This is why I don't main killer

I'm a survivor main, but I have been maining killer for about a month or two now. Mainly because If survivor queue is long, I can always play killer instead :).

At the moment, I main huntress Rank 5. I'm not the best huntress, but I'm decent, on average I down someone after 15 - 30 seconds of a chase.


Start of the game:

Get about one hook and maybe one injured before a gen is popped.

Mid game: (Part 1)

Get about 3 / 4 downs, 2 / 3 hooks

Mid game: (part 2)

Down someone, gen gets popped... Taking them to hook, gen gets popped... Thinking 'okay last gen let's try and guard these ones'... Soon as I hook then, gates are powered...

End game:

Feel bad that I'm proxy camping at such a low rank, but it has to be done for a kill...

Good survivors (all red ranks normally) have BT and bodyblock the injured survivor.


No kills, 23K or less BP, feel disappointed in my skills as killer (especially if they're my best killer)

No matter how well I play, how many hooks and downs I get, how much pressure I put on the map, how lowkey bad the survivors can sometimes be....The last 3 gens get popped simultaneously, maybe 5 or 10 seconds apart.

I main survivor so I know, gens are the objective. But I don't know how these red ranks I play against manage to pop gens so quick :/.

If you have any tips, perk recommendations, playstyle tips, please let me know.

I ain't ranting or complaining!!! <=

I'm just looking for advice :)
