I can't open this game anymore


I'm an above average killer, at least according to the stats and I win most of my games and also am lingering in the red ranks(this is not a brag, it was just to give you an idea of my skills).

But recently i just can't bring myself to play this game anymore, its those games that i lose that stops me, I know I know i don't have to always win but if losing 1 match after winning 4 makes me shake in my seat because of how utterly one sided i was destroyed maybe the problem is something else.

This is not another post asking for a swf nerf, im just informing some people who think killers always cry when they lose and wanted to show them it's not about losing, it's about how you lose.

The feeling of helplessness when you're sweating(literally) in your seat, doing every single thing just for a group of 4 tiny people to smack you down, moonwalk over you and leave leaves you asking why did i even bother trying if it doesnt make any difference.

i feel physical pain when i move my curser over to DBD aaand i'm a veteran player, just imagine how new players feel when the face these things.


  • ZaKzan
    ZaKzan Member Posts: 544

    this game is not designed to be pleasant at higher ranks.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270
    edited October 2020

    I haven't played killer in a while but the way I looked at it is basically:

    If you lose a match where either side has a decent chance then it's worth going over your own mistakes and acknowledge the other side did well.

    If you lose one where it's rigged from the start - like the real nightmare scenarios, some combo of: 3-4 man swf, map offerings, OoO, 16 second chance perks, 4 BNPs or something equally stupid, cosmetics that let them turn invisible periodically...

    I mean would you be that upset about losing a game of chess where your opponent decides at the start they're going to replace all their pawns with queens? Would you even be inclined to play properly or try to win in that scenario?

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,541

    I feel the same...

    But I also dont have Xbox gold

  • xenofon13
    xenofon13 Member Posts: 1,241

