Matchmaking... This is depressing - no fun anymore

I have around 800 Hours and playing Rank 3-1 as killer.

But my last 20-30 matches I play against survivor with more than 2K hours. My last match there were two players with more than 8K hours of EXPERIENCE against me (I killed no one and they still flamed about tunneling).

I thinking about deranking myself. I have no fun playing DbD if there will be no changes to the matchmaking. Come on Devs, how long do you want to keep this MM up?

I really love DbD but currently Im looking for other games to play.

What are your thoughts? Same problem? Tips? How are you dealing with this?


  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    You are looking at it wrong. I'm in the SAME boat as you. My drive to reach Rank-1 playing only Myers as a Killer is so painful and hard now that I can't adequately describe it. It will always be an understatement. You just enjoy the challenge.

  • carnage4u
    carnage4u Member Posts: 338

    The dedication some players have to put in thousands and thousands of hours into any specific game is and will always be beyond my understanding. There are too many other good games out there to focus thousands of hours on 1 game.

    If you are only facing people with thousands of hours more then you, then you will lose. At least it shouldn't be stressful. You know you are doomed.

  • Gamefrequenz
    Gamefrequenz Member Posts: 13

    That is no challenge if its unfair for me. There is no way to see I improve if the enemys are always smarter than me.

  • Terro
    Terro Member Posts: 1,171

    Number of hours don't necessarily equal skill. Especially since at a certain point you're all hitting the skill ceiling. For all you know 60 percent of their hours was on killer, 30 percent in loading screens/queues, 5 percent kyf, 5 percent survivor. Plus, how is anyone going to find matches if we're sorting by hours played. Let's say you catch up to them in hours. They'll have double your hours then...

  • PanicSquid
    PanicSquid Member Posts: 655

    But if having more hours than you is unfair to you, consider this: if you had more hours than them is it unfair to them?

    If so, who do you match with?

    If not, isn't this hippocritical?

    Tl;dr the emblem system doesn't adequately deal with the broad skill difference at high ranks. If they can get the MMR system to do what it needs to, we might be better off.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    You play ONLY as myers at red ranks? This man deserves a medal of honor , that's gotta be rough I would get tired of that pretty quick

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,482

    sometimes you just get a few bad games and get stuck in a rut, there are a few good options without compromising other players experience

    learn a new killer, no one worry's about losing or not playing perfectly with a new killer, so just try something new for a bit and have fun with it

    set a different win condition, most people have 1 win condition set and if they don't reach it they get extremely frustraited, like 3k or 4k, set something lower and be happy with that first then move on to other win conditions once you reached the first so you still feel you accomplished something every game

    take a break, a week or two will do you good, stretch you legs and play other games for a bit just to vent some frustration

    learn one of the higher tier killers, my suggestion is blight because he has the skill ceiling of nurse so there is plenty to learn and he is probably the 2nd or 3rd best killer in the game if you keep playing him and getting skilled with him, plus unlike nurse he is probably one of the most fun killers in the game due to his speed

    play some survivor to remember how good you still have it over that mind-numbing experience

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    So strive to get better than them? Use better killers, run better perks, play better and adapt to their tactics? Look up scottjund on YouTube and look at his killer guide videos. Watch Otz play killer and see what he does. Hell, even play survivor yourself and learn from that because a lot of killer knowledge comes from knowing how to play survivor well (something a lot of killer mains refuse to acknowledge and always wonder why they lose. It's because they don't know how to play survivor). The only big difference in playstyles I can think of between someone who has around 600 hours and someone who has over 2000 is the one with 2000 will tend to care less about you as a killer and won't care about being injured, doing gens in your face, unhooking in your face etc because they've seen it all a thousand times and nothing will really surprise them anymore. You need to learn how to play around them and Scott actually just made a video in how to deal with these kinds of survivors too.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    That isn't entirely true though. I was annoyed when I hit the Green Ranks (It feels like forever ago) because started fighting Red/Purple combinations. Very rarely did I get an actual Green. I was flattered that the game thought I was ready for the "show" but annoyed because I didn't think that I was at all. Every game was a painful reminder of how much better they were than me. I did improve though. I improved a great deal and faster than I would have otherwise. The beatings are more embarrassing and humiliating, but the advancement accelerates. You get thrown into the deep and of the pool, and either drown or learn to swim.

    Right now I'm Rank three and one good game from going to Rank-2. I only play Michael Myers as a Killer, and will continue to do so until I reach this goal. I assure you that Myers has a very hard time in Red Ranks, and pretty much every game I play is a SWF. It feels just like it did when I first hit Green. The key to not getting "tilted" or "triggered" is to focus on a long term goal. The immediate setbacks don't bother you as much. I wish I could claim to have come up with this wisdom myself, but I got it from Otz. Accept and expect to lose right now. Just go into the game fighting as hard as you can and see what you learn from it.

    I assure you, in time you will be repaying these people with a stomping.

  • BestGame
    BestGame Member Posts: 69

    +1 from me dude...

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    It is VERY rough... and with the last few days being 2x Points... every Red Rank SWF has been grinding making it a nightmare. :) BUT... I have reached Rank-2 and need only two more Pips. SO CLOSE. Thanks for the kind words... I need all the pep talks I can get.

  • snowflake102
    snowflake102 Member Posts: 2,188

    While you take a break from this game. I would give predator hunting grounds a try. Also don't listen to the complainers because there just trying to drive new players away. I bought it yesterday and it's fun infact I'm having alot of fun with predator. So if your a predator fan buy it. It's on epic games.

  • Katie_met
    Katie_met Member Posts: 422

    Time played doesn't reflect skill, although there can be a correlation. I have people on my Xbox friends list who have way more hours on dbd than me but have less escapes and less kills than me, either this is because they just leave their game open and don't play it which increases their time played, or they might just be a weaker player.

    I have way more hours than one of my friends but he is more skilled than me and better at looping, yet I have more escapes than him.

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