So I want to suffer and be bullied.... (Nurse)



  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    Dude I never even had good nurses except for 1 on console the others were decent so I would love to expand my horizons. And also thats why I made a post looking for people to help me get bettwr but instead of helping they just said post clips and I only get one response @GoodBoyKaru add me on dbd and ill see if you're on when im on. Its komodo16

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,763

    if you have discord too feel free to add me, Karu_TC#2813

    nobody else, only komodo.

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    Awe see someone loves me how sweet ok thx man plus of you wreck me you could give me advice hopefully and ill add your discord rn @azame send me another discord invite too it expired

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    That...doesn't sound hard at all. Nurse doesn't really need perks to win, you could probably do it in a day. The only thing that I'd consider hard about that build would be getting used to no shadowborn.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    Oh my god I love you. Glad I'm not the only one here who also thinks Nurse's difficulty is overrated. Mechanically challenging at first and then after you learn her blink distances you realise that all the survivors can really do is "double back or not double back" and the thing you do as Nurse to counter that is "hold M2 less or hold M2 more". Damn, this is the hardest killer ever to play guys, I have to use so much of my brain to play her properly.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    I think you may be one of those Nurse players that's making it way too complicated. First blink to get close, second blink to hit. You can very happily ignore everything else in the entire game.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,161

    I had a similar problem! I put a lot of time (I mean multiple months) into getting better with her on PS4. Then, I had to go out of town for two weeks. Came back and boom, it felt almost like I was starting from scratch. I tried to regain my footing with her but it just killed my motivation and before long I dropped her completely.

    It still makes me sad how much I'd improved and then lost just because I was away from the game for two weeks.

  • IMhereRUN
    IMhereRUN Member Posts: 606

    All these comments you’ve received and everyone leaves out the most important detail. Learning Nurse is simple, a few matches and you’ll have a general idea of distance/charge times, etc., that is NOT a big issue.

    The real trick, is learning survivors. You have 4 opponents with 4 different (not guaranteed) playstyles. Nurse is NOT a chaser, she’s a predictor. You’re not chasing survivors down with your blinks, you’re predicting where they’ll be and meeting them there. The real challenge is learning these different survivors’ playstyles, and the knowledge you’ve gained with reset completely when you enter your next match, then you have to learn all over again.

    Do they cutback often? Do they play LOS efficiently? Do they run mindlessly into nothingness(not as rare as you think)?

    While you don’t have to be a God killer, you HAVE to be good as being a killer (in general) before you can attempt to be good at Nurse. If this isn’t you, practice other killers first, learn the map tiles, familiarize yourself with normal survivors’ movements. There’s no such thing as a good Nurse player, that sucks with every other killer. When you feel comfortable knowing/predicting survivor movements actions, load her up and repeat games. Won’t take you many before you realize your weakness. Is it blink distances(shouldn’t be, it’s the easy part), is it bad predictions, or is it just basic killer skills like map awareness and pressure?

    No easy “this is how you play Nurse” guide will ever exist unless your opponents are the same 4 people every game. Hope this helps my friend, GL.

  • Tricks
    Tricks Member Posts: 957

    I've never tried that build. This one works best for me, if I change even one of these perks I almost feel naked on Nurse now lol:

    I used to use Discordance but have replaced it with Tinker since the Discordance nerf and have found it to be far superior than Discordance ever was both pre and post nerf.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,763

    Oh no my usual build is ruin/Undying/bbq/shadowborn but I used that built (with matchbox, obviously) as a joke and it worked pretty well lmao

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,240
    edited October 2020

    I have somewhere in the neighborhood of 13,000 blink attacks (top 150) on PC and play Nurse in tournaments. Some general advice:

    Playing in 1v1s vs good survivors is the best practice.

    Don't use Plaid Flannel. You need to build the muscle memory eventually.

    A lot of times your first blink will be used to get eyes on the survivor, and the second blink will be to land the hit.

    You need to develop "Nurse eyes". Sometimes it's more about what you can't see. Process of elimination is a powerful thing.

    Pay attention to where survivors are looking as they run. Survivors who look back at you will try to double back 99% of the time. A 70% blink charge will get you a hit most of the time if they try it.

    Be mindful of zoning with your blinks. If a survivor is at a tile near the edge of the map, don't overblink and give survivors inside positioning.

    Sometimes it's better to eat a quick fatigue than it is to greed it and miss.

    Now more technical stuff:

    You can cancel your chain blink fatigue with a frame perfect swing. During the chain blink window, you can hold M2 and click M1 at the same time. When timed correctly at the exact moment fatigue would happen, Nurse will play the fatigue sound but swing her weapon instead of looking at the ground. This is a fantastic mindgame that can get you some clutch hits. Takes a ton of practice because it requires frame perfect input.

    Hiding your red stain while blinking, or "Axel flicking". Sometimes you encounter really high level survivors who can read Nurse movement. You can flick the mouse to change the blink destination at the last split second before you release the blink. This lets you blink sideways, backwards, etc. Again, takes a lot of practice, but a very useful skill.

    You can manipulate blink distance after the blink is released by changing the camera angle or aiming at an object. This useful as a mindgame or as an "oh crap" course correction. Aiming down will shorten the blink.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,763

    I have a VOD which is timestamped to the start of the match; it'll only be up for a bit so watch it whilst you can:

    Enjoy that game. Ez 4k.

  • Withered8
    Withered8 Member Posts: 1,241

    Eventually soon enough you'll reach a poitn if you play her enough where you've got the muscle memory and the blinks and all the mechanical stuff down pat. That's the level where you can beat most teams with realtive consistensy. The hard part is then learning how to blink based on a survivor's skill level, pathing and mixing it up depending on each survivor.

    Best advice i can give is just keep playing. You might play her a bit differently to others but it doesn't matter if you reach your goal in the end.

    I honestly can't remember leaning nurse now it was so long ago way before her nerf but once i became good at her i've never really had too much trouble picking her up again whenether i feel like playing her. Like riding a bike.