What's something you're trying to get better at?

What is something specific you're working on improving? Not just "Gittin' Gud" - I daresay we're all working at that. No, what's a general or specific skill you're currently out to pick up?
Personally, I'm working on my Slinger. All of it. Shots, tactics, the whole thing. I spent I-dont-know-how-long playing nothing but Blight and whomever I had dailies for, and now I just cannot for the life of me hit a shot. Embarrassing, especially for someone that's a half-Slinger main. So, I'm trying real hard to relearn everything I've forgotten, which as it turns out is a lot of muscle memory that mysteriously went out the window and got replaced with an insane desire to repeatedly slam my face into walls.
I am trying to improve my ability to flick my lethal rushes around tiles without colliding into anything, pretty hard, since I'm on console.
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Been trying to pull down my pants before using the toilet.
Pretty bad time so far, hoping it will get better.
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I've been working on Timing
Since I play Pig the most I have almost worked out Timing
What I mean by Timing is:
Gen timing: How long before a Gen gets done compared to the chase and how many survivors are on the Gen
Hook Timing: How long will it take to down and hook a survivor before (or after) a survivor makes it to the hook (or another Gen)
Heal Timing: if two or more survivors are injured how long will it take for them to heal vs. Gen Timing and Hook Timing
Power Timing: When do I use my Power... Where do I go (if it's movement based power)... Who's in my LOS ( for throwables)
DS Timing: Who has it and how long has it been
So when I play another killer I compare everything to the Pig... Sometimes I do good other times I do bad (and get toxic messages)
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been trying to win without slowdown perks on all my killers- feels more rewarding when i do win
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Flashlight blinds and stuns. I've played a fair bit of survivor but mostly just to level them up and do challenges, one thing I still haven't gotten the hang of is using the flashlight. I ocassionally see a survivor struggle to blind me while I'm beaking a pallet, so it's good to know I'm not the only one finding it tricky to even get the aim right.
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I'm trying to get my puke on point
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Uh, for Plague, right?
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Looping in general, i'm devotion 9 and can't loop to save my life
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lmfao, yes, for Plague
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Im trying to get better with my in-chase behavior, im trying not to but every time i smack the killer with a pallet i tend to tbag and point. The urge is hard to resist but i am trying.
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Not getting tilted. I'm slowly getting the hand of it.
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Hugging walls better as killer. If I chase a survivor round a car or small rock, I'll still be chasing them an hour later. With the Benny Hill theme tune in the background.
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I'm working on new Billy, it's like as if the nerf nerfed me with Billy, I can't curve as easy, I can't double engravings, I'm basically just a normal Billy without curving as much.
Also I've been practicing my legion perkless but with addons, so far that is going great.
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360 and jukes
I can pull a 360, but hitboxes say no and it sucks
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Improving my nurse on ps4 while iam drunk.
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Chases as Survivor. I'm really bad at it usually. lol
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i'm getting dead harded (and then missing hits) a lot even though the perk is pretty meta since forever. I just can't get in my head to wait for it because i'm so focused on the chase. There are cases where you can't do anything about it (DH for distance) but in a lot of situations i would have got the down if i waited 2 more seconds.
I also miss sometimes if survivors are really good at juking, which makes me feel stupid everytime. Not a general problem but due to low fps it happens to me more frequently than to other killers who play at red ranks.
I also want to learn new killers and decided to give Pig a chance.
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Taking increasingly longer breaks from DBD until I forget about it and never play again. : )
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Since the 2x Bloodpoints events, it's almost non-stop nurse for me, i'm slowly getting the hang of it. She was my first killer that I've ever played back in 2017 and i never touched her again until now. She's a blast.
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With survivor: Looping efficiently. I can run a killer, but I can't typically keep them at a loop for any extended amount of time.
With killer: Huntress on console. Need I say more?
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Whenever I play killer, it seems like the people who do that typically go down pretty fast for no real reason.
I tend to save the tbagging for when I'm purposely taunting them enough to keep their eyes on me so people can be saved in basement or we can get the last gen done.
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I'm working on Billy to land hits better, Nurse, and I've been working on some other killers, I mostly play Clown, Demo, Ph, Doc, and some billy. SO I think I need to play more than those killers, and more of GF, Myers, and so on and so forth
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Man,the most annoying thing as blight is when you try to curve your rush really hard but then you bump into something and you're just spinning like a madman 😂
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Looping. I'm terrible at it. I can't use a flashlight worth spit either, but one can get by without that skill. Looping, on the other hand, is a basic necessity. I think I've peaked as a Survivor (I am stuck between 6-8) until I can get better at this. I know it is possible because when I'm the Killer I get led quite the merry chase by some incredible Survivors who seem to defy logic. That is what I want.
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With Nurse, just remember the classic first-for-distance, second-to-hit rule, and to not be afraid to float around a bit, and you'll win most of your games even if you aren't the greatest at landing blinks (so long as you still land the majority).
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Looping with a survivor, I have no idea how I'm rank 3 survivor rn even tho my loops suck.
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Huntress. Was pretty good with her for a long time but I suddenly miss the easiest hits with her.
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Strategy with trapper. It's been really difficult, but it's so satisfying when you're able to set a trap and push someone into it
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As a survivor, when I do play I’m trying to get better at looping. I’m sick of not being able to last in a chase. How am I rank 1?
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-Becoming a god Nurse (I'm pretty decent already but I want to get even better)
-Getting better at curving Billy's chainsaw around loops/Flick Billy
-Learning how to play Blight
-Getting better at looping good killers who use mindgames
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I used the last Rift to get better with Huntress (on console) and Leatherface's updated power.
This time around I'm hoping to become a little more effective with Blight. Also considering spending a little more time with Billy, Demogorgon, and Pig as well.
On the survivor end of things, I'm mainly hoping to get more used to the current flashlight-aiming. And I could always use extra practice with looping too.