What's the silliest complaint you've heard from the other side, or even your own side?

As I was watching a TTV VOD of one of my matches, the streamer legit called mad grit "toxic." You know me and my BBQ/Agitation/Mad Grit/Iron Maiden, the most toxic build out there!
On a more generic note, another team of TTV survivors called me a tunneler for... not letting them unhook while I was holding one, one was on the hook, and one was going for the save, I guess? They just like legit ran right in front of me.
On a more fun note, a lot of people say mad grit/agitation scares the heck out of 'em when I finally reveal I have that combo.
Mine are all about the same perks, but I'd like to hear about yours as well!
A killer I faced complaining about “gen rush” when they tunneling 1 survivor the whole time.
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Called toxic for looping... Sorry I didnt stop to get downed immediately!
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I literally just today had smoll pp build Bill call me Toxic for using Ruin/Undying, even though they got both my totems in about 3 minutes.
As the saying goes, people living in glass houses shouldn't throw meta perks.
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Got called entitled because I logged into this game for the Halloween event but the "event" was missing.
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I received a twitch DM after a match from a console player complaining about my 4 'toxic perks' - these perks were BBQ, Corrupt, Whispers, Nurses - Apparently aura perks are 'toxic' according to a guy who ran urban self-care and brought odd bulb + high end sapphire lens on his flashlights. Checks out to me.
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Playing Bubba and i hooked a survivor in the basement then 5 seconds after leaving the basement i see the survivor get unhooked when i haven't even left the shacked, i ran down their with my chainsaw ready and downed both of them then left the previously hooked survivor on the ground and hooked the rescuer so i didn't tunnel.
The survivors gave me a -rep on my steam profile saying "toxic camper no skill didn't let me unhook the survivor when i wanted to unsafely unhook.
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Playing Nurse against a 4man swf. (checked their profiles, so I knew they were a group)
They complained that I slugged them. I knew they had DS, because they played the typical "can't touch me for 60 sec"-way.
"It's just a perk" they told me.
"Playing around it is just a tactic" I replied.
Then they insulted me.
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Just today, had a survivor call me a tunneller. I asked them who I tunneled and they said "everyone." Couldn't make this up if I tried.
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People whine about anything, but the funniest I’ve heard is being accused of hex rushing ruin, undying, devour totems, etc. Like after losing a game, post-game chat is “well I got hex rushed so gg” lmao
So do I do bones and hex rush your game delay and potential NOED or be a gen rusher and told to do bones, sis
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I roll my eyes pretty heavily whenever someone from either side uses the 'They can't possibly just want to have fun/want to play strategic/etc., they just want to bully!!!' 'argument'. To me it sounds a lot like 'Everyone is out to get me!!!'
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Had a nea mad at me bc I camped her event flashlight with franklins
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Playing as a Killer I was insulted for Gen Camping when there were only 2 left and they were the two the team was working on.
Though they called it Engine Camping. and they threw in some colourful language too.
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Was called a camper after killing the entire team with DH mori's.
Tried to lure a killer away from a downed survivor only to get blasted with insults as that caused his DS timer to run out.
Got called a white knight for having the Legion blight skin. I get the event is lackluster but can i spend my money how i want pls? The design team did a good job
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Wouldnt call that a silly complaint, because you did that clearly to annoy her.
As Killer, I was called a tunneler, because I tunneled the whole team, since I went for another Surivor everytime they got unhooked. Was like
"At least you know how to tunnel"
"? I went for a different Survivor all the time and ignored the unhooked guy"
"Yeah; I mean you tunneled the whole team"
I dont even know tbh.
As Survivor, a Clown (ingame and most likely in front of the PC as well...) claimed that I teabagged him and wanted to abuse my DS on him. In fact, he just tunneled me all game (and claimed afterwards, because I teabagged, which I didnt) and when he came back to the Hook after I got unhooked, I ran away, and he still got hit by my DS...
So yeah, he messed up by going after the same Survivor the whole game and afterwards lied that he did that because I teabagged him.
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People that legitimately rush generators then complain about literally anything the killer does, to the point of making things up.
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People complaining about me using "op/meta perks" but also use the classic 4 tryhard perks "Dead hard, D strike, Borrow and Adrenaline".
People insulting me for my amount of hours into the game to call me "I have no life, Tryhard, Salty Killer main etc".
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Was accused for tunneling and tryharding... while I was playing Rabbit Legion with two level 1 perks and clearly just having fun.
Was accused for hacking when I managed to grab a guy with Spine Chill from gen.
Actually, hacking complaints are always the funniest.
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I got accused of totem camping while doing the DH quest
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I was using Unbreakable in one of my matches (without DS)
well my unbreakable was kinda the game changer and he got mad about it.
At the end the lovely killer called me a small pp perk user i should also run DS, adren etc because im a toxic cu*t for using that stuff. meanwhile he brought also good perks and addons and if im not mistaken he even had a mori. when i asked him why he is allowed to use strong sh*t and im not he didnt say anything. i love entitlement.
btw im a solo survivor, and i think we should use strong perks unlike swf codinated teams who have already a advantage. but that a killer is complaining about a solo player using some strong stuff is kinda funny.
as killer i have to many story and wont list everything. but the usuall complaints
Tunnler, camper, totem camper blabla even tho you didnt do that stuff.
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Seen a few people DC and complain if they get their undying and ruin cleansed within the first couple of minutes, that's always hella satisfying to see. It's like the old days when killers used to DC if someone spawned on their ruin. Those were good times...
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Having fun? As Legion? How did you acquire this forbidden power?!
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Multiple survivors have complained about my friend and I leaving instead of "rescuing" them from face camping killers with NOED (bonus points if it's Bubba), even though we always cleanse every totem we see and it's really on them for not cleansing more.
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I think the silliest one I got was this Spirit who slugged me to death, nodding at me the entire time.
In the post game chat they told me I was being toxic for bringing a map offering - which I didn't bring - and Iron Will - which I didn't have.
It was a fun moment, not gonna lie.
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I’ve had a killer tell me I’m trash for using borrowed time, I’ve had a survivor say Pyramid Head is the most op character in the game LOL
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Most ascended killer complaint I've seen was a Spirit that slugged the penultimate survivor, which in itself is whatever. I thought they would look for me or the hatch, but instead they just hovered within a 5-10 meter radius of the immobile slug for the 3 minutes and 59 seconds before hooking them, which gave me all the time in the world to find the hatch, hop in a locker for a moment as they hooked the survivor and escape. They called me a coward, an "antimate", as well as accusing me of taking the game hostage.
From a survivor it's still the same one I've shared a few times before. Not long after Leatherface came out, and my excellent perk build consisted of something like BBQ 1, Unrelenting 1 and NOED 1 as I didn't have anything else. Less about them chewing me out for "using instadown perk on instadown killer" which is pretty tame all things considered, more about how they "knew powerful people" and I could "say byebye to my account". Needless to say I'm still waiting for my clearly well-deserved consequences.
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This was waaaay back when you could avoid old ds back in the glory days. i kept juggling a obsession to the hook and he got Reaaaal pissed. throwing me names. but the one important thing he even dared asked was "Why the Hell do you juggle" to which i respond "Mama didn't raise no idiot." and left. =D
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Coming to these forums and seeing people say that this game is one-sided.
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Totem camping. I put a trap on my Devour totem as a Trapper and obviously wouldn't let them cleanse it.
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I got called a camper for simply playing hag.
someone told me LF is the most OP killer in the game and was actually serious about it in red rank
got called toxic for saving every survivor in a match even tho i had kindred and saw no one going for saves
someone called me a freddy main and when i showed them my 17 other p3 killers they insisted that they were right like #########
someone told me keys are balanced since they give the survivors a chance which is total bull it gives them the win
im sure i can think of others but thats my most recent interactions of stupidity
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because it is mate, try winning against a swf running meta and are actually good at the game and are veteran players. pretty much any killer will lose and even nurse or spirit have a very hard time against them provided they know how to play against them. nothing you use besides mori's will let you win and even then if they bring a key you lose no matter what.
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Saw a chat where a killer told the survivor he face camped them for "totem rushing" 😂
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I've seen survivors call a killer a camper when they had a stacked devour hope...
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After reading all of this, I have determined that dbd players are the most immature and petty players ever
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Not a complaint but I found this quite funny. I was invited to a voice chat after a game on Xbox which I tried to decline but somehow confirmed. I thought 'here comes the toxicity'.
No, it was a group of players showing a new player in their group the game. I was myers and they were telling me how scared and confused the new player was as I just stood there and stared at her lol
This taught me not all swf are toxic, some are very polite people.
The most idiotic was one that said he was reporting me for cheating, I asked how was I cheating and what made him think that, that's all I asked, then he said he was reporting me for 'grooming' which did infuriate me and reported him to xbox.
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As a survivor, I never do anything "toxic" -- no teabags, no flashlight clicking, no pointing, etc. -- so complaints have been few, but still ...
Played as game when I was very new. Faced a facecamping Bubba on The Game. My friend was the first one downed, brought into the basement, and he told me the Bubba was facecamping and to stay away. The other two survivors ventured down into the basement (no one was running BT), and he downed them both quickly. I jumped into a locker downstairs to avoid BBQ (since even new, I knew the hatch spawns downstairs), and my friend relayed to me that the Bubba wasn't leaving, so I waited until everyone was dead to jump out. Hatch spawns right near me, and I escaped. One of the other survivors was super salty afterwards, telling me I was so useless, I should uninstall the game (mixing in a number of obscenities). i replied asking what was I supposed to do -- run down to die with everyone else, lol?
Last night, the same friend and I played against a Hillbilly who mostly tunneled my friend for the entirety of the early match, then immediately after he was unhooked, he tunneled him again, got hit by DS, then tunneled him AGAIN, downed him, then facecamped him until he died. Meanwhile, I (and our two random teammates) got the gens done and escaped. My friend got a message afterwards from the killer telling him that his use of DS was "toxic". My friend pointed out that he only was able to use it because he'd been tunneled, and that the facecamping was far, far more toxic. The killer messaged again saying simply we were all "toxic genrushers", lol, even though I did multiple generators (and the Billy was running Tinkerer) and never saw him for the most part (unless it was in the distance futilely chasing my friend :facepalm:).
As killer, the funniest was when I hooked a survivor, and another survivor was crouching right by the hook, in plain sight. I started chasing them, only for them to try to loop me right in the area near the hook. I downed them, a third teammate then failed a flashlight blind, then after I hooked the second person, I chased the third teammate, who ALSO tried looping right around the hooked survivors instead of pulling me away from them. After I hooked the third person, I moved to the other side of the map to give the team a little reset (they were at either 4 or 5 gens at that point), and after the unhooks finally happened (the fourth survivor had been across the map working on a gen when this disaster was unfolding), I purposely ignored an opportunity to down at least one of them to get my last BBQ stack on the 4th survivor. End of game, the first hooked survivor accused me of "camping the hook" and told me I was the worst killer they'd ever faced -- I guess I was supposed to ignore both of their teammates so they could do unsafe unhooks while I watched -- and the fact I let people get away afterwards -- because if I hadn't, it would have been the fastest 4K possible -- wasn't enough of a "help" to their group, lol.
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Streamer face camped and tunneled me because i ran an “infinite” on him. He called the window in the main building on groaning storehouse an infinite.... im not joking. Then after i still escaped he told me to uninstall and that im the worst player ever etc... super nice guy
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"Totem hard camper"
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Being told old freddy was op and Is God tier. I main old freddy at the time of his existence
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I got called a trash survivor by the other survivors "because I was playing as Quentin"
Got called a sweaty tryhard for body blocking hatch after a decent game as doc. Yeah my bbq + disc + brutal 1 + corrupt 1 no tunneling or camping doctor gameplay was tryhard. I also got told I should have let him have hatch since he was rank 15 and since im rank 1 I should know better. I didn't see this guy the entire game and everyone else in the lobby where rank 5 up.
On a good note, I had someone unbreakable + sg me at the very end of the game to get the gate open. I was honestly in shock of how well that play worked for him. End game chat everyone including me were like omg the plays.
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Once I had a team complain to me that I wasn't doing anything and why I didn't cleanse the totems when NOED activated...
I did cleanse four totems and just couldn't find the last one.
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This is more of a vile complaint than a silly one, but it was so amazing and I'll explain why.
I was playing against a Pyramid Head and I managed to find the hatch. In the post-game chat, the killer told me to ######### die and wished my mother would catch covid. Of course it got to me a little bit (because in the UK my mother works in the NHS), but the best part was the killer didn't realize I was playing with Marilou (a former community manager) at the time, so she kept me updated about the incident. She told me a day later that the guy was streaming while he made that horrible comment, but he made his screen black as he said it and he got a 24 hour ban for it. So it was horrible but funny at the same time.
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Had an Oni go hard after me. I'd lose him and go on my way to do other things until he'd find me and go at it again. Eventually I was killed and he farmed with the remaining three, one of which was my SWF.
In the end game chat he admitted to tunneling only me because I "didn't do anything."
I had the highest survivor score despite their farming and escapes.
Grr Oni! GRRRR!
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It isn't. Just because the high end has a slight issue, doesn't mean the whole game is like that.
Low ranks have the opposite problem where the killer slaughters the survivors with ease in a majority of their games.
In the middle, it is almost a coin toss.
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dude it doesn't matter if its the majority or not, what matters is whats reasonably possible and 4 survivors in a swf using meta and gen rushing is very reasonably possible. to the point where i could go make a post or some other forum of recruitment and have a skilled team in about 10 minutes and go do it myself. they don't even have to be the best they just have to last a reasonable 40ish seconds and we would win by gen rushing.
even against a good nurse a good swf can beat her, there was even a tournament where a spirit and nurse basically lost and only recovered because of noed which could have been prevented and they didn't even get close to 10 hooks. i don't remember what its called but they used a weird point system.
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Yeah, a weird point system that wasn't the IN GAME one, right?
And not mattering if it's the majority or not is a total lie, since most games are balanced around the average, not the top. I've only played one game which balances around the top, and does so successfully.
There's also no indication for SWF, so for all we know, a team of solo players could just click. It happens! SWF and Torunaments are not a way to determine the strength of something.
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dude im not gunna argue with logic like that, the tournament basically played out the same way a swf group plays while the killer got points for more hooks. meaning the gameplay was pretty much the same.
also if something is reasonably possible and can easily be done with preparation before the match even starts then you have to consider that as the standard of balance especially if its common which swf is. you do not consider the players who are so average at the game that they barely look behind them in a chase which what a lot of players do because they obviously are not using all the games mechanics.
it doesn't matter if its not every game, if a bunch of players figured out a way to easily win in any game with preparation which is what swf is then that is considered broken. you can easily find good players and get a gen rushing meta swf together.
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Far be it from me to contribute to derailing my own topic, but the game is definitely "sided" depending on the setup, but there's all kinds of factors.
Obviously there's the power gap between how you queue, solo queue is on average going to be the weakest by far, with killer sitting comfortably above them, and then it gets a little murky with SWF because you can have 2 to 4-man SWF queues, and even 2 people together on comms can make a big difference. But let's just say a 4-man SWF on comms, running all their best perks, is on average going to sit way above like 99.99% of all killers, assuming an even relatively similar skill level. Comms simply provide too much of a tactical advantage that gives so many perks for free on top off things perks can't do like having people communicate when to take hits or to let them sit on the hook and finish gens. Those things make an enormous difference because even in lesser skilled players it makes them tremendously more efficient. In highly skilled players, it makes them dang near unbeatable. I'm not even going to get into how dramatically maps impact the game as this post is gonna be long enough as-is, let's just say there are maps killers hate to see, and maps survivors hate to see, and strangely, many both hate to see.
Of course, a super highly skilled 4-man SWF on comms isn't exactly a common occurrence, but they are definitely out there. For the vast majority of play as killer, even at rank 1, you're gonna be facing mostly solo queues or 2-3 man SWFs that might be on comms but are generally just friends playing the game, even when they try hard they're not really tournament material, so you can generally get at least a couple kills if you're good.
All in all, it doesn't really affect most matches, and while that's good, the matches it does affect show just how big the divide is. The survivors in Hexy's tournament were heavily nerfed, only allowed certain perks, no items, etc. Killers had a few nerfs of their own (no moris, some killers limited to X-quality add-ons) but the survivors in most of the games just absolutely annihilated the killers. It wasn't even close. And this was with a major DS bug that made DS essentially worthless depending on the killer you were facing. That's what truly high level play looks like. Killers simply don't have enough time without a mori to actually kill top-tier survivors.
On the topic of "most games being balanced around the average," that's actually not true. Most games are balanced around the absolute highest level of play possible, which generally tends to keep the rest of the game balanced. This is because while some things might initially look oppressive to new/mid-tier players (Scratch Mirror Myers is absolutely devastating to go against when you're new, for example) they can easily be informed by the rest of the community on why something isn't quite as OP as they thought it was. That's not to say nothing is ever balanced around the average players. Sometimes a totally viable top-tier counter is actually really technically difficult to pull off without the requisite skill level, so that might be changed to allow average level players to do it more reliably, for example.
All in all, I think a major contributing factor to DBD queues feeling like a crapshoot on whether you get someone you drastically outclass or whether they make you look like an immobile potato comes down to the limited rank system. I don't know if MMR is going to help, but 20 ranks simply isn't enough. It's far too easy to hit rank 1, and once you do, it's even easier to just kind of stay between there and rank 2 for the entire month. The game needs a more long-term rank system like MMR, but with multiple tiers of ranks like they have in Starcraft or League or whatever.