I'm Entitled?
So, apparently I'm entitled even though I strive to not be toxic/that kind of survivor really. Sometimes my frustration might slip but it's not be trying to be toxic. Anyway...
Did a match vs a Billy... cool. I like versing Billys. Cut towards the end of the game, the rando had given up early on and a friend had died. Just me and another left. They get slugged and killer has NO IDEA where I am. So finally they hook the person they slugged and I find hatch. Person who died earlier makes a remark and the killer goes "what" to which I just say "Trying to slug like that when you got no idea where I am. It'd be a different story if you knew where I was." Basically, I just saw it as a waste of time on both sides... I don't want to potentially have to wait for someone to bleed out or for the killer to stop proxying their body so I can heal to have a chance at escape or not.
So killer calls me entitled then proceeds to say "If you don't want your time wasted, come out." wait wait wait. So I'm entitled because I'm not coming out and giving the killer a FREE KILL? I'm the entitled one?? Hello?? Can someone explain??
You are not entitled, but sounds like the killer did nothing wrong either.
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It'd be different if you were being a sneaky rat (not helping at all and staying at hatch when you have the opportunity to save) but even then that's a strategy, but I don't like it. But you were right to not fall for the bait. Some people body camp and slugging is a way to lure you out. I always motion for the survivors to come closer to me in a safe space, but it's not always possible. You're not entitled for that in my opinion, and if your only option is to die or survive, just... get out! That's the point of being a survivor-- And helping teammates is big, so they took advantage of that aspect and you had to decide. That's ok! Don't dwell on it, and I promise it's just one of those stressful matches where it's a bit too serious, y'know? Either way, good luck in future matches and have fun :)! Also, don't take post game chat too seriously, especially when you played correctly lol
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It´s not neccessarily wrong, but it´s something many people dislike, me included. When I have literally no reasonable chance of finding and downing the 4th Survivor fast, I won´t slug to secure the 4k. It´s a waste of time in my opinion, but to each their own. I can understand if the Killer goes for Adept or sth since the 4k is basically required for that, but other than that, nah, let´s play hatch game.
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Just random basic ranting. Someone is not happy with the game or gets critics and just yells random stuff to justify. That's why discussions like that are never worth it. People won't listen. Btw same on your point "trying ... like that". You are not happy with it but there is nothing wrong with it.
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Ye, I try not to. I mainly just wanted a killer main's perspective.
I know whether I like it or not slugging will happen and whether I like it or not. People will be butthurt about not being able to get the 4k. Etc. I just wanted to understand, the killer was a red rank as well so cllleeeeaaarly they know what they're talking about obviouslyyyy.
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TIme in match is xp gained and shards earned. It's never wasted time (unless the match goes over 10 minutes as that's the cap for xp gain per match)
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Sounds like the killer was entitled, tbh.
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The only issue I could possibly see is "I don't want to potentially have to wait for someone to bleed out or for the killer to stop proxying their body so I can heal to have a chance at escape or not.", expecting the killer to play a certain way just because you don't like it and bad mouthing them for it can be seen as entitled.
But if that's not what you're saying than no neither side did anything wrong.
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Entitlement, noun, "the belief that one is inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment."
You complain about the killer playing in a certain way and not in the way you think he should. That he wasted your time. By definition, you can be called entitled.
For all intents and purposes, the killer who slugged could have found you (if he looked) or could have expected you to be less determined and try to rescue your friends. As long as there is more than just you alive, you can't hatch out and as long as he doesn't hook the last survivor, they can't kill themselves on the hook. It is a perfectly valid tactic to try and secure 4K. Necessary? I would not go that far.. then again, I am not playing to win most of the times, so I do not really count :) Also, I have did it in the past, when for one reason or another I wanted to secure a 4K match and it worked more often than not.
It is common knowledge, especially with SWFs and after all but 1 gens or all gens are done, that the moment you hook the 3rd guy, they will just kill themselves on the hook (or sometimes even DC) just so their buddy can hatch out. The killer did read your intentions apparently well, and did not indulge you.
I'd suggest you just move on, but the answer to your question is a resounding: YES. - since you asked.
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Well, then if I'm entitled in the eyes of you and this other killer, then I guess you both - and any other killer like you - are also entitled as you think you are privileged to a free 4k if you feel like you should have it. But I did not expect special treatment of any kind if you're gonna put that definition... Was I expecting hatch for free? No. I didn't even know where it was because we didn't do enough gens for it to pop up. Tbh I was expecting the killer to find it first (as that normally happens to me). Sorry that I just wanna move on to the next match and not spend a hundred years in a single match that shouldn't take so long????
I know that killers slug. They camp. They tunnel. They play in many rude ways. They are not around to make the game fun for the survivors. BUT! At the end of the day it happens, it's whatever at that point. It's not like I'm saying "You NEED to play my way or uninstall" (mainly because I don't have a way I expect people to play) so please don't act like I said that. I'm saying it's a waste of time on both sides and I personally think it's sad the only thing seen as 'holding the game hostage' is if the killer traps a survivor in the corner and never moves nor kills them. If I can go to the bathroom, get food, and ask my roommate how their day is going and still be back before a bleedout timer is over... that's too much time and shouldn't be allowed (it's the same as toxic survivors tbagging in the gate and not leaving until endgame is almost over, that shouldn't be allowed either).
It's one thing to slug when the last person was right there when you downed the 3rd survivor, ok cool mistakes were made hanging around the person being chased. It's another when you've got no idea where they are and will spend the entire 4 minutes most of the time searching and probably not succeeding unless the survivor you're looking for isn't smart. Sure, it's a way to get a 4k but you killers act like you're getting a brand new lamborghini if you get that 4k the way you do it. Most of you killers complain about red rank survs but are so very eager to get yourselves to red ranks just to vs a million more of them and get even more mad about not getting your 4k every single match.
So with all that said, idk how I'm entitled and how you and the other killer are not. It's conversations like this though that make me roll my eyes at killers who complain about "gen rushing" or flashlight saves or tbagging cuz if you're allowed to play this way, expect free 4ks, and not be seen as entitled as well then why are we not allowed to play with mechanics bhvr added in? Why are killers allowed to decide how the game goes and what type of survivor you are? Who died and made you guys kings and queens?
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So you ignored a slugged and then hooked teammated and waited for them to die so you could get the hatch. And you expected the killer to just give up and let you escape. Yeah, it sounds kinda entitled.
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- "you both - and any other killer like you - are also entitled as you think you are privileged to a free 4k if you feel like you should have it"
You see that is just it.. the killer in your story did not complain about YOU wasting HIS time. Nor did I tell you, that you were wrong to do what you did. Do not project on me please. You asked a question, I showed you the definition, explained how you meet said definition and answered your question. You are free to respectfully disagree, but please do not drag me into your dream world as you do not know the first thing about me and me being a mostly Freddy main will likely just eat you there.
- " I'm saying it's a waste of time on both sides and I personally think it's sad the only thing seen as 'holding the game hostage' is if the killer traps a survivor in the corner and never moves nor kills them"
How about this for an answer: because that is the only way for a killer to really stall out a game?
Just two lines above this one you said you do not expect people to play the way you want, but then you proceed and say that you would like their playstyle to be bannable. Do you at least see the contradiction in those statements?
- "So with all that said, idk how I'm entitled and how you and the other killer are not. "
Please refer back to the start of this comment. If you do not like people telling you their opinions on the internet, then maybe do not start by asking them a question.
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If you were the Killer you would of done the same and looked for the last survivor to get extra points. If he was the survivor, he would of done the same and hid to avoid giving a free kill. Both of you did nothing wrong.
Cant even say GG, shake hands and somersault away.
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The story u presented, does not make u entitled. The killer did nothing wrong either. Slugging is totally fine.
But judging by the post u posted, makes u a entitled survivor.
As others have pointed out, u are a entitled survivor if u are complaining that the killer should play a certain way.
Camping, slugging, tunneling, are all part of the game.
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"Basically, I just saw it as a waste of time on both sides"
Entitled, also sick of these humble brag stories. While the other survivor is bleeding out the killer has a chance to find you. You also have a chance to recover the other survivor and be a team player. Instead of hiding, waiting on them to bleed out and escape through hatch. You aren't entitled to hatch and the killer doesn't have to give it to you.