What new items would you like to see in dbd?

Ive been playing for quite a while now and im tired of the same ole items, so i often ask myself and my buddies on ideas but no one ever really has any good ones.

So figured i would make a post and see what ideas the community might have.

I liked the post about new perk ideas and how the community is always complaining, maybe we can get this one going and throw out some new thoughts for new items as well as perks.

With that being said an item i would like to see added is

The SmartPhone

Start the trial with 2/3/4 tokens

Using a token reveals all team mates auras for 5 seconds while revealing your aura to your team mates for 3 seconds.

I feel like this would be simple but useful and have great synergy with other perks/items.

Lets hear what you guys have to say.


  • IMhereRUN
    IMhereRUN Member Posts: 606

    I’d like to see a handgun available to survivors. Shoot the killer with it to create a 3 second stun, one-time use.

    However, precautions would have to be taken to avoid abusing it, as it’s literally another 2nd chance crutch (but it’d be fun). Perhaps make it an in-game chest search item only and NOT available in the bloodweb...make people work for them while simultaneously getting another small secondary objective.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,347

    Make the green key part of a new aura-specialized item class and give it its own higher-quality variants and a new model.

    I like bringing aura keys from time to time, and it'd be nice if they were visibly distinct from hatch-opening keys in the lobby so the killer doesn't have to worry about me vanishing into the hatch. Don't blame them at all, sorta gotta assume key = hatch opening key, just like it's fairly normal to automatically assume hidden killer offering = ebony mori.