DBD is on par with Free to play

The amount of monetization in dbd is so high it reminds me of a free to play game, expensive 10-15 dollar skins, battle passes and extreme grind make me sad, especially when they are in a paid game.
Do you think dbd would do better as a free to play or would it do worse? I personally think it wouldn't do so hot but who knows.
I see it like Team Fortress 2. TF2 used to be a paid game but now it's free to play. They've got a serious botting problem since you can just up and make a new account. I think they should lower the base game price to like, 10 bucks but having a price tag keeps the riff raff out. (Kinda.)
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it's on par with any multiplayer game. look at SWTOR, look at FFXIV, look at Everquest/Everquest 2, these are all games that have a FTP component (except FFXIV) and have a pay to play 15 bucks a month or so. These games offer skins, to mounts, to some boosts to performance in game as well as rapid leveling (get to max or close to max level). There is no denying it is also in line with the other MOBAs or other battle royal games many of which are free to play but you can buy into them.
DBD as a free to play game would be worse. so many would come in and it'd become a crap show. it would be best kept as is, purchase base and dlc's for what you want.
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I feel that F2P games generally do more and better events.
Also, I dont know of any F2P games that charge so much for cosmetics or that leave bugs in game for so long...
F2P games seem to be better in general. Who would have thought?
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many F2P games are backed by a company's other main engine game. for instance: ESO, backed by all the people that are paying for stuff in skyrim, and other elder scroll games. Fallout also is increasing their revenu, (not fallout 76) so ESO can stay free to play. Fortnite is bank rolled by epic games no other reason than that.
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My only thing would be that there would be more and more hackers. And knowing behavior, I don’t think they’re quite ready for that. So as of right now I think it should stay not free
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I rather not the game go Free-2-Play because it'd invite even more hackers in. Considering BHVR haven't bothered actually protecting their game from hackers, and that Easy-Anti-Cheat is garbage as #########, going Free-2-Play would ruin the game.
But I can definitely agree. BHVR is monetizing their game like it was a Free-2-Play game. We're only missing literal Pay-2-Win and Lootboxes. Suppose that's only a stone throw's away at this point.
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We're only missing literal Pay-2-Win and Lootboxes.
The EULA allows that. So it is not unlikely that these will indeed be added to the game.
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I have extreme doubts that they will ever add loot boxes as they initially stated when the store was released there would be no loot boxes.
as for pay-to-win that will never be added either unless it's a licensed killer or something that people claim they can't afford for whatever reason.
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It'd not be the first time BHVR went back on their word. Wasn't it that most skins in the in-game shop were to be available for Iridescent Shards? Apart from the cheap recolors.. there's not that many skins that can be bought for Shards.. at a reasonable price. 21k in Shards.. That's mental.
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Really wish they'd at least give SOMETHING to people who continue to support their game. Like for example when a new DLC drops, why not give the players who bought the DLC with real money or auric cells the teachable perks already unlocked in the bloodweb for both the killer and survivor? Would that be too much to ask for? Maybe throw in additional iri shards for people who buy the DLC, or iri shards that come with auric cell packs? Anything?
Or even doing the most basic grind-reducing change that everyone's been asking for and REMOVE THE ######### PERK TIERS?! I don't know how they expect to get anyone even the slightest bit interested in their game once they realise or get told from active players that they will be spending literally hundreds of thousands of hours grinding away on the ######### bloodweb to unlock all the teachables and perks that they will actually need (that's just to unlock them, and now you have to go through every single killer and survivor that you wanna play and it's entirely random if you get that teachable perk in the bloodweb. Have fun :))))))))) ), as well as paying real money or grinding for 30 hours or getting a REALLY lucky shrine for perks that are almost a necessity (DS and BBQ). Until they do that they're running around with almost no perks and likely not having fun (especially as killer because for a lot of killers their powers suck and they actually need a good perk loadout or they're nearly unplayable against good survivors) and not gaining almost any ######### bloodpoints because without BBQ your BP yields are gonna be awfully low. Not to mention as a new player you're probably gonna be spending more time queuing for matches than you will be playing the game, so that's also a plus. Crossplay has helped low rank queues but not by much, learned that when I stopped playing killer for a long while and had to climb back up from rank 13 again. Like Jesus Christ BHVR, how do you expect me to recommend this game to ANYONE?
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Yeah DBD very much resembles a free-to-play game these days except for the fact that we spent money to buy the game, we spend more money every three months for DLC, we spend even more for rift passes and cosmetics, and yet the game is still plagued with bugs and glitches.
The game has lost 9,000 players over the last 30 days on steam, and it's not hard to see why. Between the painstaking grind, the performance issues, and the absurd matchmaking, it's a wonder that anyone still sticks around. Newer players sure as hell don't.
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The funny thing is that dbd mobile, which is free, doesn't do those things.
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Its partially already there it was free on ps plus