Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

So this is why it has to be this way.

I'm just here to speak for every killer out there and list out our grievances with both the game and the survivor player base and explain why killers contribute to the way the game is.

  1. ) SWF on Comms.

Whether or not they are sweaty or relaxing listening to jpop and talking about their favorite street fighter mains as they play, the simple ability to relay information to a team mate is game breaking no matter what map and what killer is in play. For some killers it completely shuts their may power down such as Pig, Trapper, Hag and so forth. Nothing will ever get done about it and every single killer knows it. It is the only detection perk you need and it makes the game unfun for killers. The fact that suriviors have this advantage makes killers dislike survivors in general as negetvity bias leads us to remember the worst SWF bully squads we faced when we were new to the game and not the code of conduct following solos that never BM and play altruistic to keep the game fun. Whether people are going full detective and relaying everything to their team or if they are giving casual call outs, it's simply too much.

2.) Map offerings with SWF on Comms.

This one must be it's own separate point as I must stress the bullshit of being sent to Haddonfields or Coldwinds or Ormond. Not only do players get to come into a game with a unified strategy plus the unfair advantage of comms but they also get the set the map the go to maximize their advantage. These maps make hidding from the killer a piece of cake which is already easy for survivors to do but to then make it so that they can make sure they get the best possible map to see where the killer is and then hide from them is far too potent. Even in a four kill scenario, these games are never fun. I mean never. No one has fun on these maps as they are just terrible.

3.) Map RNG.

Do you like having a god loop right next to a shack and a very strong loop. Do you like it when those loops are also connected to very strong loops by a few meters? Do you like having to chase for 3 generators because the map RNG made it so the survivors are never more than 5 meters away from a safe loop? What you don't? Okay cross your fingers.

These are the reasons why killers take strong perks. Because there are many games where you will jump into the game and WISH you had them. Games that are unbearable and where a win can only be achieved through sweat and meta perks. If you want the game to be more fun. You will ask for these things to be changed too.


  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944
  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677
    edited October 2020

    What exactly is bhvr gonna do? Do you want them to remove swf and completley ruin the game for people who wanna play with their friends?

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    SWF is not going anywhere, and I don't see two different lobbies becoming a thing either. I am not sure how balancing will be done, but doubt very much you will see any big changes coming to SWF.

    And I gotta say, we are not all, that powerful. We got our assess handed to us last night. I was impressed with the killers we faced, Huntresses straight killing shots. Even Speed Demon Wraiths that were constantly having someone on the hook.

    We were playing catch up all night and rarely had a 4 man escape.

    I understand that Optimal SWFs exist, but so to do Amazing Killers that can destroy a team in a short bit of time as well.

    I think most of us are somewhere in the middle.

  • ZaKzan
    ZaKzan Member Posts: 544

    to SWF you need to invite players to your party. A fantastic way to balance this is to implement a penalty for every player in the party. What that penalty should be is up for debate, but people often point to perks since SWF gives you a plethora of perks for free, on top of increasing efficiency as you and your swf can form builds that complement each other.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    We know, we know. We've been saying it for years. It's here to stay and probably won't change. People want to play with their friends and have fun oh no those sycophants.

  • CheyeneKL
    CheyeneKL Member Posts: 723

    1. The game will die if SWF gets nerfed to the ground. Sorry. Plenty of people still play solo or partial SWF so you can have easy clap games. Most SWF groups aren't good at the game, anyways. I'd wager that you've gone against TONS of 4 man SWFs that you washed even with them all being on Discord. But for what it's worth, I personally feel like the SWF issue will get a little bit better once match making gets tweaked.

    2. There are maps that are survivor sided, and maps that are killer sided. Take a Sacrificial Ward. Burning a SW offering is a guess, but the cool thing is that as killer, you have a much better idea of whether you're about to be taken to a map you dislike than survivors do. Survivors can't see if the killer is a Doctor about to take them to the Game to burn their own SW offering. But you can either recognize a group from the past OR take a look at their names and cosmetics and get a pretty good idea.

    3. So? Map RNG is map RNG. It can go great for survivors OR killers. I've had plenty of matches where the map was ridiculously killer favored in what tiles spawned. It is what it is. The matches where there are a couple of connecting good loops makes up for the matches where you get a map majorly made up of dead space, weak tiles, weak pallet spawns while also having the minimum pallet spawn number, etc.

    This is NOT officially a competitive game. I wish people would acknowledge that and swallow their losses. Sometimes it's you, sometimes it's being outclassed by the other players, and sometimes it's the RNG. You can be mad all you want about any of those options, but when it comes to RNG you just have to hold that. It's not like you haven't gotten matches where the map spawn logic wasn't heavily in your favor. It can go either way. It's healthier for you to realize that not every game is going to be a showcase of pure skill- if someone doesn't like that they're playing the wrong game. RNG is a built in part of the game and helps keep it fresh. And even though I have gotten screwed over by unfavorable RNG many, many times in the past, I still wouldn't change that aspect for anything, because it keeps the game even more interesting.