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I am about to quit this game.

As i play a killer. This game is amazing. However, as a survivor....... This game is so stupid. I cannot outrun a killer. I can BARELY hide from the killer. If i am hit... i def. cannot hide. On top of this.. what the fu** is up with killers that can knock me down with one hit?. Over and over. really starting to make me want to quit this game.


  • BToTheA
    BToTheA Member Posts: 18

    Then quit the game. Plenty of survivor players do just fine, if you don't want to learn the very-low-depth, easy mechanics, then quit. Or become a killer main. Nothings forcing you to play a side you do not enjoy.

  • Buttercake
    Buttercake Member Posts: 1,652

    Just play Killer. Its okay not to play both sides. 🙂

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,913

    *Blendette rustles leaves and snickers... hehehehe*

  • Spirez
    Spirez Member Posts: 674

    Don’t hide. That’s rule #1. Learn how to loop and properly run tiles and use windows and pallets efficiently. If you hide and you THINK the killer didn’t see you but he actually did and hits you. You just gave him a free hit and saved the killer a TON of time. Time is important in this game. The killer is against a clock and their job is to try to delay the survivors as much as he can or completely.

    If you see the killer coming towards you. Start running as far as you can away from him to the furthest loop away you can get to safely. This will waste some time for the killer. Compared to having him come directly to your hiding spot which isn’t really hiding you and having him get a free hit within seconds.

    If you happen to know which generators your team is at, try running as far as possible from them safely. So that when you eventually go down and get hooked the killer has a lot of walking distance to get through before finding another survivor and possibly giving them enough time to finish the gen before the killer gets there.

    If you like the stealth play style then perks like spine chill, iron will, urban evasion, quick and quiet, dance with me will help you out. But just remember that stealth isn’t the best play style that will help you get better at the game.

  • FFabeq
    FFabeq Member Posts: 530

    here some tips:

    Solo survivor sucks, so it's better to find atleast 1 or 2 person to play with.

    You should never try to hide while in a chase, it never works unless the killer is a baby wraith who has 2 hrs in total.

    Use atleast 1 or 2 perks that help in chases; dead hard, quick and quiet, sprint burst, ooo (only in swf) and other exaustion perks.

    Don't try to save everytime, sometimes it's just not worth it, because the survivor wouldn't be grateful or you will lose the game.

  • 53nation
    53nation Member Posts: 681

    I'd recommend trying out Kindred and Windows of Opportunity. Both of these can provide some pretty good info.

  • Bellizz
    Bellizz Member Posts: 13

    Watch an Ayrun stream. So many survivors bulky killers it's not funny. SWF then forget about it. So OP

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    You need to respect the killer more and play way more cautiously until you feel much more confident on the correct way to run tiles to keep distance between you and the killer.

    Things like:

    • dont immediately jump on the closest gen you see at the beginning of the match
    • dont run everywhere
    • be absolutely sure what you’re up against before deciding which gens to repair, and how to deal with the rest of the trial.

    But even then, the game is designed so that the killer downs someone in a chase eventually if the killer commits to a long chase.

  • MrsGhostface
    MrsGhostface Member Posts: 987

    I quit playing survivor. Killers is just more enjoyable in general for me.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    Is this a copy paste? I saw the samething in Zubats chat while he was streaming..

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    Are you relatively new to the game? If so it might be worth learning what can and can not be done from content creators that primarily make their content around survivor gameplay. If this is up your alley, I can try to point you in the appropriate direction.

    One hit killers are generally balanced, and it just requires you understand how they play, in order to know what you can do to get around those powers. If you play them, you might be able to better understand what's going on.

    As for hiding? Iron Will is a great perk, and very meta for the reason that it both allows for mindgames midchase and can allow you to hide around the killer without them noticing. You shouldn't be trying to outrun a killer; you should be using the time in which they're making up the distance to find a new tile to loop and then use that loop in order to gain more distance (again, I can try to find a video example of this if you want)

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789
  • TattooJake
    TattooJake Member Posts: 158

    Dude I felt this exact same way, you just have to keep plugging and you will get better. It literally took me playing around 500hrs to get “decent” at this game. It is very frustrating at times yes but this is not a game where you learn the ropes in 20hrs. It takes a long time and dedication. I’m still learning map tiles and layouts even though I’ve played them numerous times over. Stick with it dude.

  • Sunshines83
    Sunshines83 Member Posts: 3

    Guys, who is the best you tube personality to watch for survivor?

  • Mekochi
    Mekochi Member Posts: 942

    Don't drop the game, it is broken sometimes, or even unfun at times. But don't let it stress you, just take a break and keep practicing!