Easy fix for widescreen monitor

Erre Member Posts: 7
edited October 2020 in General Discussions

This is the fix that I'm currently using for play dbd without having the issues with the widescreen resolution.

1)Download this program: https://www.nirsoft.net/utils/nircmd.zip

2)Extract the file named "nircmd.exe" in your C:\Windows. You can now delete the zip file

You can click on this link to search the 16:9 resolution that match the height of your monitor: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/16:9_aspect_ratio#:~:text=The%20new%2016%3A9%20aspect,1050%20(16%3A10).

For example i have a 21:9 3440x1440 monitor, so the ideal 16:9 resolution for me is 2560x1440.

3)Create a new txt file on the desktop and write this command:

nircmd.exe setdisplay NEW WIDTH YOUR HEIGHT 32

the 32 is the color bit depth, usually is 32.

For example in my case : nircmd.exe setdisplay 2560 1440 32

4)Save this file in your desktop, MAKE SURE TO SAVE THE FILE AS A BAT FILE

5)Make a copy of this file on the desktop, right click on it and select modify.

6)Change the resolution in the command to match your monitor resolution. In my case:

nircmd.exe setdisplay 3440 1440 32

7)Save this file.

For the both created files make sure to rename them with a name that makes you understand its task.

In my case: "16.9 resolution.bat" for the 2560x1440 file and "21.9 resolution.bat" for the 3440x1440 file.

8)Now type in start "run" and open this app.

9)Paste this path: %ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs and select "ok".

Saving the files in this folder will make them work even after a compurer restart.

10)Copy the 2 bat files in the window that opened.

11)You have to create a shortcut for both file, so right click on the first one and select "create a shortcut", it will be saved on your desktop. Repeat this operation for the second file. We need this shortcut to use a combination of keys to change the resolution.

12)Now move the 2 shortcut from the desktop to the same location of the originals bat files (%ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs).

13)Now right click on one shortcut, select properties.

14)In the shortcut tab you will find "shortcut key". Now you have to select your keyboard shortcut for the file that you have selected.

In my case i have used "Ctrl+Alt+1" for the 16:9 resolution and "Ctrl+Alt+2" for the 21.9 resolution.

Do the same operation for the second shortcut, of course use a different shortcut key from the first one.

Okay now you will be able to switch your monitor resolution from 21:9 to 16:9 and from 16:9 to 21:9 in less than one second using your keyboard shortcut!!

The first time you use the keyshortcuts it will need a couple of seconds to change the resolution, use the keyshortcuts 3 or 4 times and it will become faster.

I'm sorry for language error but I'm not a native English speaker.