Bubba's addons review

bleblablu Member Posts: 13
edited December 2020 in General Discussions

After some thought about my changes, I realized that some of my changes were a bit too "energetic". I have changed some of my reworks.


vegetable oil

  • Current effect: Slightly decreases Chainsaw Sweep cool-down. (28%)

  • Rating: 3/5 - useful

  • Thoughts: I don't know if it was coincidence, some people were asking for it, or if a dev read my post, but they changed vegetable oil to what I said and more. They didn't nerf the cool-down reduction either.

  • Changes: no changes, thank you BHVR

spark plug

  • Current effect: Slightly increases Chainsaw Sweep Recharge speed. (1.8%)

  • Rating: 3/5 - useful

  • Thoughts: Spark plug is a good addon to use in a match. The extra recharge speed reduces the time bubba is at his weakest, and it allows for more chainsaw sweeps to be performed in a chase.

  • Changes: no changes, very solid addon

speed limiter

  • Current effect: Grants 100 % Bonus Bloodpoints for Chainsaw Hit Score Events in the Deviousness Category. Hits with the chainsaw do not automatically trigger the dying state

  • Rating: 1/5 - do not use

  • Thoughts: It's a meme addon. Need I say more?

  • Changes: no changes, thank you devs, very cool

chainsaw file

  • Current effect: Slightly reduces Tantrum duration. (-0.5 seconds)

  • Rating: 2/5 - limited use

  • Thoughts: Chainsaw file is not very good. The reduction of the tantrum is way too small to be useful, especially when using more than one charge.

  • Changes: Slightly reduces Tantrum duration. (-12%)

  • Reason: reverting the values from direct reduction to a percentage reduction will make this addon a better safety net and still give it usage for long saws (using your chainsaw for an extended duration).


long guide bar

  • Current effect: Slightly increases Bubba's Chainsaw Revving threshold for triggering a Tantrum. (???)

  • Rating: 1.5/5 - almost no use

  • Thoughts: Long guide bar is an addon that exists. There is almost no situation in which you would say "man, I wish I had long guide bar!" Unless you are facecamping someone, this addon has no good use. Bubba doesn't need to feather as much as Billy. Billy needs a lot more precision and timing to use his chainsaw, while Bubba's chainsaw is much easier to control. There is no reason to even come close to activating a tantrum. At the very least it doesn't hurt you, which is why it isn't a 1/5.

  • Changes: Slightly extends Chainsaw Attack range. (???)

  • Reason: The old long guide bar has some use that could be helpful with new Bubba. The extra attack range can help with hitting survivors at windows and pallets.

primer bulb

  • Current effect: Moderately increases Chainsaw Sweep Recharge speed. (3.6%)

  • Rating: 3/5 - useful

  • Thoughts: Read spark plug

  • Changes: no changes, very solid addon

knife scratches

  • Current effect: Slightly increases Chainsaw Sweep Movement speed. (2%) Slightly increases Chainsaw Sweep Charge time. (12%)

  • Rating: 1/5 - do not use

  • Thoughts: Knife scratches is an addon that hurts you more than it helps. This addon is suppose to allow you to catch up to survivors faster, but the extra charge speed completely destroys this premise. The positive effect of this addon doesn't even come close to justifying the negative effect.

  • Changes: Slightly increases Chainsaw Sweep Movement speed. (2%)

  • Reason: removing the negative aspect of this addon will greatly increase the usability of this addon while still being fair. The effect is not too big to be op, and it doesn't have any negative effects to turn players away from it.

homemade muffler

  • Current effect: Moderately reduces Tantrum duration. (-1 second)

  • Rating: 2/5 - limited use

  • Thoughts: While the effect is much larger than chainsaw file, it still suffers the same problems as its common brethren.

  • Changes: Moderately reduces Tantrum duration. (-20%)

  • Reason: Read chainsaw file


  • Current effect: Slightly increases Chainsaw Dash duration when a Charge is consumed. (0.25 seconds)

  • Rating: 4/5 - very useful

  • Thoughts: Chili is one of Bubba's best addons. The extra duration can help conserve charges, and increase the distance you can travel. This addon helps all players from all skill levels, without being too op.

  • Changes: no changes, perfect example of a good addon


the grease

  • Current effect: Moderately increases Bubba's Chainsaw Revving threshold for triggering a Tantrum. (???)

  • Rating: 1.5/5 - almost no use

  • Thoughts: See long guide bar.

  • Changes: Slightly increases revving movement speed. (+5%)

  • Reason: I was too ambitious when originally reworking this addon. This rework, however, will be very useful in chase, as you loose less distance when revving your chainsaw.

the beast marks

  • Current effect: Moderately increases Chainsaw Sweep Movement speed. (3%) Slightly increases Chainsaw Sweep Charge time. (12%)

  • Rating: 1/5 - do not use

  • Thoughts: See knife scratches.

  • Changes: Moderately increases Chainsaw Sweep Movement speed. (3%)

  • Reason: See knife scratches.

shop lubricant

  • Current effect: Downing a survivor with Bubba's chainsaw while no other survivors are in the terror radius will cloak that survivors aura from other survivors for 20 seconds.

  • Rating: 1.5/5 - almost no use

  • Thoughts: shop lubricant is an addon that does literally nothing. I get the premise of integrating killer perks into their power with addons, and I like it when they are implemented well, but this addon requires so many things and when it does work, it is almost useless. I made this entire discussion post based on this single addon. I will list everything I find wrong with this addon in numerical order. 1. there is no indication that the addon has been activated. 2. it only works when no other survivors are around. 3. if no other survivors are around, why would you slug? 4. even if you know where other survivors are, the time that their aura is cloaked is extremely short. 5. even if you want to hide where they were downed, they will still see where they are hooked.

  • Changes: Downing a survivor with Bubba's chainsaw will hide their aura from other survivors for 40 seconds.

  • Reason: Now this addon can be used for slugging. No extra conditions and a much longer time.

grisly chains

  • Current effect: survivors hit with Bubba's chainsaw will suffer from the mangled status effect for 90 seconds.

  • Rating: 3/5 - useful

  • Thoughts: Grisly chains makes survivors heal longer. No negatives. Decent addon.

  • Changes: No changes, :)

begrimed chainsaw

  • Current effect: hits with Bubba's chainsaw causes survivors to drop their items.

  • Rating: 2.5/5 - limited use, but can't really be changed

  • Thoughts: Begrimed chainsaw is an addon that does a thing. It does a thing well. Next.

  • Changes: No changes, why is shop lubricant not like this?


rusted chains

  • Current effects: survivors injured with Bubba's chainsaw suffer from the broken status effect for 90 seconds.

  • Rating: 3/5 - useful

  • Thoughts: Rusted chains exist, and it's sorta good.

  • Changes: No changes

light chassis

  • Current effects: while revving, see the auras of survivors within 8 meters.

  • Rating: 3/5 - useful

  • Thoughts: light chassis is good for loops with high walls, and for finding that last survivor on the ground.

  • Changes: No changes, possible 10m radius buff?

depth gauge rake

  • Current effects: Increases the number of Charges by 1. Slightly increases Chainsaw Sweep Charge time. (20%) Slightly decreases Chainsaw Sweep maximum Movement speed. (4.35%)

  • Rating: 1/5 - do not use

  • Thoughts: Depth gauge rake proves that god has left us. No words can describe how horrible this addon is. You lose so much just to gain one extra charge, which isn't needed most of the time. The extra charge time hurts your power and makes it more difficult to use at loops. The reduced movement speed takes away any good use this addon has by reducing the distance you can travel, completely negating the point of the extra charge.

  • Changes: reduces the number of charges by 2. Moderately decreases chainsaw sweep charge time. (20%)

  • Reason: I hope this is better. reducing the charges by two seems harsh, but I don't want to make the same mistake again by making it too op. It's just as bad, but it doesn't contradict itself. It's another trade-off addon, but it should be more fun to use. Instead of making you feel slow and miserable, it makes you feel like you are playing pre 4.1.0. bubba, but with a twist. pallets become more dangerous and safe, as you lose your only charge by breaking it with your chainsaw.

award-winning chili

  • Current effect: Moderately increases Chainsaw Dash duration when a Charge is consumed. (0.50 seconds).

  • Rating: 4/5 - very useful

  • Thoughts: See chili.

  • Changes: No changes.


iridescent flesh

  • Current effect: Hitting a Survivor with Bubba's Chainsaw replenishes its Charges.

  • Rating: 3/5 - useful

  • Thoughts: Iridescent flesh is a good addon. It really helps in multi survivor situations, and it is also good for regaining charges fast.

  • Changes: No changes.

Carburetor tuning guide

  • Current effect: Automatically consumes all Charges when triggering a Chainsaw Dash. Slightly increases Chainsaw Dash duration (0.50 seconds). Slightly decreases Chainsaw Sweep maximum Movement speed (4.35%).

  • Rating: 2/5 - limited use

  • Thoughts: Carburetor tuning guide is a weird addon, which isn't a bad thing. This addon removes the need to manage your charges all together, and allows the player to focus on the chase instead. In some situations this addon is a blessing to have like when a survivor is looping you around a rock or a tree. In other situations, this addon is dreadful to use. You have to use all charges to use the chainsaw, so breaking pallets with the chainsaw hurts you a lot. Also, you can't cancel the chainsaw sweep, so if a survivor vaults a window you're pretty much screwed.

  • Changes: Automatically consumes all Charges when triggering a Chainsaw Dash. Moderately increases Chainsaw Dash duration (1 second).

  • Reason: Who TF thought that a trade off QoL addon should have a negative effect? Honestly this addon is just bad in general. there is hardly any chance to use this addon due to the map design. one window and this addon is garbage. I'm only keeping it the same, because I like legion bubba :).

So that is that. all of bubba's addons rated and changed. Let me know what you think, and suggest any of your own changes.

Post edited by bleblablu on


  • GhostyyBoi
    GhostyyBoi Member Posts: 416


  • GrimReaperJr1232
    GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,690

    I think the reason they got rid of the charge time add-ons is that Billy was notorious for his insta-saw, and believe it not, Bubba's rev time is even faster than Billy's (2.0 secs compared to 2.5 secs). So I don't see them adding in any charge time add-ons again. If they do, it'll be a give or take like with what you suggested as a change for the rake.

    I don't know what they were thinking with the Engravings (what i call Beast Marks/Knife Scratches for simplicity). Their benefit is so marginal that you're better off running a chili instead—if they wanted to keep the downside, they could at least buff the numbers slightly to maybe 5% and 8%.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,482

    Tuning guides effect + PWYF effectively makes old bubba with a high speed single charge, the addon was basically made to keep that old synergy and dominates while using it

  • bleblablu
    bleblablu Member Posts: 13

    I can see what you say. maybe i went a little overboard with the charge addons

  • bleblablu
    bleblablu Member Posts: 13

    The problem with tuning guide is once you use it, you cant get its full effects until you get all 3 charges back. also, tuning guide's biggest weakness are windows. even a LT loop can easily shut down tuning guide