This is why I don't main killer

I'm a survivor main, but I have been maining killer for about a month or two now. Mainly because If survivor queue is long, I can always play killer instead :).
At the moment, I main huntress Rank 5. I'm not the best huntress, but I'm decent, on average I down someone after 15 - 30 seconds of a chase.
Start of the game:
Get about one hook and maybe one injured before a gen is popped.
Mid game: (Part 1)
Get about 3 / 4 downs, 2 / 3 hooks
Mid game: (part 2)
Down someone, gen gets popped... Taking them to hook, gen gets popped... Thinking 'okay last gen let's try and guard these ones'... Soon as I hook then, gates are powered...
End game:
Feel bad that I'm proxy camping at such a low rank, but it has to be done for a kill...
Good survivors (all red ranks normally) have BT and bodyblock the injured survivor.
No kills, 23K or less BP, feel disappointed in my skills as killer (especially if they're my best killer)
No matter how well I play, how many hooks and downs I get, how much pressure I put on the map, how lowkey bad the survivors can sometimes be....The last 3 gens get popped simultaneously, maybe 5 or 10 seconds apart.
I main survivor so I know, gens are the objective. But I don't know how these red ranks I play against manage to pop gens so quick :/.
If you have any tips, perk recommendations, playstyle tips, please let me know.
I ain't ranting or complaining!!! <=
I'm just looking for advice :)
Corrupt Intervention and Ruin / Undying. Use one or both.
Also don't try to go for a 12 hook game. You'll lose if you try to play too nice.
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What's your perk build?
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^ this guy/girl gave me great tips for Killer. Listen to them @OP. 💜
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Did my tips help you?
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Corrupt is a great way to prevent multiple gens from popping at the start. I run M&A, Corrupt, POP, and BBQ on Pyramid Head and it does wonders. M&A also allows you to get closer than you normally would.
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My main is huntress:
Bbq chili, ruin, nurses calling, whispers/discordance/MnA
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Ive had chances to tunnel people but I just feel scummy doing so, especially because I main survivor and know how peak it is sometimes :/
But I might have to because these red ranks be clapping those gens too fast, if they want a fast game, I'll give em a fast game lol
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Well it's easy if u play swf two better players distract killer with chases while other two repair gens that's our tactic but as killer you have to be smart and know when to drop the chase and go for others which many killers don't do and end up with zero kills you need to pressure all 4 survivors no matter how hard it could be maybe use better perks to know they're location or something I never played killer but this is what I think killer should do maybe I'm wrong since I'm not killer main but it's just my opinion
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I do drop chases, but as soon as you drop them let's say you chased them off a gen, they just get immediately back to it the second you turn your head.
So either way you're going to lose a gen no matter what gen you pressure.
The best you can do is down the survivor who you were initially chasing, whilst the gen is regressing. And lose a gen that was being repaired else where
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I think what I need to start doing is getting rid of the 'gen jockeys' first, as they normally ain't as good as the 'chasers'.
And it annoys me when they were quite bad, got downed in like 10 seconds, yet they end up escaping because they only get hooked twice.
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BBQ is good. Ruin is good. Whispers is good. This might be from my experience but with large terror radius killers I've ran Nurses and they'll stop healing and try and sneak when I'm near so you can but Nurses is a little risky. Nurses is better on small terror radius killers and stealth killers. Discordance is good. Monitor and Abuse is not the best on huntress because it doesn't affect her humming so you don't get extra stealth with huntress. And the increased fov is gone in chase when you as a huntress could use it to land hatchet shots. Some killers are better with Monitor. But huntress, billy, and nurse are better with Shadow borne because it's better to land shots. Play agressive with Huntress. And recognize which loops you'll need to M1. Hope this helps.
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Most important thing as a killer is time management, you need to pick your chases when you want to chase and when not. If you are facing really good survivors only way you can slow the survivors down is either camp, tunnel or slug. Pick your poison. Survivors have capacity to repair all 5 generators in roughly 3-4 minutes, and strongest way to do that is spread to 4 different gens to eliminate killer chances to put pressure
It's a fantasy word if survivor mains tell you that you need to 3 hook every survivor to 4k, it won't happen with good survivors. Personally i try to slug to put pressure on survivors as much as possible, i don't often tunnel but if i see survivor who is dead on next hook they are high priority.
Now if anyone feels that what i'm saying is wrong you can challenge my SWF group and try to 3 hook all of us, i can guarantee it won't happen, if you want to have any chance of winning like i said you need to slug, tunnel or camp. Using DS and unbreakable will make your slugging and tunneling much, much harder as well..
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I'm surprised that you didn't recommend pop,ruin,corrupt all together.
When i see those builds means that killers can't win without ruin/undying.
Just now i had a ruin, undying, tinkerer, bbq Freddy at rank 1. Add ons Swing chains, red paint brush and still got a scummy 1k. Imagine him without Freddy and ruin build.
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My friend, you don’t need your loadout full of gen protection to win games, even at Rank 1. Obviously there are exceptions. I.E., a Trapper playing tactical and not aggressive would definitely need some gen perk crutches.
Best advice, record your games and watch them back. How long are chases, how often to you push people off gens?? Analyze this information and adapt. Ideally, you should be hooking a survivor within 45 seconds of a different survivor getting off the hook. No need to tunnel, no need to proxy camp. If you’re chasing 1, another is on the hook...then you’re controlling 3 of the 4 survivors’ actions because a 3rd has to unhook.
This makes the game a 1v1, and very manageable. Excuse my vague response, I’d have to know your playstyle intimately to give advice where it’s needed most.
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"I'm surprised that you didn't recommend DS, Dead Hard, and Borrowed Time. When I see those builds means that survivors can't win without DS/BT.
Just now I played against survivors with 3 DS, 3 BT, 3 med-kits with addons, and still they lost 1 player. Imagine if they didn't have those items and perks."
The moral of this story is that there will be no scenario where you lose your perks. They'll never be "crutches" because you have never have to use any perks you don't want to. Those perks are obviously not impossible to beat since your team did apparently really well. Sounds like you're really just bragging about beating a player who is not that good...
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I just play Spirit, with a lethality build. So I can kill everything instantly.
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Learn when to slug is one of the biggest tips i can give someone who is getting to high ranks.
Picking up a survivor, walking to a hook, hooking them and then walking back to a gen takes an insane amount of time if you think about it.
Especially at mid/late game you need to start looking at how many survivors could be on a gen right now
Say you downed someone and the other 3 are healthy that are 3 survivors that could be on a gen. At that point you don't have time to go through the hooking process leave them on the ground.
Now say after that you ambushed someone and downed them before the other one got up. Then there are 2 on the ground and 1 most likely going to help the other one up which means only one survivor is on gens so now you have time to hook.
Learning to look at who might be on gens is a huge step forward in your pressure game and slugging is the most time effective way to stop someone working on gens
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Sadly that's true.
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Lol talking about DS and BT when most killers tunnel. I'm playing with 3 perks since David.
You, play with undying/ruin/pop/corrupt.
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You need to focus on 2 people and just alternate hooking them so you get at least 1 person out of the game by the time theres 2 gens left.
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From a survivor pov, this game is made to piss killers off. This game is stage 3 cancer, and gets you triggered like no other game. You see it on streamers getting burned out. So unbalanced and killer have no power whatsoever.
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Perfect example of whataboutism
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This was a good tip :)))
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try wraith, hag and doctor. these are simpler to use, but can have an impactful power. for wraith, you need addons.
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I played a few games and did a lot better. Can’t play as much as I used to though. Work gets in the way ;/
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Well I'm just glad I could help you.
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Actually love this! 💗
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Update everyone!
I have gotten alot better at securing 4ks and 3ks as huntress!
Thank you to all these tips, they have helped me quite alot.
The main tip that helped me the most was to slug when 2 or 3 gens left, has really helped me slow down the gen pops and get me some sweet pips >:)
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On huntress the best build is corrupt, bbq, whispers, and pop. Thats all i can really tell you for her, since I play mostly nurse. On the other hand, if you want to win every match, id suggest learning
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Used to main nurse really well, but stopped playin her cuz I got bored with her tbh
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The problem is survivors spawning separate from each other and can also spawn right next to a generator. Killers don't get that luxury.
At the start of a round the killer needs to spend time finding a survivor, by that time more than likely 1 or 2 survivors will already have found a generator due to spawning on it and have already begun repairs.
By the time the killer finds a survivor and starts a chase those generators are around 45-55%, by the time the killer down and hooks the survivor those generators are probably around 85% t0 100%.
Obviously this isn't every game, but the fact that survivors can spawn right on their objectives and complete 3 generators while one survivor is being chased is the problem. If 3 gens get popped during first down its so hard to come back from.
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Its easy to get bored if the survivors don't try to genrush you 😆 I get bored if they don't rush all the gens as fast as possible, so that winning is even more impressive