Advice to better my Trapper?
When I play trapper I usually dominate or I get destroyed there's not really a middle ground. I was wondering if some of you guys could help me out with learning how to play trapper better? Maybe recommend perk choices, basic trapper techs, and youtubers or streamers I should watch. Also how should I handle each stage of the game? I struggle at the start then build moment during mid and at the end either I get a 2 or 3 kill game or I loose it all and choke a 2 or 3 kill game. Thank you in advance for the people willing to pass on their knowledge.
I cant help that much but corrupst intervation will help trapper ALOT.
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Trapper is one of the hardest Killers to play against competent Survivors. He has to invest more time to use his power than any other Killer, making his early game really hard. No Killer has as much counterplay options for the Survivors as he does. His power is RNG based to a large degree and all the stuff that is universally strong on the Survivors end is usually even stronger against him. He´s my 2nd most played Killer, I love him, but just bear in mind that you are at a tremendous disadvantage compared to other Killers.
No one is better at giving Trapper advice than Otzdarva, check out his YT (he goes by Not Otzdarva there). Watch his Killer tier lit, Good builds for every Killer video and the addon tier list. He´s got some trapper specific Videos, too.
Best of Luck, Trapper has it rough these days.
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Never thought to use corrupt on trapper thanks for the tip.
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I'm a trapper main. My perk set up is Corrupt Intervention/Ruin/Discordance/-Free slot for whatever mood I'm in-
Always use a trapper bag. Doesn't matter what quality. Just use one.
What I do is place traps in routes I know I take as a survivor, or routes I see other people take as survivor. It's unusual for me to place something right under a vault or next to a dropped pallet, but they have their uses.
How I play is generally pretty simple. As soon as I spawn in I set two traps in common survivor routing areas, then look for Discordance. Is it popping off? Go get into a chase. Injure at least one, pick up traps as you pass by them. Don't run halfway across the map for one then run all the way back to the gens to set it. It's silly. If it's convenient, grab it. If not, don't.
Experience will tell you where to place traps to end loops early. If I can lock down an area I will, if not I'll always carry a trap with me to force a survivor to abandon their current loop if they're at a good spot. I want to put them between a trap and a dead zone.
Sometimes you're legit not going to be in a spot where you can win. Roll with it. I have so many ultra rare offerings on my Trapper since he's my main that if I suspect someone's gonna follow me and disarm traps I use Iri stone or the coil and let them do what they want. (It won't help them.)
A lot of Trapper's add ons are luck. Use them if you want, but assume they're gonna fail you. Always carry a bag though.
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Dang a power that's reactive rather than proactive does sound weak when I think about it. Combined with the RNG of escaping traps and his power easily being negated with a short action. But he is one of my favorite designed killers so I'm still gonna play him (might make him a side character rather than my main). I'll look into Otzdarva and see his tips and tricks. Thank you for the help.
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You´re very welcome, the others here already gave valuable starting advice that I was just too lazy to write :P
Especially what @Heartbound said - never go without one of the bags, Trapper is arguably the weakest of the roster without addons.