I created a 'Hook Counter Overlay'
Hi guys. Just thought I'd share this with everyone.
First, here's a couple of screenshots of it:
* Full screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/XuSGmmI.jpg
* Cropped screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/LMvrQBW.png
As you can see, it simply overlays a number onto the survivors portrait.
*Note, the important thing to clarify here is that this is* ***completely*** *manual.* Nothing about this interacts with the game. This is essentially no different than opening a notepad document next to your game and typing it in there, however I've just made it a bit easier.
How to Use
Add a number
With the overlay open, you simply press 1, 2, 3 or 4 on your keyboard to increment the numbers. (the number keys about your letters, not the numberpad).
Remove a number
If you make a mistake and want to remove a number you can press SHIFT+1, 2, 3 or 4 to reduce the count by one.
Clear the counter
Press F12 to clear the counter and reset everything back to 0.
Close the Overlay
Shift+ESC will completely close the overlay. Otherwise you can right click the Green H tray icon to exit it as well.
How to Download
The program is written using Autohotkey. You will need to download and install Autohotkey to use it.
Download from here: https://www.autohotkey.com/ and install it. Once installed you don't need to do anything with it directly.
Next, download my script.
You can download the full script file from here. https://mega.nz/file/Z5QC0RAZ#iWj1tmA6LcRnsPtMTCXtkgcKpsSXf_HTFDORSvvJxUY
Otherwise if you would rather see the source code before downloading it, you can see it in its raw format here: https://github.com/Reynbow/dbd_hook_counter/blob/main/Hook%20Counter.ahk
You can simply create a new text file and copy/paste the code into the text file. You would then save the file with the .ahk extension and then run it.
Tweaking Settings
Overlay Location
The program is currently set to work with a resolution of 1920x1080. If you use any other resolution then you will need to adjust the location that it draws.
At line 26 you will see a line that says:
Gui, Show, x122 y945 w450 h60 NoActivate
You will need to adjust the numbers next to x and y.
My screen resolution is 2560x1080, so I use x442
The higher the X value, the further to the right it will move. The higher the Y value, the lower down the screen it will move.
Variables File
The script saves the counter variables in a .ini file under C:\Temp\hook.ini
If you would like to change this, you can, just be sure to change every reference to this line in the code otherwise it will break.
Overlay Colour
On lines 18-21 are the lines that reference what colour the font will be. By default, I have a "baby yellow" colour, as I find it best for me.
If you would like to change the colour, you can use an Hex Colour code you like. Here's a nice website that shows you a hex colour codes: https://htmlcolorcodes.com/
Simply replace the line that says "cFFD166" to any colour code you would like. Leaving the lower case "c", meaning "colour".
I can't think of anything else, it's fairly straight forward.
Hopefully this helps anyone, and idealy I'd love to see BHVR add a hook counter to the portraits by default.
My main inspiration for creating this is that I've been playing Pig a lot lately and I get really annoyed with myself when I forget when someone is on death hook and I give them a party hat... So... yeah. Enjoy. :)
That looks really useful-
Dunno if I'd use it but I'm sure others would really appreciate having it