A change to DC penalityes

Breque Member Posts: 427
edited October 2020 in General Discussions

Why insted of giving like an one week ban, just dont do that you cant enter a another match until the match that you quit finish

and then have an option to recconect to the match ( just put an bot,the bot dont even need to know how to loop just make a bot that look for gens )

I sinceraly dont see downside in do this, you that get kick for bad internet would be abble to rejoin without consequences, you that constantly have your teammates rage quiting will have an bot and the hope that he will come back ( that i know that isnt the best but is better that no one ) and you killer that depip because of quitter you will not more depip

i dont see any way that this could be abused

and if you dont agree tell me why pls