Seeing people accept their "apology" worries me about the future of this game

BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752
edited October 2020 in General Discussions

Seriously, have you all never played the previous events? Before, you have alternate objectives such as gathering serum which could then be spent on cosmetics. Now, you have 3x Rift challenges that allow to get a measly 4k BP, and that's it aside from pumpkin gens and hooks. Replacing a fun, engaging event currency with a credit card is disgusting, and BHVR knew full-well what they were doing when they made it. This "apology" is just a response to attempt to appease people when their shot at skimming players for more money didn't fully pan out.

This is the same thing with Sets, they started out slow and continued to ramp them up when they saw they were profitable, if people happily accept a few shards and BP as compensation for the gutting of a previously enjoyable time, then the game will continue to deteriorate into a MTX hellscape.

This is a horror-esque game, yet COD and WoW have better Halloween events than it.

btw this is a company that rakes in money off of skins and the rift already, they aren't some 4 man dev team that deserves to be treated like Jesus Christ himself.



  • CrustyCake
    CrustyCake Member Posts: 38

    This isn't a triple A company and this isn't a triple A game. Not sure I understand why people keep comparing it to triple A company and games. They are great examples of what they should aim for, but BHVR's DBD player count and funds are not even close to the mentioned games.

  • RocketPenguin
    RocketPenguin Member Posts: 374

    doesnt help that people still dont have thier spent shards back

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Lets be fair, the killer addon is the new mechanic this event. Which honestly is fine. But they should have given an event unlockable that they gave away for free next year.

  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256

    Subscription games make less than the Freemium/F2P models.

    Also, many people like to talk as if this game is bad, when in reality it's beaten out basically all of its competition over the years and continuously improved. There's things the fans and players don't like, but its quality errs out a lot of AAA games already.

    If you want a comparison, WoW Classic has been out for ~2 years now, and it's plagued full of botters and a massive disregard from Activision overall. At the same time, they just released a brutally expensive cash shop transmog set for retail. Is that what AAA quality is to you, just because it's under the banner of a AAA company?

  • HollowsGrief
    HollowsGrief Member Posts: 1,497
    edited October 2020

    While I do agree the "event" is poorly executed I feel like this needs to be said: complaining about being given FREE STUFF is a pretty entitled way to think and is really an extremely selfish mind set. Sure they gave more stuff before but they never had to give ANYTHING for free. That being said I am not saying that makes being greedy is okay either just that being upset about only getting one free thing instead of more free things is an extremely childish mind set. You are owed nothing, be grateful for the gift, if you get one at all.

  • OllieHellhunter
    OllieHellhunter Member Posts: 703

    Who says people have accepted their apology? From what Ive seen its still left a bad taste for most people

  • HollowsGrief
    HollowsGrief Member Posts: 1,497

    While I can sympathize with where you stand I really dislike when people take what I say out of context. I never said kiss their feet, I said adjust your attitude because it comes across as selfish and ungreatful. They aren't owed your support and you aren't owed their development time, time they spent making a cosmetic that they give to you for FREE.

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    a yes, the big companies that are forcing their teams to come to the office to code are so much better for their events than the comparatively small team that has people work from home during covid...


  • Uncharted
    Uncharted Member Posts: 136

    Oh you didn't know? Apparently there won't be a winter event this year.

    This can change though, and I hope to dear God it does.

  • HagIsBestGirl
    HagIsBestGirl Member Posts: 158

    I don't get why so many players get bent out of shape when a business sells them more optional products for their already paid for product.

    You aren't required to buy cosmetics to enjoy the game. We don't -need- extra mechanics to have the fun we already enjoy.

    So we got a lackluster freebie this year? Big deal, lol. 2020 has had way worse problems than our collective BPS budget. 🤣

  • HagIsBestGirl
    HagIsBestGirl Member Posts: 158

    But..."happen" is so dramatic. What this all boils down to is folks not liking the quantity/quality of event luxury items.

    It's reasonable to be irritated...but to push the needle past irritated into borderline boycott and righteous indignation is supremely silly.

    If you don't want it, don't like it, don't need it: don't buy it. That's all. If that happens enough, the profit incentivized business that we treat like billy locked in the basement will notice lol.

    Tl;dr- chill bro, they're pixels.

  • Pawcelot
    Pawcelot Member Posts: 985

    I for one won't forget and forgive BHVR for getting some virtual compensation when they're literally screwing up their game in a maddened desire for more money. The game's on a downhill slope and have been for the longest of time. I hope this event wakes people up.

  • LuffyBlack
    LuffyBlack Member Posts: 595
  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    That’s what I said there won’t be a winter event same as there wasn’t one last year because of the battle pass

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    Yeah. Pretty sure they confirmed no winter event this year. Sad times. 😕

  • Pennywise
    Pennywise Member Posts: 256

    Halloween should be the one event DBD does amazingly well, they should be putting in maximum effort but the event has got worse over the years. I think the problem is BHVR no longer need to try, the rift gets them to desired engagement, no need to go the extra mile for a seasonal event. Unfortunately, they have forgotten what made Halloween so special in this game.

    The sale on the halloween cosmetics and the daily login rewards are nice, I appreciate that and if that is all they could do in response to the feedback then that is fine but this year will go down as another Halloween event wasted. We can only hope they do something special next year.

  • thebigberta
    thebigberta Member Posts: 7
    edited October 2020

    I hope this is a joke. From their own site, Behaviour claims to have more than 600 employees.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    I have never made a "joke" in my life, and I have no intention of starting now.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    Being sheeple is what people tend to love, and fundamental change like what we want to happen to BHVR's philosophy requires a significant amount of use to not be sheeple, which is a very big challenge. That's true of most everything tho.

  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    I don’t know if it’s been fully confirmed by them and I’m not too sure if what I’m about to say will get removed or not, but I will go ahead and see what happens. In the files it was found that there is no work being done for winter but already work being done on the lunar new year. So this may kinda confirm they are skipping it for new year but we will have to see.

  • Jesya
    Jesya Member Posts: 1,101

    I've been away for a few days.. where is the apology?

  • LuffyBlack
    LuffyBlack Member Posts: 595

    I'm sorry, but I take issue with the victimhood in this post. Literally no one here gets bullied because they're please, their content is usually followed with an insult of those who are unhappy with the state of the game. A lot of history revisionism here. They are called entitled, whiny, I've seen people go into details as of why DBD's current state will not work for the community in the long run get shut down with "You meanie meanie heads! <3".

    One thing I must ask and I am asking you...what are we missing? I'm not coming at you, I am asking a genuine question. What is it about the other side we must empathize about exactly? Disdain towards the criticism of your favorite product? I've been there but I also know to suck it up then move on. What is there to empathize with? No one was able to answer this question. You can be happy with a product then acknowledge that it's in desperate need of a change. There's several people I am still civil with and respect despite our disagreements.

    You could say the same about the other side. Threads downplaying the issue and insulting those who are concerned about it, people shaming people for their outrage "Everyone so angry XOXOXO" and if I'm being honest? Yes. A lot of the responses do reek of intellectual laziness. I could understand in game community's woes feeling like a small minority but you're talking about a literal mainstream issue that has been covered in media. Game companies are going to court over these live services. The fact that these do not belong in Dead by Daylight should be as clear as the grass is green. All of it boiled down to entitlement. Naturally people would get annoyed.

    Personally I think debating is fine, but it's a waste of time. We're just going to argue in circles. Players need to vote with their wallets. Not that the outrage will do any good, everyone will forget tomorrow. Ironically this is the most this community has ever been united.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,181

    You need to empathise with why people choose what they do. If you see someone who disagrees, getting annoyed with them is a useless tactic. You need to actually understand why people are content. They do not see the faults the same way you do, so saying they're simps or white knights or any other keywords that so happen to be at hand is going to make them strengthen their position even more.

    You're asking people to vote with their wallets. Without debate, it's a blind tactic. Only some will do it, whilst people who enjoy the game won't. No debate equals no change.

    Also, there is no "victimhood" here. It's a call for people to stop this whole "Oh, you disagree? Well, you are a simp" mentality. Never once did I say this was bullying. It's about mocking and shaming in a vague attempt to change people's minds. I suggest this is something you need to look at yourself and ask yourself "Why did I interpret this post as that". Something clearly struck a chord in you.