- Bond
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I adore urban evasion, it's great because I can go faster while avoiding traps and everything, it's awesome! Also fun for when you befriend your local ghostface and crouch walk around with them lol :)
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- Lightweight
- Breakout
- Flipflop
- Windows of Opportunity
Lightweight is great for those sneaky plays. Know when to break line of sight + hide and watch a confused killer trying to track you with scratch marks that arent there anymore. Breakout requires aggressive play which I sometimes enjoy. Flipflop is one of those perks that when it works it feels awesome. Both Breakout and Flipflop is great with a sabo buddy.
Windows of Opportunity is one of those perks that makes looping quite easy and time efficient. Knowing where every pallet and window is located near you is great for saving time and sometimes that half a second that you didnt use to find a pallet but actually beelined for it can make a difference.
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If you're in a SWF, the information it gives you can be a game changer. If you're playing solo, you'll still get use out of it. Even if it doesn't activate once in a match, you'll know that the killer doesn't have any aura reading perks or add-ons.
You can accurately determine the killer's loadout with just one perk and I love it.
Special mention goes to Fixated too. The amount of times I lost a killer due to the increased walk speed is ridiculous.
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My top ones would probably be:
- Aftercare
- Plunderer's Instinct
- We're Gonna Live Forever
- Kindred
- Spine Chill
- Tenacity
- Dance With Me
Aftercare, Plunderer's, and WGLF essentially create mini side-objectives to do as survivor (get all your aura reading active, search all the chests, or seek out altruism stacks). Even if you ultimately get sacrificed, it feels like less of a loss if you were able to draw big value from these perks.
Kindred and Spine Chill are basically just QoL bonuses for solo survivors. While neither are particular important in SWF, I'd call them both borderline-meta perks for solo que players.
Tenacity and Dance With Me introduce helpful functions that the killer usually doesn't expect, since neither are used all that often outside of specific combos with other perks.
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Any Means Necessary is extremely underrated. Repressed Alliance is super helpful as well. I don't think I've ever seen anybody besides myself (in Solos) use either of these perks. I unironically run them together on Jeff for my utility aura build.
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Q&Q + Dance With Me is gorgeous. Slap Lithe in there and it's even better.
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Repressed Alliance, it's so underused because it's hard to trigger but it counters Pop, Surveillance, Drangon's Grip.... What else could I ask for?
My favourite exhaustion perk is Lithe because sometimes the killer even gives the chase up because of it lol.