Redeem codes with limited uses exclude players with disabilities

Related thread:
First of: If you have disabilities you can still play the game. Those players may not be able to reach the higher ranks but it still possible for them to enjoy the game. Some of those players are however disadvantaged when it comes to typing in the codes for the limited charm ("Dwightcrow").
This charm is unlocked by typing in a code, that is available to exclusive partners, mostly on Twitch, into the "Redeem code" box in the store. The codes have limited uses and once enough players have used one of these codes it expires and can't be used by other players.
I will give a hypothetical example of this problem. Let's say there is a player who, due to poor eyesight, is not able to type the code quickly enough to unlock the charm. This player is disadvantaged when playing the game but it is nothing that would make the game unplayable for them. Other players without poor eyesight are able to see, type down and enter the code quicker than this player. As a result, that player is never able to unlock the charm.
I think this is unfair.
There are ways to give the charms out in ways that are fun and interactive and do not exclude players. An example of this could be a sort of maze game like they are available in family restaurants for children, but themed for Dead By Daylight. The correct path contains letters that, when typed in as a code, unlock the charm. Any player can finish such a task, but those who are not able to do so can ask for help in the community.
I want to emphasize that while this issue likely does not affect many players there are still likely some who are unfairly affected by this. This issue applies to console players as well, see the related thread I linked at the top.
In the end, keeping the current way of unlocking the charms by watching Twitch streams boils down to weighing two options against each other:
- giving few players a rare charm that lets them feel special, but excluding some players who are not able to fairly participate in this challenge
- giving everyone a charm and including all players in the challenge, but devaluing the rarity of the charm
What do you think is more important, excluding a few players from fairly participating to let a few players feel special because they have an item few other people have, or making this event more fair and inclusive for all players?
Also,console players lol
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It's just a charm, get over it.
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It makes absolutely no sense why they are doing this. Launch an event and then force people to not play but watch some lame stream? We want to play not watch streams.
Also physically impossible to get a code through on a console. Good effing luck when it will take you approx 45-60 seconds to type the code when a PC player could do it in literally one second.
18 -
Your logic can be turned around. It's just a charm. Okay. Then there is no harm in devaluing it by making it fairly accessible to all players.
A general comment:
To clarify, I am not saying console players are disabled.
The problem is the same for console players, but for a different reason. It is unfair that console players cannot participate fairly in this challenge.
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Just a quick suggestion, when making exclusive codes to redeem, could you possibly make them more dyslexia-friendly? The current codes are nearly impossible for people with dyslexia to redeem, especially when there's only 5 seconds before the code is completely used up.
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They should copy the system Klei uses for giving away free skins, so that everyone can obtain the rewards if they want to. Get rid of the dumb exclusive, limited code system that realistically only PC players can use.
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What is this system and how does it work?
I am also confused why this thread is now in General Discussions - it was in Feedback before, and I think it makes more sense for it to be there than here?
@Gay Myers (Luzi) you seem to have it moved the thread. Was this intentional? The related thread ( was moved from General Discussions to Feedback, and this thread was moved from Feedback to General Discussions - the exact opposite. I would expect that both threads belong in the same subforum, either both General Discussions or both Feedback.
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This. Sure it's just a charm but it's the principle. It's yet another thing that makes console players continued to feel ignored/pushed aside.
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Inb4 they give away the charm to everyone and think the event is rescued
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Here ya go, the rewards are available for 1-2ish months and then gets replaced by a new one.
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Neat, if I understand correctly you can tie this to certain Twitch streamers? That way they would still get new viewers / subscribers, but every player has a fair chance to get the charm. That should leave no side unsatisfied.
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while i can understand the though process behind it, limiting it to 10 persons per code is ridiculous.
i honestly feel like i have a better chance guessing the code than actually winning one in a stream, ngl.
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'Only' 30+ characters
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If it was 1,000 per code it would still create the same sense of urgency meanwhile everyone who wants it gets it. This is a pointless frustrating feature on an already worst Halloween event they ever had.
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I've read the whole post, and even though I agree that the general concept of charm codes distributed through twitch streams is at the very least questionable, I'm still struggling to understand how people with sight disabilities being at a disadvantage in the game itself is OK, while in case of charms distribution it suddenly becomes unacceptable.
Overall the argument you made seems overly made up and artificial, while the claim itself is rather intuitive.
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These sorts of codes exclude plenty of players. Why specifically target those with disabilities? What about console players? Poor connections? Slow rigs? Low reaction times? Those that just get screwed over by Twitch?
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Managed to get one by randomly popping by a stream (Cahlaflour) at the exact right time.
Even though she delayed showing the last two digits (specifically for console players), it's 100% obvious that console players are reallllly at a disadvantage.
I don't think it's cool at all :(
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Yeah, on PS4 if you type it wrong, it resets on hitting redeem, so I would have to type it again in it's entirety, there's no correcting the 1 digit I misclicked
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The devs might as well had just made it pc exclusive
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It's pretty bad :(
Most of the people I've seen giving them out have said the same, too, but in a 'roundabout' way @_@
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whole thing pointless like this event
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The claim was never that it's "okay" that they're at a disadvantage in a game, but more like designing the entire game around myriad possible disabilities simply isn't realistic or feasible, although more accessibility options would be appreciated, I'm sure. In that case it really is a bit of "that's just the reality of it." How they distribute in-game charms, on the other hand, can be controlled quite specifically and it would not be hard to make it accessible for all players.
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The codes look like UUIDs.
Here is what Wikipedia has to say about collisions:
For example, the number of random version-4 UUIDs which need to be generated in order to have a 50% probability of at least one collision is 2.71 quintillion
There are multiple codes so the chance is actually quite a bit better and you won't need to generate as many codes. With a few decades of computing power you might be able to randomly guess one.
I don't think it's OK that they are disadvantaged in-game, but they are at least in control of that situation. If they find that the game is unplayable to them they can refund it (depending on the platform most likely, I know only that on Steam it is possible if you have played less than 2 hours and bought the game up to 14 days ago).
Certain features are desperately needed, such as a colorblind mode. But those are not easy issues that can be fixed without a lot of work. The problem with the codes is artificially created by the developers, and could be fixed rather easily.
Exactly this, thank you!
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The Christmas charm ("fruitcake") still has this issue. Console players being disadvantaged was fixed - for the Halloween event the codes were shared across platforms, now the codes are separate for each platform.
A fair solution for every player would be to unlock the event charms for everyone when the event ends, but to allow players to unlock it early with a code from a stream. That way the charms are still special but everyone can get them eventually.
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I'm not wasting my time with this charm. I did with DwightCrow and I ######### regret it good luck for all the people trying
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You may try to find a smaller FogWhisperer and try to ask politely for a direct message with the code due to a disability? That way the person with disability could redeem the code and then the code can be published for other viewers.
just a possible workaround that depends on the streamer..
Drops as Klei Entertainment does would be definitely the better solution!