Any ETA on ps4 hotfix?
Titles sums it up is it true that even if they fix it this weekend playstation will take a week min to certify it? Or is there an exception for hotfix patches?
Thank you!
Best Answer
My understanding is that Sony and MS do same day certification for hotfixes.
I was given a message from mandytalk who said no
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Yes partially. Anyone know about the 2and half of my question with the cert process for hotfixes?
Thanks for the reply @ToxicMyers
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Pretty sure that every update has to go through the certification process.Don't know how long it would take though
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patches are usually on tuesday and BHVR dont work on weekends so dont expect anything now.. but BHVR is pretty consistent with patches and there has been a hotfix 1 week after every patch for very long so im gonna predict there is a hotfix next tuesday.. but dont get dissapointed if im wrong because i know as much as you do
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Well hope they extend the event. I can get the log in dailies but cant play the game
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It'd be nice if the patch didn't just bring it back to what bhvr thinks is an acceptable level of performance for console and actually made it feel semi-playable. One can dream
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Honestly besides frame hiccups when bloodlust and other effects come up I found it not too bad...was definitely better pre clown though there's no doubt