Not Restoring Legacy is Undermining, Reply to Event Post

weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144
edited October 2020 in General Discussions

Back in June, @Peanits made a post regarding Legacy and why they chose not to restore it to players who rightfully earned it, stating that it would undermine the community that has been with them since 2016. Here is the quote:

"To award Legacy to the rest of the community would severely alienate and undermine that part of the community that has been with us since 2016.

We are all too aware that users who earned Legacy and suffered a loss of progress will be incredibly disappointed with this news. To those users: we offer our deepest apologies and hope you understand why this decision has been made."

Ironically, this stance directly undermines the hundreds of hours players like me put into the game. We aren't asking you to give Legacy to the rest of the community. You seem to have misunderstood what we are asking.

We are asking you to restore it to those that rightfully earned it and can prove it. Not only can I dig up my Steam Achievements which are clearly legitimate, I can also dig up a screenshot of my L3 Meg Head and my customer support emails from when I was compensated several million Bloodpoints.

For supposedly wanting to keep long time players around, BHVR simply isn't putting in the real effort to give back to the players that gave them hundreds of hours during a time where the game was a true grind fest. This is honestly the main reason I stopped playing this game. 4 years and BHVR still has no solution to this problem.

To everyone that lost their Legacy due to faulty save mechanics, know you aren't alone and that nothing is your fault. This is entirely on BHVR and their refusal to assist us properly.

May end up catching a ban for this, but honestly, it doesn't really matter. I've been around since Day 1 and it's a shame to see the lack of care gone into this issue.

Post edited by weirdkid5 on


  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,509

    This is entirely on BHVR and their refusal to assist us properly.

    ^ This

    Here is the link to the post that is quoted:

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144
    edited October 2020

    I used to practically live on both the Steam forums and these before I just fell out of the game for various reasons, the Legacy issue being the main one.

    I highly doubt they will end up doing anything because they just don't want to deal with the responsibility this would entail. It's a shame, considering many developers would go out of their way to assist players who lost content outside of their control.

    I see no reason why they cannot restore one Legacy if the person can prove it, I only have proof of my L3 Meg Head so that's all I would probably get back anyway.

    A recent thread about someone mentioning the hypocrisy of giving back Event items but not Legacy seems to have been recently deleted. BHVR just kinda wants to bury this issue and act like it never happened, which goes a long way in showing how they actually care (or lack thereof) about this problem. I grinded for nearly 30 hours straight to eek out my L3 on the last day only to have problems outside of my control take away my hard work.

    And BHVR refuses to assist no matter how much one supports the game. It's honestly really sad. This tone deaf response ignores what we are really asking.

    Not for Legacy to become available again, but to give proper customer support to those who deserve it.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    I feel bad for you guys/gals that lost legacy due to the game deciding to break for you, that is not fair and hopefully soon Bhvr addresses the issue, you guys deserve it since you played and prestiged during the legacy.

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144

    For anyone who is curious, here are the screenshots of not only my L3 Head, but of the glitch of lost progress in action.

    Why am I not being treated like I stuck with this game from the start? I really don't understand BHVR. I need a proper response.

  • Justalittlepeeck
    Justalittlepeeck Member Posts: 1,101

    It was mine post that got deleted bc I called them out for being hypocrites.

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144

    It's not even like they're hypocritical honestly. We aren't asking for it to be made for the community again. Just for it to be given back to the rightful owners.

  • RockoRango
    RockoRango Member Posts: 554
    edited October 2020

    Welcome to Dead by Daylight.

    But in all seriousness, veteran players have been treated badly since the bloodweb rework. People who reached level 50 but didn't prestige (because they were smart and knew the leveling was broke) weren't given any compensation, legacy has had multiple removal bugs that were never really fixed (or compensated for), and BHVR has been on damage control regarding it ever since. I've accepted at this point that I'm never gonna get legacy at this point and, while I'm still extremely salty about it, am fine with my Ketchup Nurse.

  • Justalittlepeeck
    Justalittlepeeck Member Posts: 1,101

    They are being hypocritical. They are saying one thing about event&exclusives and then the polar opposite about legacy. You can literally look through their posts to see how they talk that

    "we know that people who owned event/exclusives might get upset, but they actually should be happy that they got to use these skins earlier than others" about event/exclusives and then shamelessly say that "giving out legacy would make original owners upset"

  • Pepsidot
    Pepsidot Member Posts: 1,662

    I believe the Devs stick to the excuse of because they can't automatically restore legacy to everyone (because of poor data management), they won't restore legacy to... anyone!

    However, Mathieu said in a developer stream (April 6th 2017) that he's "Not exactly sure of the timing, but we'll be using mostly the timestamps of the achievements; so when you got your achievements specifically" ... "we'll rejigger the prestige, reinitiate that on your account".

    As said here:

    So it's perfectly possible for the devs to restore one set of legacy for a chosen character simply by checking steam prestige achievements.

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144

    Well, then they need to stop going back on their word and actually do it.

  • Pawcelot
    Pawcelot Member Posts: 985

    The only reason Legacy stuff ain't being restored to those who lost them to BHVR's very own saving system, is because BHVR themselves are too lazy to bother with it. The old playerbase, those who've stayed with the game since the release, ain't worth their time. There's more money to be had from new players, who will buy DLCs and Macrotransactions before leaving the game from burning out due to all grind and frustrations.

  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,509

    The only reason Legacy stuff ain't being restored to those who lost them to BHVR's very own saving system

    I think it is valid for them to expect that players who have legitimate legacy (and didn't lose it, as in they currently have the items) might be upset if even a few players wrongfully get legacy retroactively. I don't know how likely this would be, but to me it seems like that if you hacked your achievements during the "legacy period" (with some sort of achievement unlocker) without actually playing you might be getting legacy illegitimately.

    Simple solution for that: Make a survey that is only available to players who currently own legacy items and ask them if they would be OK with giving legacy items to players who should be eligible for legacy but currently don't have it based on the achievement date.

  • Pawcelot
    Pawcelot Member Posts: 985

    Have the achievement unlocked during relevant period and then have a video or screenshot of your legacy skin and that's all that should be required. Ample proof right there.

  • Levitika
    Levitika Member Posts: 230

    They could just easily add them as Devotion rewards. Earn a level of Devotion, pick the Legacy cosmetic you want. You still need to put a ######### ton of hours and effort into the game to earn it, it's harder to get than just regular prestige, and it'd give incentive other than Shards.

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144

    They don't even need to do that. Literally the achievements should be good enough.

    That said, I wouldn't care if they did this. But since I lost my Legacy I'm probably just biased towards them being Devotion rewards.