What’s the point of cheating?? Seriously


It’s a game, y’all! And yes I’m super competitive too. But the only way to get better is to actually play and not complain and use cheats to win! I play mainly survivor at a low 7, and honestly that’s about where I play. If I start to gain pips and play better killers, I usually lose those pips because I’m not at that level and that works for me! (Isn’t that how it’s supposed to work??) Just played against the Shape, and was actually doing pretty good. Lots of looping, evading, all that. Watched him give up on the chase a few times even. Next thing I know, I’m moving from one gen to the next and I take two random back to back (and I mean IMMEDIATE, back to back) hits and drop to the ground. Only me and one other (injured) survivor left. He got hooked, I got picked up and hooked. And the killer just watched me on the hook. Proud of his nimble little typing fingers that couldn’t play the game right... 🙄🙄